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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Dont know if theres any interest in this still but I have a league with a few friends in it and If people still want to join a league they are more than welcome to join.

    Theres a few press happy campers in there but its all good fun.


    Post here if interested, and if you are do u want a cup or not?


    last league game is on 8th december but im trying to work out if i can get it to end earlier but still all games played.



  2. echo everything said above, big thanks to dan and kev, but also to Johno who has been head admin of 2 leagues and done a tremendous job, :appl:


    I enjoyed this season, I had a brilliant one getting to red and winning 5 finals, albeit on tarmac tracks so the aim for next season is to improve on shale!

  3. Thanks to everyone who raced tonight, Well done to chevy on taking the final and Tosh for top scoring.


    A big thankyou to kev who was on server duty for the first time and did a grand job, cheers kev.



    Heat 1: 500 288 11 291 290 259 188 488 315 18 136 39 74 6 525 300 380 112

    Heat 2: 500 74 259 8 291 315 11 188 136 300 39 288 18 525 112 6 380 290 488

    A-Final: 11 8 136 290 291 288 259 112 315 18 500 488 6 300 380 188 525 74


    GN 1: 500 136 8 112 380 18 291 488 288 259 315 290 525 300 11 188



    34 pts 8 tosh

    33 pts 11 chevy

    29 pts 136 Kruiz

    28 pts 500 allstar

    28 pts 291 Marten

    22 pts 288 Ironmac

    21 pts 259 jimmymuk

    20 pts 290 Dazza

    16 pts 112 Tom D

    11 pts 18 marky

    10 pts 315 Sybe Racing

    7 pts 380 davey boy

    7 pts 74 razza

    5 pts 488 fatdave

    3 pts 188 Aub

    1 pts 300 Mattyaspin

    0 pts 6 pink

    0 pts 525 Maverick

    0 pts 39 LeeK


  4. Hello, Tonight we are racing at bradford tar and we will be racing "All In".


    Please be in chat by 7:25.


    Here is tonights final grid, this may change if people leave and if tosh turns up hehe.



    380 - 11



    6 - 488

    525 - 74




    300 - 18

    39 - 315




    188 - 288

    291 - 259



    290 - 136

  5. well what you on mate weed or something ive never seen guns do a skin like that ? come where have i, he never used them signs...? is it me or is it always the scottish that moan?..


    I love sibbs on the back is a bit OTT imo .....



  6. Funny.. I fail to see how any of you're comments are constructive, I also fail to see what he has done to deserve 'COMEDIANS' To take the mick, Just tell him he could improve by changing this from skin to skin, Instead of all looking the same, Don't keep digging at him Because It's just tedious, .. So if you leave a comment make it constructive if you can't manage that don't bother.


    I can quite honestly say well done to dode and i believe Bg for acctually being conrtuctive and not just being nasty about it in the process. Martin and Walker show us some world class skins go ahead please....




    marty can quite easily show u some top skins as most of his usually are.

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