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Posts posted by Tosh924


    the car is nearly finished. i know its on an elite chassis, but his real car is a dk. so it will do for now. its for my own game but i will post the tx file up and drivers tx if anybody else wants it and when its complete.










  2. A couple of screens from last nights meet.











    All good fun , most of this meeting i was facing the wrong way , due to one thing or another :rofl:



    err.. if this was a meeting how come im racing there in the game on the first picture :3::3:


    didnt know i was racing last night. my car is number 8 the blue car red top thats on the left of the first pic.


    anyone just uses anybodys car now aye :011:

  3. I don't think it's way off atall, if you posted a picture of the front of both those cars above then you would see that they both have identical airvents/scoops whatever you want to call 'em and from the side view they don't look that different either. BTW Sean if you post a pic of the Moodie decal you're after I'll make it for you ;) ....even though it's for a Burgoyne car! lol



    :rofl: if you ask me it would be more suited to an fto for a start i see no external fuel tank on chris,s car nor do i see number panals going up the the 2 sides at the rear of his car. the only thing the same is the front scoop to an 06 randall.


    im supposed to be doing a real life copy of the car and it will be going on an fto chassis.



    marty says

    BTW Sean if you post a pic of the Moodie decal you're after I'll make it for you ;) ....even though it's for a Burgoyne car! lol


    remember its only a game lads :rolleyes:


  4. must have been a stripey hoodie stall nearby tho :rofl:





    which one am i then? :unsure:


    kendo aub fatdave and parky?



    the wee guy at the bottom fence in the 2nd piccy


    Jimmy wasn't at the F2 World this year Tosh...



    :rofl: i know m8, cmon then budge put us out of our misery m8ty

  5. Erm, you are trying to use the ssc.car file and it is saying you don't have it installed?


    Nout to do with tracks :blink:



    load the hotrod game files again and the skins in order and the ui file

    should work ok after that.


    imo i think you guys are a bit harsh,


    1. the guy is only 14 years old.

    2. at least he has some knowlegde of skin painting and willing to learn.

    3. he has offerd to give it to someone who may indeed be very proud of it.


    plenty folk out there that couldnt even paint as good as that 1. we all had to start somewhere


    give the kid a break :thumbs_up:

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