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Dragon 428

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Posts posted by Dragon 428

  1. Does any of you folk out there have any webspace to host the New Zealand Heat game?

    I got a little webspace of my own but isn't good/big enough to host the file.

    I still have to work out what all is needed for the file so I can't tell how big the file is going to be. At the most it'll be about a 90Mb download but I am sure it can be brought down to less then that.

    So if anyone has some free space could you please get in contact with me?



    I got everything almost finnished. I received some pictures from DirtNZ today so I can finnish off the menu screens, wrap the game up into 1 downloadable file and find some webspace.



  2. Vroom vroom, bleep bleep. Any news on this topic? (little reminder for Admin of their "things to do list")


    And in addition to the question. We are running without a chairman for a couple of weeks now (months?). Any news on this topic? Can the members have their saying/vote in that, can members be brought forward for chairman?



  3. Well I thought it was a wrong post but luckily I solved the error.


    Thanks to MOR for having a keen eye on a screenshot that I posted earlier in this thread. He noticed that there was no shadow underneath the car. Took some time to solve it but in the end I got there. Not only did I get a shadow back, but I have also learnd to make a different shadow underneath the car. If you take a closer look at the screenshot you'll recognise the shape of the NZ stockcar in the shadow. At the mometn in other games we have a "boxed" shadow. So I got 2 for the price of 1. Once again thanks to help from a couple of friends, we tricked the problem and added a little extra to it.




    edit: I am trying to get this type of shaddow done for Brisca Heat 2005 as well. It'll be adjusted with a patch by AndyG. The original instalation file will include this patch though, so new people will have the proper shadow right away.


  4. Thanks for the compliments DirtNZ, have to say I am well chuffed to hear that from a NZ guy who knows what NZ stockcars are and look like.

    I havent got a proper signwriting program either but I do have Photoshop, which can do magic’s at times. Being a bit handy with it is helpful as well.

    The in car view I have is comparable with the ones that we already have in the Brisca stockcars mod. Nothing special but it does the job for those that use this view.


    Yes some pictures would be very welcome. I need about 15 pictures. Pits pictures are good as well. If you please could zip them up and send them to removespamjeroen.heijmans@home.nl (please remove the “removespam� bit before mailing). Of course a mention in the thank you list is the least I can do for the pictures.


    Last but not least, that’s a top reply that you give. I can think of guys that would have replied in a comeplete different way. Top marks for that !!! appl.gif


    Dragon thumbup.gif

  5. I get the impression you are mainly building this mod for us UK & Dutch guys on UK Dirt to have fun with, rather than to produce something for the "experts" over in NZ to use?


    That'll do for me, fella.  thumbup.gif


    Thats exactly what it is tended to be Big Al, couldn't say it any better



  6. Dragon 428


    Whats going on??? Stockcar Heat is way betta and slowly getting there....

    ur chassis look nothing like it nor paintjobs


    Well you got my attention, thats for sure.

    I am not saying that New Zealand Heat is better then any other game based on New Zaland stockcars.

    My chassis looks nothing, well youre probably right then as by the loks of it, you know what you are talking about. At least I got an excuse that I am a normal Dutch guy that has never seen real NZ stockcars in the flesh, whats youre excuse?


    As for the paintjobs, yes they are indeed crap. They arent as good as the cut and paste method that, by the looks of it, you or DirtNZ use.


    Just to clear it up. I build the car for the fun of it and that some people in UK Dirt are awaiting that NZ stockcar game for a long long time. For some reason the game just doesnt get released. Website from the game are out of date so it looks like the whole project is stuffed in the freezer.

    I wasn't realy planning to make a new mod, but after a question about this in this forum there was indeed a need for it.


    But as you say "you slowly getting there". Well that slowly is something I hope to have ready within 2-3 weeks, maybe even earlier.


    Dragon 2.gif

  7. www.pnspeedway.co.nz  Just ask them if you can use the pictures of their site. i'm sure they will let you use their pictures if it's for the use of the mod.





    Sparky, those pictures are nice but arent the required file size 1024x768. If you rake a good read as well you'll find out that the pictures that are shown can be ordered i.e. you'll have to pay for.

    As for the part of chassis and stuff, what are you talking about?

    The template will be released when the mod comes out. Otherwise I got people all asking me to do some renders of the car as they want to check out their paint sheme.


    DaveW, it would be great to have a selection of pit pictures and if possible some track shots and action shots. That way I can make a good selection.


    If you got a few, drop me a mail at removespamjeroen.heijmans@home.nl



  8. If we were going to run a fun race league to make racing fun there ust ned to be rules as I don't really like the way bl racing is done as you could just get taken out every lap and oppos all the time and I think it would be a bit of a waste. Only my opinion right enough but what the hell.





    I am sorry Sparky, but then I think this type of racing is nothing of youre liking. Oppo's and infield take out's are not allowed if I am right.

    The Sunday Night Thunder action (and Brisca Legends) are maybe the best examples for the NZ type of racing.

    Nice screenshot, do you have the game installed on youre harddrive? I have had a little look at that website where all those chassis are (link somewhere mentioned in this thread) and it looks ok. It is hard to see the differences between the chassis as some have a bigger bonnet then others or so, but not major differences.

    There are some differences between DirtNZ and my models, though not much. Attached I have put some sort of comparison screenshot and try to spot the differences.


    Progress for the game so far:

    - I got a name now for it: New Zealand Heat

    - The cars and physics are ready and the main differences in physics from the "normal" shale cars are: tracking of rear wheels is narrowed and the wheelbase is narrowed (from 100 to 96). Both changes will have some effect to the driving of the car but not in a way that you feel that the car is completely different to drive. You might now be a tad slower or faster then the shale car (havent tested this).

    - Currently I am waiting for a few pictures that I can/may use for the menu screens. The main lay-out for the menu's is done

    - Painted 3 dummy skins for the 3 type of cars that are in the game. These cars will come with the release of the game and can be used to start with untill a driver has it's own custom skin (pictures of the cars are in the gallery section)


    So it's not much left to do but it all depends a bit on how soon I can get some pictures. And for those that want to help with this. I don't want website rip off pictures as I want to have permission from the website owner to use them. Best picture size to use is 1024x768 pixels.

    Then it's packing it all together into 1 file and find some webspace to host it. If anyone is willing to host the file would be well appriciated. Maybe a little website for it to finnish it off?




  9. I'd be up for a bash in these, should be fun.


    Dragon. You mention the physics being much the same as the other cars you've built.


    Does this mean they'll have the same power? I think the NZ cars are 240 ci, so I think they should be a tad slower than the cars we use for f1s.


    Just an Idea.  thumbs_up.gif


    Yes the physics remain more or less the same then the other cars. I know what youre saying with the 240 ci. That would indeed mean that they have to be slower then the cars we have now. I have discussed this with AndyG as to what to do with the physics. He mentioned giving the car more weight. I have tried to give it more weight but it didn't do the car handling any good (car was too slow accelerating and hard to brake). The car became too slow.

    We agreed that the whole idea of these cars is the fun factor and not the spot on realism of the cars in weight and power. Therefor I think the current F1 physics are well suited to have this fun factor as I think they are spot on. I have also thought of adding renewed shale physics to it, but didn't do it because of the fun factor.

    So yes I have looked into it and tried it but it didn't give the result required.



  10. I am thinking of bringing these cars out in a new mod.

    There will only be 3 skins in it thought as I am not fussed with painting a dozen real life skins or more. I think the game should be used by people with custom skins for it (see it as the UK Dirt style and not the Brisca Heat 2005 style).

    But what I need to know from you is: are you interested in it? Therefor I'd like to know if you like the idea of a NZ stockcar mod. I think I can say that the people that have already replied are up for it, but are they up for it without real life skins in it?

    Drop a reply here if you like the idea. That way I can start putting the mod together.



  11. Having done some wodel work the last couple of days and came up with this.

    This is the 1st of 3 versions that will be made.

    1st= with wing as shown

    2nd= with wing plate (Andy Webb 247 style)

    3rd= without wing

    That way I can keep the same template and dont need to do a lot of extra work on modeling the other 2 models.

    The physics are almost the same as the shale physics from the Asmith, Briscans cars with the difference that the rear wheels tracking has been narrowed so they would fit between the chassis and wheels gards.


    A few more renders are in my galery page




  12. and they will not be hosting our website any more

    I havent read that anywhere so thanks for that. Does this has anything to do with it being UK Dirt site or has RSC stopped hosting for all leagues and stuff?


    moving to our own forum due to the slowness and and the amount of downtime the RSC forum had

    Slowness and downtime of RSC. Yes RSC has been down a few times but I can't say that they were slow or down every week or so. But at least we know where we are going to stay then and that we don't go back to RSC again. Also here, thanks again for explaining


    thanks, the ego

    Superb thumbup.gif


    Thanks for explaining Alberz, at least we know the why and what's. Seems that there was still some things to tell then afterall innit?



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