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Posts posted by Simon31

  1. As there is 4 ukdirters racing f2s this season Myself, Kruiz, Ironmac and Mart, thoght i would start a thread just to show how were getting on!


    ill start the ball rolling!


    St Day

    Heat- 5th


    GN -DNF


    Happy with the 1st meeting with getting 5th in the heat, car was handling auful for me round st day but managed to make small progress for the GN! thanks to our very own Cabs! on the plus side even with the car not handling the best and never drove the track before was delighted to see i was only .4 off Bill Battons pace! And the DNFs were in the final i caught the fence on my own merit and wreaked the bumper and GN 76 Chris Rowe drove over my car and then with a little love tap from 38 Dave Polley which didnt help as i had a punture sent me in lol, came out smiling tho :)




  2. A massive well done Kruiz, car looks 100 times better then it did :) think i lost count on the amount of times you said to me on msn "Friggin Rain"! lol,


    All the best for 2009 and rember just enjoy it.



  3. no one is having ago walker just having a laugh and some points made are very good points, the wing isnt that heavy i can easlily shift it on my own (even tho it is old, it was sarah bowdons old fin), Jay dont have a f2 fin on may make you look out of place lol,


    oooo and if anyone whats to give me some free tyres just send em down lol



  4. Walker ill pm you my address and you can order me one and pay and you just send it down lol! the fin looks fine imho now its got some nice signwrting! thanks for the kind words, really did put a smile on mine and my old mans face yesterday as we have done alot to the car and see it go round was real nice to see, not one of these rich people who can order one and just drive it lol, basiclly me, my dad, my cousin and uncle did all the work and a close freind of ours stuck her on the scales and set her up, and she was handling perfect for me, and got her reving at well at the end of the day!



  5. Went praccy yesterday, car was sgoing very well got the handling in the wet spot on for my driving style, 1st meeting is the 8th march at St Day, if any ukdirters see me round the race tracks come and say hi ( unless you wanna hit me lol)





  6. although it'd be wrong if you didn't plant Si231 (f2 31) if you two get to the same meets!....in fact, think of the cheer on the backstraight of NIR!!!


    love you to kendo lol


    updates please mart always good to a build of car!


  7. i dont think its regonising the router, but it used to work fine with vista when i got it from pc world, i have wiped it and stuck xp straght on. im pretty dumb with pcs so any help you can give me would be great!




  8. afternoon all, just had my pc wiped from vista (pooo!) and it wont connect to the net when i install my internet disc! my freind reakons the motherbord doesnt regonise this! its XP Pro, maybe i need service pack 2?


    Sorry for the spelling!



  9. Hello all starting a new thread for this, instead of the uploading in the Rebuild one i made! would like to say thanks to all whats helped me get this ready, they no who they are! i must say i am very proud of this as ive never done anything like this before! ill stop babbling on now and heres the shots of her ready to do battle, would like to say thanks samways signs for a fantastic job on the car! sorry pics are a bit blurry ill upload better ones when i have them.






  10. lol Spud, After tonight the bonnet is nerly done should be finished by tommrow night, got the bottom panels done, so just left to now is finish the bonnet, make the back panel and a small panel at the front then paint, so if all goes to plan should be done and ready for paint by Sunday night!



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