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Hello All,


Requests have been made for skins for the World Final, both from new drivers and current drivers.


The skinpack deadline will be Tuesday 7th September @ 8pm. This will give us time to get it ready for the double header on the Wednesday and Thursday.







- Roof colour must be correctly painted as in real life BriSCA F1, according to your current grade.

- Trainer cars are not permitted for use in UK-Dirt F1 race meetings, although they can still be used in practice sessions. New drivers requiring skins should see the relevant (Skin Request) section of the Official UK-Dirt Forum.

- Once a driver picks his chassis/body colours for a chosen chassis, he should keep them the same for as long as he uses that chassis. So if possible, if he changes grade he should try to only change his roof / aerofoil colour to suit. This measure is to stop the absurd amounts of switching paint schemes we have seen from some people in the past, as it caused a lot of confusion and made it hard for some to know ‘who was who’ from month to month.

- You may only change your skin when your grade changes or you have permission from the UK-Dirt F1 Admin team.

- Designs closely based on real life F1 or F2 cars are not allowed unless raced by the driver in question (or mechanic thereof). Please contact a member of the admin team on this issue before creating a real life skin with the information of your connection to the real life driver in question.

- Skins are released ONLY through official UK-Dirt F1 skin packs.

- You must submit your correctly graded skin to the skin coordinator (Mike) by the agreed dates (details will be posted on the forum each re-grading).

- Uploaded skins must be resized to 2048 x 2048 to reduce file size.

- No swearing or obscenities to be used on any skin.

- Drivers racing incorrectly graded skins (for WHATEVER reason) will be required to start at the back of the grid, another ‘grade-gap’ behind the superstars. Be aware that any driving from this start position neglectful of or intentionally damaging the race of those cars ahead will be dealt with severely.

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