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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. Right, downloaded the SSC mod and went to play. The cockpit view is fine but hte mirrors dont work (whats new).. I switched to bonnet view by pressing 'Insert' as normal only to get no bonnet, just the suspension legs and tyres


    I had a similar problem with F1's which was the steering wheel disapering whilst on in car view.


    The fix is here http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=29238



  2. There's only the Lund chassis though really that is only available on one car I think, so there's a reasonably good chance you will get the chassis you want.


    Nope, wanted either the Lund, Johnson or Smith chassis but all have already gone. Only one each of those 3 i believe


    Edit: Is it possible to use a driver that has been chosen but use a different skin for that same driver? For example the smith cars have about 4 skins for each driver?


    You can have my Lund car, really deosnt mean anything they all go the same.


    No thanks drumb, a nice offer but you've already chosen it it's only fair that you get to keep it. But it does seem a few people agree tha they don't like the way its done which im relieved about as i thought for a minute i was just being a knob? lol

  3. There's only the Lund chassis though really that is only available on one car I think, so there's a reasonably good chance you will get the chassis you want.


    Nope, wanted either the Lund, Johnson or Smith chassis but all have already gone. Only one each of those 3 i believe


    Edit: Is it possible to use a driver that has been chosen but use a different skin for that same driver? For example the smith cars have about 4 skins for each driver?

  4. After re reading my first post i think that was a bit harsh so i apologise. But i would still like to make the point that the way it is done is pretty unfair. Like i also said, i think just carrying on with the normal skin pack is the best way to do it, it's not like it requires any effort as its already ready to go!

  5. Whats wrong with using the skins that we all had throughout the normal season? I doubt that there is going to be more than 3 or 4 people who don't have a skin in the pack but want to race so i cant really see a problem with it. I just dont udnerstand why we have to use the real life skins, after all whats the point in practising with a chassis you know you dont want to use.

  6. Dean whitwell tar #195

    H24 willie peters shale


    Tbh i think this is a stupid way of doing the skins for the winter season. For those who wasnt online when the topic was posted have now got to use chassis that they dont like because the ones they want are already taken... great idea who ever thought this one up, Then again you've probably got the chassis you wanted anyway so who cares aye?

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