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Dragon 428

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Posts posted by Dragon 428

  1. Glad you like it Frits

    The 3rd picture is indeed the best one ;)

    Looks good on the site.


    Congrats to Job for a cracking race last sunday at Sint Maarten. Well deserved drive in the final



  2. I had a little go at it and came up with the following.

    I don't think the black or light blue outline around the car looks good.

    I have come up with a slithly different idea where the dust being is being kicked up behind the car. It makes the pictures less stationary and reveales more of the action.

    Just choose which one is best.








  3. Here is a list of project sparky said that he was working on as posted by him on this forum


    Sparky's projects:

     new and improved Cowdenbeath

     quote from Sparky " I have no experience at track making and i also don't have the desired program for it, but if I do get the desired program Crimond is at the top of my list"

     saloon stockcar build in Z-mod but still waiting to get it into the game

     Peter Falding F1 car

     some Dutch F1 car (silver coloured car)

     planning to go into Prostocks, but still needing to learn to drive

     attempt at modeling a Prostock for the NI League, but still needing help how to get the pillars into an angle.

     painted shale car for the 2006 season, but still not paid for Jolt.

     a more realistic RCE F2 model instead of the crappy thing I have made

     releasing a Ministox skinpack, once he has a few more done

     building the F2 from Alan Bunter only for this quote to end " I need to make the template first. it is pretty complicated so I will keep you posted on updates, everything should be easy enough to map apart from that bonnet which is harder because it is rounded". (posted on 2nd of February) We are still waiting Sparky

     20th of January, "I have mapped the McLoon, so that may be racing the tracks soon"

     another quote from Sparky " What's wrong with a screenshot?? Rendering takes a lot of peoples time up. Just stick the car in the game and take a screenshot from the game and stick it on here. It's alot Easier than getting a render mate." Why go into fight about the rendering of models when you say yourself that there is nothing wrong with a screenshot?

     starting the real life skin of Dutch F2 racer Geert Jan Keijzer and not finishing it. Reason: no pictures of left hand side and backpanel. If you wanted it to finnsh Sparky, you would have mailed the guy in question for more pictures

     stating in various posts that you are planning to come back to UK dirt and race in Jolt, though still we haven't seen you.

     some kind of Stockcar Magazine for UK Dirt F1's and F2's with the quote from Sparky "hoping to make this a monthly thing", we are still waiting…..

     quote from Sparky 25th of June 2005 " I have many models/meshes on the go but until Ii get a working version of max 3 won't be able to finish them.". Well seeing as you can do renders nowadays, what holds you back in releasing all your models?

     A F2 model posted in the same thread as when I released the Elite Evolution car 23rd of June 2005

     27th of December 2004 " I've been wanting to make an updated version of the saloon mod for offline use but what I want to do is increase the size of the cars. At the moment they are smaller than ministox heat, formula ones and f2's aswell. They need to be a larger size. About the size of the bangers. But I can't modify physics. I am also working on a few new chassis aswell. A 3-door sierra, 4 door sierra and a Capri"

     quote from Sparky "I like to keep people updated with my progress with certain models".

    Looking at the list above, there is loads in which we are very interested in to see how much progress you have made.


    Sparky, you are always amazed why we bring up the "new" Cowdenbeath track you are still making one day. Once you have read the above quotes and project you have been working on, try to tell us how many of these project have actually been finished and brought out for us? The above list is only a few parts of what has been posted by you on the forum of Kev, I haven't even looked on the "old" RCS forum.


    Maybe, just maybe you might now understand why we are so critical when you say that you are "working on a project". You say so many things of stuff you are working on that we have lost count and every time you don't show up with any results.


    The only thing I could see what you have finished (for the game) is an update for the F2 game, consisting of 3 skins. Only 1 skin was made by you. I am not sure if one of the saloons you planned to build has reached the actual SSc game, but if so, that would be the 2nd project you have finished.


    Good luck with your porject :042:



  4. Photoshop has never been a text program and therefor has never been great with text in a file in general.

    Throughout the years new versions of Photoshop had improved text tools but it's still far from great.


    Do you have your text setting set to "smooth" (top menu when you click on the text tool?). There are 4 different settings. ! is with the hard pixels edge and the others are to smoothen up the edges of the text.

    Look at this option first. If you have already done so, I can only wish you luck as it'll be damn hard.


    You could go and use Adobe Indesign.

    Indesign is a DTP (Desk Top Publishing) programm which can combine pixel picture with vector text and gets used by porfessional DTP company's.


    On the other hand Adobe Illustrater is vector orientated and you can insert a pixel image without any problems. Insert the image there, and do the design/layout with Illustrator. As Illustrator is vector orientated, you'll get hair sharp text, outlines, shapes, etc. etc.



  5. I'm sorry dragon mate but as I always do, I have to disagree, would an f2 be allowed to race without those parts in the back of the car?, they would not, those parts to me, come before adding anny stupid fancy suspension that is not even necessary for online racing. I spent about 10 mins tonite, and imo, made the rce alot more realistic:S, it's as simple as that.




    Great stuff, a reply from you again.

    With what you write above it just indicates how unaware you are of things.

    You say that without the part you would like to see added to the car, the car wasn’t allowed to race in the real world. That could be very right. You say that the stupid suspension parts are not necessary for on-line racing, you are correct again. But then again seeing it through your eyes, it would mean that without the suspension parts, the car wouldn’t even be able to move it around in the garage in real world.

    In fact, taking it to the extreme, why do we even put a wing, steering wheel, rollcage, undercarriage etc. etc on the model for the game? As that is also not necessary for on-line racing? You are trying to push me in the corner but you can’t even get your arguments right.


    Lmao@ my adjusted RCE model. I can only assume that in those 10 minutes, you have partly remapped the car, made the LOD’s, (maybe even adjusted the template) and tested the car in the game. Oh wait, you wanted to add those 2 bars in the back of the car plus a number plate right? Ah yes that defiantly make the car 1000 times more realistic as it does is. Because currently people are doing their heads in guessing what F2 chassis it might be as it has zero reflection to a real life F2 chassis (is it a Randall, a Higgy, a DK build, damn I don’t know what it is). But wait, I saw the same model with an added numberplate and now I can see what it is, it’s a Bunter build........

    Yes it’s so damn easy to adjust a model, makes you wonder why I don’t like it that people crack a .car file eh? I can hardly wait to see the adjusted RCE though as it’ll be an eye opener for me and maybe can learn from it what I am doing wrong.


    Dragon (come on Sparky, I know you want to reply)


    p.s. sorry to hijack the thread Tombo


  6. Jarry, you have hit the nail on the head m8 and I couldn't have said it any better. That's the perfect explanation of what the whole fuss is about.


    Ah Sparky my little boy. It's just so funny to read what you write down that it gives me even more energy to put a reply down (and hope you reply to it).

    I said it before and will do again. I have never pretended that my models are 100% perfect in comparison to the real life cars. You as a "modeler wannabe" should know that it's impossible to get a copy of a real life car exactly the same in the game. This because we are stuck to the wheel base and tracking from the cars. This defines the size of the general shape of the car as well (have a good think about that one before you reply and maybe, just maybe you'll understand what I am saying, though I doubt it). Yes you can chance it to match the real life car, but it would mean changing the physics and that way creating a car that might be better or worse to drive then any other car, and that's not the idea behind the cars used for the league.

    Like Travel says, the RCE model isn't based on Gordon Moodie's 2006 car so there is no way you can compare those two.

    You are right about the empty spaces, but you are wrong that it's essential stuff for the car. Essential stuff for the car is getting the general shape right, making sure that the scoop is fitted on a car, shape and position of a fuel tank, those are essential stuff. A missing gap inside of the car doesn't change the shape of the car and it's recognition that it's a Higgy, Randall etc. etc.


    I am not shooting the kid down, I just say that the render is awefull.




  7. Thing is dragon ive only had 3dmax a little wile

    Yup that's exactly what the majority have as an excuse who are "just" into 3D Max. I think one of my posts in an other thread refers to that. Have a read here


    and i have never seen you put i nice post

    If you take the chance to have a closer look in my 1st post in this thread then you can read that I start with saying something nice. And I quote myself "The game screenshots are ace, which makes the skin stand out a lot (nice skin)" That looks to me as I post something nice right?


    up you always moan, you cant just say like renders are cool and say a few tips! just coz you have been doing it alot longer than me, and you probz wernt rendering when you was my age, i can change my wheels if you will knidly send me some ;) other whys my renders will be the same until i find some wheels, but i have seen alleys like that on a f2 be for. :thumbs_down:



    be nice to some one day!



    cheerz tombo

    Beleive me Tombo, I have given more then enough tips to anybody who asked for it.

    No I didn't render when I was 13, I had far more better things to do like doing my homework.

    I understand that you are only 13 years of age, but it took me over 6 times to understand what you wrote down there. Please try typing in a way that it is still readable for everyone and not just that MSN crap. Kev could you add a spell checker to this forum? lol

    There are a few people in this thread that just can't type normal readable English (at least I have an excuse, lol)


    Dragon your so stuck up ur own a*** you think your to good for every1 eles. ok you made some good moddles but every1 learnes some were!



    I have NEVER ever said that I am better then anyone else or that I am too good for everyone else. Nah I am not stuck up my behind, otherwise I couldn't type this replyt? Yes everyone has to learn Tilly. I only said that I didn't like the renders and that they are awefull, period.

    The rest that I wrote was a comment I made for the render people in general. I did not refering to Tombo in any way.


    But he isnt right. I Thoguht You people were supposed to be more maturer than kids but i dont think that uz are cos some of u act like 10 Year olds!!!


    As tilly said dragon is stuk up his A** and some of are behind him

    That's youre opinion and I respect that Martwisely


    but thing is cunny he is never polite

    Lol, thats a funny one. What isn't polite about being honest? You tell me?


    So in fact I am not entitled to my opinion to say that I don't like something? It's almost like creating youre own death penalty when someone posts that he doesn't like the look of something. Comments are more then welcome, but they have to be positive ones, otherwise you get shot down.

    I don't expect people to agree with my views or what I say. But if they do thats their choice. But looking at a few posts here, even those people agreeing aren't allowed to say that they agree.


    Dragon :042:

  8. The game screenshots are ace, which makes the skin stand out a lot (nice skin).


    The renders are awefull and are far from a credit to the skinpainters work.


    I just don't understand why some folk/children still think that:

    A) mickey mouse wheels look good in a render

    B) put different wheels on the car that have zero to do with F2's

    C) they have got the wheelbase and tracking spot on (which is not the case)

    D) cars always stand on floors made from a mirror



  9. Evenough I can't make any sence out of everything H10 writes on this forum I'll try to reply.

    The 007 skin (made by me) from 2004 is available as a .tex file in the free to download game Brisca Heat 2005.

    FBF's post is spot on "you got no chance of getting it then".

    The TGA or PSD file from that car are NOT available


    Dragon :thumbs_up:

  10. Just want to say that the problem is finaly solved.

    A complete format of my harddrive and new install of windows plus the graphix card drivers has fixed it.

    Graphix card is now working superb :)

    Still in the process of putting all things back on the PC again, but luckily that isn't that much

    Thanks to all who have tried to help me or gave advice




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