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Dragon 428

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Posts posted by Dragon 428

  1. Don't want to get involved too much as the years before so I just thought I'd copy and paste CLICK HERE THIS here. From what I have read on the separate forums here and there it seems that still a couple of questions from last year are the same as the ones to this years questions. Makes me wonder if last years questions ever have been answered (I know that some have never been answered, still got the list)??? I agree that also some questions raised in the "old" thread have been answered and solved.


    Admin, see for yourself what you want to answer but the point of this post is to have a look at the questions that were raised last year and are raised this year again. For them being raised for the 2nd year running must mean that they are important to the members?


    Dragon pokey.gif

  2. Just got back in from a weekend seeing tarmac racing around the NIR oval.

    Cracking weekend with some superb races. I was delighted to see the new Frankie Wainman Senoir car and it looked to go well in practise friday. Little downer when he got out on track for the WF in the Ivan Pritchard tarmac car.

    WF race was crap but it was the win from Frankie junior that made up the boring race.


    Brat is spot on with his comments about FWJ taking time for pictures, talking to people etc. etc. And what happened on the Saturday night when the majority of people were gone was hostory in the making (see attached pic).



    Enough things that made the weekend but seeing H24 being send off and spitting his dummy by loading up his F2's and F1 was mostly entertaining. Like Bev Greenhalf said in his explaination to what happened "nobody makes his own rules"




    p.s. AV ITTTTTTTT, Trav wink.gif



  3. 2) A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

    There is this programm on Discovery channel that is called "mythbusters" and they research a lot of these myths. They did research the duck's quack and indeed it doesn't echo.

    But they did find out why it didn't echo. It seems that it has something to do with the quack from the duck being some sort of an echo itself. Therefor when the duck quacks, it's sound vibrations seem to neutrolise the echo when it should bounce back  coffee.gif


    I'll get my coat now



  4. I have to say I was a little disappointed about the amount of Dutch F2 drivers. It was good to see about 20 cars on track.

    What I didn't understand is H24 driving 2 different cars at the meeting? 1st heat he raced that bright yellow car and heat 2 and final he races that golden car. I thought this wasn't allowed?

    Anyway here a schot from the new Elite Evo from Chris Roots 677 at Posterholt.

    Picture is at it's original size for those that would like a desktop of it wink.gif




  5. Psyko.

    Plz trust me but we have been looking for all type of things to improve Brisca Heat and yes we thought about the car manager as well. But you have too keep in mind that there are people who don't know about UK Dirt. How the hell are you going to explain a young un how the car manager works. Joe public needs to have a simple game which is there for fun and resembles real life cars. If he needs to start messing around with swapping drivers.txt or .car files then I think would go the wrong way.

    It is definatly NOT timew for Brisca Heat II as BH 2005 has been released at the end of last year.

    The different chassis in the game were choosen so that the people have  amore variaty of cars for in the game and would not only see 1 type of chassi in the game. We think that different chasiss are much better to have in the game then all the same chassis.

    The 24 different chassis limit is something that's packed into the game and we can't do anything about it

    I think it's nice that you want to have different things but once again, the game is there for a couple of years now (4 or so?) and I think we can safely say that we have been through the whole game inside and out to see what we can do with it for improvement for Brisca Heat



  6. Not being a big Baarlo fan but what I did like was the way they drove the control car infront of the F1's (or any other formula)

    Exit turn 4 and the control car was flat out speeding up while the starter in the boot waved the green flag. Full speed on to the infield with the starter holding on to the "rollcage" in the boot as good as he could (he wasn't strapped in). Then went on to the infield grass and a 180 and in some cases a 360 turn was done (keep in mind the the starter was still in the boot, this would make me seasick). By the time the F1's were on the backstraight the starter would walk over from the infield to the starters rostrum and would run the rest of the race.

    I don't know what speeds they were doing when they went flat out on the infield, must be something about 50 miles/hr or even more. With that speed going on grass, hitting a few bumps and performing a 180 degrees turn was a wicked sight to see



  7. I try to put the list down in the order how it needs to be done:


    - 1st you post a message on UK Dirt forum what program is used for the renders

    - then you ask how renders are made

    - then you ask for some 3d models

    - you start opening a modeling program for the 1st time and asks "how do I get the model in the modeling program?"

    - you give it an hour to try but give up soon enough

    - you post a message for some help with getting the model in the modeling program

    - you get on-line help and it works

    - you try again for an hour or so to see how to put the skin on the model

    - post a question on the forum again

    - no answer after 10 mins yet and starting to get worried as this is very important!

    - you realise youre posts are in the wrong thread but decide to leave it as it is

    - still no reply after a day, you are very worried now

    - in the meantime you are about to throw the PC out of the window as the damn program doesn't do what it should do and thats create renders (on the screen it all looks so easy). It was all just a click on the button?

    - you finaly get a reply which says "read some tutorials 1st"

    - you realise "bugger I havent thought about that" but no way I am going to search and read all that stuff. I'd rather ask and let it all be served on a plate as it's way easier

    - you think "maybe I should have started with the tutorial stuff at the beginning". But then you realise the stuff is hard to find on the net (google search is always a tough one to use anyway)

    - then some UK Dirt member replies and tells you all about how it's done on MSN

    - you got youre model rendered including a couple of other "problems" with the program

    - a week later you have youre own website saying "bla bla bla designs" and doing renders for each and everybody. This as you are the only one who is able to make the renders

    - in the mean while you keep that MSN fella that helped you very very close, just in case something goes wrong

    - a couple of weeks later a new guy post something like the 1st line in the above list. You are the 1st to jump onto the scene and tell him all about it.

    - oh eck, you realise you haven't read it anywhere or wrote stuff down and the best you can do is "well I got some help of....." resulting in that you can't help the guy at all


    To cut the above story short.

    For things like youre question there are books written and stuff published on the internet. It isn't just a case of a couple of words and that way you know how it is all done. It'll take at least about an A4 page to explain it to you properly how it is done including all the problems you might face and need to be solved. You need to realise that asking a question like that is asking like "I got an engine all in pieces, how do I put it together?"


    This is nothing against you Tilly, but the above story is a general story that is aimed at a lot more people. When I use the word "you" in it, it is meant for you as a reader of this story and you as on of the people who recognise themselves in the story.



  8. 1st, sorry for the long write up, lol


    Must have been halfway 2000 that I came across a Aussie website (Ratbag) that had a developed the Sprintcar racing game DTRSC. Great news, finally a Sprintcar game something I was very surprised with but was eager to have a go at that as I am normal not really interested in PC games. Downloaded the demo which had 3 tracks and was hooked from the off to the game. I raced it for months.

    The game itself wasn't available in Holland and tried to import it. But after a month I did find a PC store that sold it. It had to be ordered but they sold it. Bought it, installed it and raced off line. With great pleasure.

    I don't know how but I saw the webpage of Jimbob with his skins. That’s the 1st time I saw the Sprintcars with the UK Stockcar skins on it. This must have been somewhere at the end of 2000. Found a link on that website to UK Dirt. Read all the stuff about a league etc. but I wasn't sure if on-line racing was something for me. I decided not to join the league, though I saw the 1st Dutch guy who was signed in which was Edman.

    I raced the DTRSC off-line for months having downloaded all the UK skins for the game. I followed the UK Dirt website a little and tried to keep up to date with all the new skins and tracks. When the new F1 chassis was released I got that and raced that for some time, learned a lot about how to set the car up etc. as well. It wasn't until May or June 2001 that I decided to have a try with on-line racing. I had already contacted Edman to see what he thought it was like. By now I had painted my 1st skin on my own. When I joined UK Dirt I brought a whole set of Dutch F1 skins to add to the game (still got those skins and boy are they bad, lol). 1st race Thursday night and boy what a rush it was. Hooked from day one I joined and the rest is history.

    When we switched over to Nascar Heat I was skeptical about the move to the new game and didn't like it at all. By that time I had helped Moz creating a whole package of skins (together with a few others) for it's 1st Brisca Heat release. I still remember spending about my whole vacation doing those skins. When the move was made to Nascar Heat I also moved house and when I had everything done I got myself broadband (till that time I ran 56K from Holland and to say that Warp and Lag were bad over that distance, is an understatement, lol). Downloaded Brisca Heat, drove it and threw it away again. Sorry but that game was undriveable so I decided to stick to DTRSC which was still running at that time (think it were winter series). I promptly won my 1st final in DTRSC at the Knockhill track. Knockhill was a corker of a track in DTRSC, the hairpin was perfect for the do or die moves. With a bit of luck you could hit someone so hard that he flew out of the track (the model of the track that is).

    But the decision was made that Brisca Heat was the game to go I moved with it, still hating the game.

    Got graded yellow as in the testing servers I wasn't that good with keeping control over the car, hence my yellow roof on the UK Dirt T-shirt made back then. From there on it all developed to what UK Dirt is now. Made a lot of new friends over here but in the UK as well.




    p.s. for those interested in the history of Brisca Heat/UK Dirt have a look at JB/s website. There is an interview with Moz, the original creator of Brisca Heat.


    p.p.s one of the best memories I had about the DTRSC days was my almost 1st final win at Crewe. Crewe was an awesome track where, like been said earlier, the groove was very close to the fence and you had to get it spot on to be fast. Leading the race for the last 4-5 laps and thinking "man this might be my 1st final win". With 2 to go warp started to happen and I tried to avoid the cars so altered my racing line. Last lap, still warp but just a few seconds away from victory. Cars were flying all over the place. Cominbg out of turn 4 with the finish in sight, BAM !!!, a car landed on top of me coming from nowhere, which send me skywards. When I got back on my wheel the finish was a few feet away and ended well down the results. At that time is was part of the package and you could get very angry about it. But looking back at it now, those day were imo the best days UK Dirt has ever had. The late night servers, chatting to others who are Stockcar fans as well, joining a league, this was to good to be true, but it was true.

  9. It does differ from the other cars in the game. It has a different style of nerf rails. It is different bonnet and other things


    If you go that route Sparky, then you can better build about each car that is out there as they all have differences. Look at it in the larger picture and you'll se that the general lay-out from the Falding car is more or less the same then cars that we have in the game already. Why you think the 434 and 152 cars are painted on the FWJT chassis? Have a look at what MOR does with the 21 car. I think it's a good skin on the right chassis. Yes the real life car doesn't have the sidepods but everyone who sees the car recognises it as the 21 car and that's what it is about




    p.s. oh about that model, a vacuüm cleaner wont add anything to the game m8

  10. ps. Dragon would you maybe finish off the falding machine so that we can get that in game. There is already a template for it. It's just so that it can be included in bh and ukdirt. plus you could paint the skin if you wanted;)


    No, not going to finnish that one. Even if it would get finnished I don't think it would be part of the game. The Falding tarmac car doesn't add anything to the game. yes another chassis but it itsn't particulary different then for instance the BriscaN car. Paint the skin on a BriscaN chassis and you got the car ready. Only thing missing is the front wing but that's not a big problem.

    If a new car would be added then 1st there need to be thought of which other car should leave the game and secondly the new car for the game should differ from the "normal" cars that are already out there.

    As you might know we have now reached the maximum limit on .car files that can be used in Brisca Heat 2005. We have already deleted 2 old .car files so that the new BriscaN and BriscaNS cars could be included.



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