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Posts posted by Tugs647



    Thanks all for you congratulations.


    As you may guess I am a very happy lady at having a nice bit of bling bling on my finger, Dave on the other hand not so happy at his wallet being lighter. But guess I must be worth it. ;)


    Is there going to be a first with a UKDirt wedding I hear some of you say? ...........well hmmm we'll just have to wait and see. One step at a time!


    Thanks again all


    Tracey and Dave




    If you follow this link: http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=4685&st=30


    You will see that you pledged to send money to me post #40 and then you replied "sorted" a couple of posts down, so to me that means you were sending some money.


    Just going by who posted what, and who hadnt paid up when I named and shamed.



    I will remove peoples names when I recieve money, thats fair I think, I have been waiting nearly 2 months after all.

  3. I'm sorry it has had to come to this but I have been left with no choice........


    I am still due sponsorship money from the following people :3:



















    Some have been in touch with regard where to send payment to etc but i have still to recieve it, please get in touch with me asap and i'll give details for sending cheque or will give account details for bank transfer.


    Please dont let me down any further than you already have lads. :unsure:




  4. I told Tugs lots of times not to leave you stuck out in that freezing cold garage all evening.


    Lmao Big Al, He has already used that one to blame me thanks!!!


    Little Update on him....


    He is looking better today but still not anywhere near perfect, problem is in both his lungs now too not just one. But will know more tomorrow when doctor sees him.

    He wants home though as he is hating it, his ward "friends" are mostly twice his age plus, and the nurses...... well he calls one king kong if thats anything to go by, rofl. They not nice at all. Poor fella.



  5. Thanks for all the kind words guys i will pass them onto Dave.


    He is being kept in for for now, they have not said how long. He is better than he was although not great, but he's in right place. It is a problem with his right lung, and they are still investigating.


    As for his nurses they not that much of a pretty sight, much to his disappointment, lmao.


    Thanks again guys, will keep you up to date when i can.


    Must dash about to go back up to hospital.



  6. Big Thanks to all who sponsored me, but there are a few that are still to put there hands in their pockets.

    I have asked nicely already.........now time to shout..........




    Come on guys i know its near xmas, but it wasnt when i raced and you agreed to sponsor me! PM me for details to send it too.


    Thanks to those who have alreay sent it to me  2.gif



  7. Thank you for your kind words Craig  rolleyes.gif


    Although the comments about bruises well................ less said the better there i think  rofl.gif  5.gif  5.gif





  8. A very big thanks to Dave for getting the car ready for me to race, not only did he spend numerous (freezing cold) nights in the garage on the run up to the meeting, but also on the night itself. Big Big Thanks  thumbup.gif  appl.gif

    How many roast dinners to i owe him now??? I may be in the kitchen for a long long time!!!!

    Also Thanks to Team Ford F2#136 for loan of van to get car there!


    My time on track didnt quite go as planned, although i did get pole position which i wanted.  steeringwheel.gif  I got into the lead on lap 1, came out of turn 4 and got a little out of shape, and some how spun out, got it started straight away and raring to get back out, only to find that the throttle cable had snapped.    mad.gif  banghead2.gif  sad.gif

    So that was the end of that.......after a few minutes of shutting abuse at myself i decided to watch the rest of the ladies race from the delights of the cab. There was a few hairy moments when some of them came very close to hitting to me, deep breaths were taken!!! I didnt have a clue who was where or anything, next thing red flags were out and a tractor had appeared behind me to push me off track. Dave appeared running across track, no doubt wondering what i'd done to the car. Got back into the pits to my awaiting people and the emotions got the better of me. I can be a right woman when i want to be!! lmao. But thank you guys you did your best to cheer me up  thumbs_up.gif

    So aswell as the numerous roast dinners i now owe Dave, i'll have to invest in another throttle cable too!


    Big Thanks to all you guys who sponsored me, its most appreciated, good job i wasnt sponsored per lap, or i'd have nothing,  rofl.gif  rofl.gif

    Also thanks to Crasher for managing the sponsorship  thumbup.gif


    All i need now is for those who havent paid up to get there money to me please asap as i need to hand it over by sunday coming. PM me for details.




    Some pictures can be found on www.bwplive.com.


    Thanks again everyone!


  9. This time next week guys............


    I will be already and waiting for the race to be called at Sheffield !!!!


    Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me  2.gif

    Need to get the money in now though as the race is close, so if your not coming to Sheffield to witness me on the shale, then i would appreciate it if you could send the money onto me or to crasher.


    Thanks again all of you and if your at Sheffield next week, come into the pits and say hello  thumbup.gif


    "Miss 329 racer for the day"  steeringwheel.gif




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