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Posts posted by Simon31

  1. Thanks for those pics Vixtro, always glad of them to add to my collection!


    What a weekend of racing i was well and truely shatterd after both days and traveling 500 miles!


    Brum was a real good expericiance, learned alot, was nice to be well on the pace to with getting the bumper in and gaining postions! think i managed a 11th in the heat which wasnt bad, not sure where i was in the consi and pulled in for the GN as my stearing collumb came loose and i could feel it sliping lol,


    Taunton was good, no results as there was bearly 100 f2s there, but enjoyed the ride lol, bit of damage on the front, but can fix it lol


    Was nice to meet Kruiz, Jimmy, Mart (noe i no what he looks like lol), Pedz, think thats was it lol!




    (sorry for spelling)

  2. Good job Kruiz! what Mart said is alot better and would of saved you a bit of time!


    Update on my car = after getting all the bits we broke fixed i now have the axle etc all in and the is just about ready, just gotta fit a new brake pipe, bleed brakes and give the joints a oil up and we are done :) which ill do in the morning :) get the van sorted and we are ready lol!


    Anyone going to Brum come over and say hi (wear old gear as its only me and me old man going!) as if i wreak it need team ukdirt to help lmao!



  3. Mark, you could get a oil pressue gauge new for like £25 like mart said, Mart i didnt no it was you with stav at westworld lol, i just thought you was a freind lol! will you be at Brum on the 22nd?

    Cars all in bits now and getting fixed! mad rush to get it all done in time, but im sure me and the old man will get it done lol! be nice to meet Kruiz and i also her Jimmy is racing 2?


  4. Well done Kruiz, bit of a shame on your gearbox! when mine went was a rush for time lol, and no worries for the help for the diff!


    Anyway i also raced yesterday!


    St Day 8th Aug


    With the rain pooring down before the meeting, i felt quite confident, as i spoke to Ali p in the pits pre meeting, i said this cold be my meeting lol, yet again how wrong i was! with the car numbers down it was a 2/3rds format with 2 heats a final and a gn (with single points in the final.)


    Heat= 9th





    Heat1 went all to pot, just couldnt get into the race like i normally can and was just sliding everywhere lol!


    Heat 2, i was running high up the places in a top 5 position, went to gain another place and caught the fence which bit, and pulled me in i could get out and ripped the whole of the front corner off!


    Final= after racing around like mad to get it out, we did manage to line up with the wheels abit wonkey lol, race wasnt to bad manage to miss all the crashes, so was happy with a 9th


    GN= was a bugger lol, was running 5th until the half way stage and makeing good ground, until a red top span on the pit corner and i went to miss him by going wide, then the rest i realy dont no what happend lol, with a puncture, broke axle, snapped shock nad axle bar all damaged! had to go on on the infield!


    All in all a poor day for damage! with, a broe wishbone, bottom arm, tracking arm, shock, axle, 2 alloys, axle tie bar, broe the mounth on the fin!


    anyway, im sure we will get her fixed up! roll on Brum!



  5. Good evening lads, sorry for no updates, but ive been rushed off my trolley for the last mounth or so! with trying to keep the car up and running and keeping the misses happy!


    Any way here we go!


    Tuesday St Columb WQR 7th July!


    with me proberly doing the most laps around this track as i did race there for 6 years before, i felt quite confident going in to this one! How wrong i was!

    with 76 f2s at this meeting, i new it was gonna be carnage!


    Heat= 8th

    Final= 12th (only white top to finish the last ever f2 meeting at this track :).)

    Gn= DNS (with taunton the next day i thought it would be wise to sit this one out as i would proberly wreak it lol)


    Not a bad night, but sadly only getting 3 WQR points from this one, but made the final so was happy enough! (also 1st time i raced the ledged 218 Rob Speak!)


    Wednesday Taunton WQR 8th July!


    Not much happend in this one as in the as i slowed up for 830 Andrew Bennet who had diff problems, 38 Dave Polley gave me wack up the rear pretty dam hard lol, which done some damge the motor which left me with a miss all meeting!



    With the car still handling crap, we took it up the Jon Hardings (Motorworld) for a setup! and my god has he transformed the car, it will now go round the bends lol! and am lapping .4 quicker round taunton then i was, with still more to come from the car :D.


    And also took the car up to SRD for the rolling road just to make sure the engine was still kicking out the same horse power and she was with some minor tweaks from the man himslef!


    Taunton Speedweekend 1st and 2nd of Aug!


    With the car 10 times better, i just wanted to get used to a car what handled right lol, and get used to the yellow grade,(thanks Jimmy!) didnt get any results, but did manage to break a halfshaft lol! so alot more happier now!


    Meetings for the rest of the mounth!


    Sunday 8th St Day

    Saturday 22nd Brum (any ukdirters come say hi, and i may need a hand if i wreak the car lol)

    Sunday 23rd Taunton

    Sunday 30th Bristol

    Monday 31st Taunton


    plus the 2 i already done oon the 1st and 2nd, very very busy mounth!


    Sorry for any spelling mistakes! and if Alip has any pics please post them!





  6. Had a meeting yesterday, which was St Day's WQR my first chance to get some WQR points! Practice didnt go best seemed to be off the pace so changed a few things for the heats!



    Final= 6th



    Heat went well considering the amount of drivers and the qaulity, had a mess up on the 1st lap after missing 2nd gear and loosing about 4 places, maybe could of done a bit better if this wasnt the case!


    Final, with a big downfall of rain while we was lineing up, meesed the race up big time with most of the cars with warn tyres on, it made it very hard! luckily ive always liked the wet, and got in the lead after starting at the back of the whites by the 1st corner, and just kept pulling away, with quite a big lead, then with 7 laps to go, YELLOW flags which then put Bradbury, Moodie etc right on my rear bumper, on the drop i managed to get away and was leading for another 2 laps until Bradbury made his move, was hopeing for a top four finish, but after a hard hit from Bill Batton who i lapped earler in the race knocked wide and sideways which left me in 6th!


    14 WQR Points, Best White Award, and £60 Prize Money!


    time for St Columb tommorow!



  7. Well Done Jimmy, seem to be takeing to it now :),


    Quite a big update from me as i have done 3 meetings since my last update!


    First meeting was St Day, where we ran a 2/3rd format, in which i got 2 heats a final and a GN, in the heats!


    Heat 1= 10th

    Heat 2 = 8th

    Final= 8th

    GN= 11th


    Not a bad meeting, and was leading all of my races for atleast half of the race! Car Still handling crap lol.


    Second meeting was Taunton.


    Heat= 6th

    Final= DNF


    Heat went well, car wasnt going to bad, just tried to finish and keep in the points! which i did, the Final wasnt so good lol was running about 8th and on the last lap when 838 Matt Jeffries hit my back wheel and broke the axle and shock, so had to load her up, no GN :(


    Third meeting and this was on Sunday, we bite our lip and thought bugger it lets give Bristol ago, after doing some Setup changes, as we have decided to do it on our own now, the car was going fairly well, with a bit more luck and no yellow flags could of got some better results!



    Rookies Reward= 9th



    Final= DNF


    Happy with the day seeings ive never drove the track before, and our setup seemed alot better for me! Thanks to some advice from Speedtech!

    Also nice to meet Trav365 :)


    Got 1 pic from Bristol thanks to Thunderpix, Maybe Ali P has a few more?


    Anyway time to get ready for the 3 WQR :)






  8. Another update, Taunton on bank holiday monday, with the bangers for Crasharama, the day didnt start very well with doing about 6 laps praccy, and 29 Chad Harris blew his motor sending oil on to the top corner, i went up the straght and seen about 4 cars in the wall, and i thought "see those muppets getting tangled up in praccy" so i chucked it in the bend and straght on she went lol bending the back bumper and axle bars, must say thanks to 430 Simon Edwards and 891 Darran wade for basiclly fixing it for me as i just watched lol,



    Heat= 9th


    Final= 15th

    GN= 15th


    Heat went ok, was leading a fair bit of the race to just after the half way point, car is a bit pushy in the dry, but we think its down to we are running a heavier spring on the inside so we changed this now. 9th not the best but the car feels alot better to what it was, and the lap times show this!


    Consi, wasnt the best was 2nd for most of it but couldnt quite get it right but 6th made sure we was in the final, which is what where hopeing for at the moment!


    Final was good, was leading most of it again, but as usual leading the wrong half of the race, had 2 restarts which wasnt good when you see Bradbury, Hooper etc in your mirror lol, held on to 2nd for a while but the pack soon shoved me wide, then when i got going again i gave 812 Scott Williams a shove in to the bend which spun him out and me going into the side of him lol. never mind!


    GN= Yet again leading a fair bit of it, but not enough! was a very fast meeting, really hot weather and even with the oil on the track from the bangers it didint slow the racing down!


    Got a couple of pics from Darran Foster, Hopefully Ali p got a few, as always very thankfull for his, top quality!








    A little love tap in the GN lol



  9. Evening all, Today raced Taunton, on a very very wet day im sure Ali P would agree, But this was the best meeting for me by far, the 4 link axle has transformed the car! seemed very stable in the wet conditions and i was under control of it at all times.



    Heat= 3rd

    Final= 8th

    GN= 12th ish (not sure lol)


    The heat went perfect, was leading half of it but got caught by 2 yellows as i wasnt driveing it hard enough, thoght i had a bigger lead then i did, The final was good aswell, leading most of it again, but got caught by the train and had a good battle with the blue tops, even tho in the GN i had my worst result, it was the race i enjoyed the most, was leading it, until the yellows came out, on the restart i was leading it for another 4-5 laps but drove one bad corner which set me well wide and went back to about 12th, then we had another restart and was giveing the bumper and getting it back, had a great battle with 315 Justin Fisher and 812 Scott Williams :)


    So got best in grade and a £65 prize money, due to highest white in the final getting £50 :)


    Back keen as ever, and were finally getting somewhere!





  10. Thats ok Jimmy, what i made the thread for :) yea i will be doing brum, northampton very soon once the car is sorted!


    Mart, i really cant comment on the tyres as my car is handling right, but from what when ive used warn ones and new ones i have felt no diffrence in the slightest in the dry, but this may change once we finally sort it, im quiet freindly with 105 Ross Rowe and hes a red top and very quick one at that, and he said he just runs his tyres until they are bold, he changes the outside rear every 3 meetings as they wear quite bad, but dont be afraid to flip them around and use the rotation the wrong way as it doesnt make the slightest bit of diffrence!


    May have to miss next meeting which im gutted about, as the gearbox was well and truely mashed! only 1st gear is fine so £400 later off tran x and a big dent in the my f2 fund we should be out for the end of the mounth :(



  11. Kruiz, a 3 link axle is where you have to bars comming from the axle to the chassis, one on each side and a bar on the top of the axle in the centre, a 4 link is where you have 2 bars on each side and nothing on the top, should make the car more stable going into the bends.


    What happend to jimmy?


    found out the rattle today, my tran x gearbox has gone tits up! so ripped it out today and hopefully will be able to fix it! rather it be the box tho then the engine lol


    Scrub those tyres in mae, they dont last long on the rear lol



  12. Nice to see you out there jimmy, and Muz seems to be getting better and better every week :)


    Raced on sunday at St Day, was my worst meeting so far lol


    Heat 1= DNF, was 6th until last lap got spun and car wouldnt start.


    Consi = 9th


    Final= DNF,went in to the the 1st bend and my steering wheel came off lol and got hit by 877 Eddie Darby


    GN= DNF= was leading most of the race but herd a big rattle so pulled off as didnt want the motor to go!


    anyway for next time changing the axle and shocks, going to a 4 link axle and trying some protech shocks


    Si#31 :)


  13. Raced Taunton yesterday, pretty average day, car handling is real bad and really running out of ideas lol, getting a bit Peed off now lol,


    Anyway Results!

    Heat = 8th

    Final = 11th

    Gn= DNF


    DNF from Gn span out and a head on from 628 Chris Stephens bent the bumper back on the front wheel lol! anyway back to the drawing bord! and try and sort this car out lol!


    P.S Fantastic photos yet again Ali!, and Jon muz we was gonna do that but the way were going at the mo ild just get eaten up lol!



  14. you havnt offended me walker, just when you explain it like you do it makes perfect sence like then, after watching racing for many years since i was very young and my family has been doing it since before i was born, i have lernt that the faster racers dont need to bury people week in week out, i can see what you mean as i like hard racing but cant stand people in the fence every lap as gets boring and for people like me to expensive lol, give smith his due that was a master move lol and i would of prob done that if someone else was tangled up infront of me. :)

  15. Walker i really cant stand this "there for useing not for flashing" crap,as i am driver myself and dont really see why you see the view of if you have a bumper you can bury anyone you like? you have vailid points most times but sometimes i think what aload of S**T, bumpers are there for racing not fencieing! as alot of people i wasnt there, and cant really comment on it.

  16. Had my 3rd meeting of 2009 on sunday at St Day, where the racing was very very fast. made big progress with the car as it was no longer pushing on but very taily now lol but think we may have cracked it for taunton on easter monday!


    Anyway my results!

    Heat= 10th





    Not the best of days, with only getting 2 points, but hopefully after Taunton the results should be alot better :) was leading the cons until 5 laps to go, and half the final even got a mention on the austospeed site :) Still keen as ever.



  17. Ali that pic is great, thank you very much! lee my motor is pretty quick, just with the car handling preety poo out of the bends it was hard to get a good run off, up the garage tommorow and have a play, for St Day next week, loads more to come from the car but as they say rome wasnt built in a night, should slowly get there, but really enjoying it and as keen as ever lol!

  18. 2nd meeting today, at taunton very warm, bloody quick and lots of big names!


    Heat= 8th

    Final= 11th



    3 points and £5 points money lol, real happy as there was over 50 F2s there today and nerly all of the big names were down ie Bradbury etc, no damage just a bent bumper lol, was leading the gn for a while but the dreaded restarts soon put an end to that! car still pushing on comming out of corners but makeing small and steady progress :)

  19. James, i dont think many can help as what youve tried it what most would sugest, maybe bowwow someones mouse for the evening and see if it happens again?

    sorry for my spelling its late and just worked 10 hours lol



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