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  • Birthday 14/09/1967

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    Grantham, Lincs. UK
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    BriSCA F1<br />Football<br />Snooker

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  1. Hi everyone, It's been a long time since I visited / posted here and it's good to see the league still running well. I've been pointed in the direction of Corny's post on the latest results topic where he made reference to my old site which contained lots of F1 stats from when the league started (in 2001). I've also had a request from Mav to have the site back (which won't happen!) and also from conversations had at the real F1 world final just recently, have made me realise just how much the site was used. The site won't be coming back online, however I still have the site on my local hard drive. What I have managed to do is create stand-alone webpages (not Excel sheets) for many of the stats (up to and including 2010) that were on the site, all in the attached zip file. Each file will open up in IE (I've not tested it on any other browser so use those at your own risk). Included in the zip file are the detailed driver stats for Corny. I'm not proposing to save a webpage for every driver as this will take me forever, however if a specific driver wants their stats then post below and I'll see what I can do - You've only got a few weeks though as I won't be continually coming back to check! Also if there are any other stats that you need, again post below and I'll see what I can do. These stats are for everyone top us and to do with whatever thay want, but I guess they will be most useful to the F1 admin team to update. Enjoy, Kevin ukdirtf1stats.zip
  2. 29 drivers raced at the final meeting of the 2010 season. To start the proceedings we raced two Tin Top semi finals in celebration of completing 10 years of UKDirt F1 online racing. The results were: TIN TOP SEMI 1: 39, 137, 561, 3, 151, 221, 172, 136, 21, 77, 525, 48, 488, 435 (dnf 365) TIN TOP SEMI 2: 188, 413, 331, 1, 527, 262, 315, 8, 165, 285, 256, 516, 107 Following those races we ran a full meeting and these races were the only point scoring races of the meeting. The results were: HEAT 1: 188, 516, 365, 172, 77, 527, 3, 331, 413, 221 (dnf 315) HEAT 2; 165, 1, 151, 561, 488, 285, 137, 525, 39, 136, 21, 262, 107, 256, 435 (dnf 48, 8) HEAT 3: 165, 516, 413, 188, 365, 1, 285, 256, 172, 136, 21, 527 (dnf 3, 48) HEAT 4: 315, 137, 435, 8, 151, 39, 525, 107, 77, 331, 221, 561, 262, 488 CONS: 3, 488, 136, 107, 525, 331, 527, 561, 221, 21, 262, 256, 39, 199 (dnf 48) GRAND FINAL:188, 165, 1, 525, 172, 527, 561, 136, 137, 331, 413, 365, 107, 516, 77, 151, 315, 435, 488, 285 (dnf 8, 3) ALLCOMERS 1: 8, 516, 525, 488, 527, 137, 188, 136, 315, 151, 199 (dnf 39) ALLCOMERS 2: 413, 561, 172, 331, 48, 3, 77, 1, 285, 21, 435, 262 (dnf 256) To round of the evening we ran the Tin Top Finale with the grid determined by the results of the two semi finals run earlier in the evening. Pole position was decided by the highest placed semi final winner. The result of the race was: TIN TOP 10TH SEASON FINALE: 137, 188, 561, 1, 136, 3, 172, 413, 39, 262, 525, 151, 527, 77, 285, 331, 256, 21 (dnf 315, 8) To round of the season, as is tradition now, we ran a Champion of Champions race open to all Grand Final winners during the season. The result was: CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS: 188, 315, 137, 527, 1, 561, 3, 488, 39 The points scored from the meeting was: Number .. Points 188 .. 48 165 .. 36 1 .. 32 172 .. 29 525 .. 28 561 .. 25 516 .. 24 527 .. 22 137 .. 21 413 .. 19 8 .. 17 136 .. 14 331 .. 14 151 .. 12 488 .. 12 315 .. 11 77 .. 10 365 .. 10 3 .. 8 285 .. 8 48 .. 7 435 .. 6 39 .. 4 21 .. 2 107 .. 1 221 .. 1 256 .. 1 Zero: 199, 262 Congratulations to Aub on his final win and top scoring and to round off a very successful night for him he won the CoC race as well. It was also nice to see Mart, Rebel & Hutch out on track this evening, having not raced at all in 2010, so well done to them. Finally I hope to see you all back racing for in the new season details of which will be up in the coming weeks.
  3. 30 cars are booked to race tonight for the final meeting of the 2010 season and the final meeting of UKDirt F1's 10th online racing season. To celebrate this feat we have three additional races tonight wrapped around a normal meeting. The first two races will feature the Tin Top 10th Season Semi-Finals with the grids being: Semi 1 (Server .48) ROW 1 - 221 .. 39 ROW 2 - 3 .. 561 ROW 3 - 172 .. 365 ROW 4 - 525 .. 137 ROW 5 - 488 .. 151 ROW 6 - 136 .. 21 ROW 7 - 256 .. 435 ROW 8 - 77 Semi 2 (Server .45) ROW 1 - 262 .. 527 ROW 2 - 1 .. 8 ROW 3 - 315 .. 515 ROW 4 - 107 .. 413 ROW 5 - 516 .. 188 ROW 6 - 285 .. 48 ROW 7 - 165 .. 199 ROW 8 - 331 Both these races will be a closed grid, rolling start over 16 laps and are non point scoring. There will then follow the normal two heats per driver: HEAT 1: 165, 199, 172, 515, 516, 21, 77, 188, 221, 365, 331, 413, 3, 315, 527 (STEWARD 149) SERVER .48 HEAT 2: 285, 435, 48, 488, 525, 107, 136, 151, 256, 262, 8, 39, 1, 137, 561 (STEWARD 149) SERVER .45 HEAT 3: 165, 285, 48, 172, 516, 21, 136, 188, 256, 365, 8, 413, 1, 3, 527 (STEWARD 149) SERVER .48 HEAT 4: 199, 435, 488, 515, 525, 77, 107, 151, 221, 262, 39, 331, 137, 315, 561 (STEWARD 149) SERVER .45 The top 14 drivers will qualify for the Grand Final and the rest will race a consolation race for the remaining 8 places. There will then be a Grand Final for 22 cars followed by enough GN's for everyone. Next race will be the Tin Top Finale which will be contested by the top 11 drivers in each of the semi final races run earlier in the evening. Pole position will go to the highest placed semi final winner in the Grand Final and the grid will be determined from there in a similar fashion to the World Final grid. The race will be over 20 laps and be non point scoring. The final race of the evening will be the Champion of Champions race. This is open to all Grand Final winners during the 2010 season (including this evening's winner if they haven't already qualified). The race will be over 20 laps and be non point scoring. The grid is: ROW 1 - 48 .. 488 ROW 2 - 365 .. 188 ROW 3 - 221 .. 413 ROW 4 - 39 .. 8 ROW 5 - 137 .. 527 ROW 6 - 561 .. 3 ROW 7 - 315 .. 1 That will wrap up the 2010 season. Don't forget the skinpack released tonight available from here. Despite the issues the UKDirt servers have had this week, I have been informed that the issues have been sorted so we will be using the UKDirt servers this evening. This means that wherever possible two races will be running at the same time. I will steward both races so there will be a short delay starting the second race. This is however a shorter way than running them one at a time so your patience is appreciated. If however the servers are not rectified we will revert to using the UKSOM server which is greatly appreciated. In this case I can only run one race at a time and so the consolation will be cancelled and the top 22 scoring drivers from the heats will contest the Grand Final. Enjoy your racing.
  4. Thanks for letting me know.
  5. Bookings closed. 151 & 8 added.
  6. Anyone who wants a late booking please post below. Those booked who are not on the UKDirt site are: 435, 165, 331 & 77 Also post if you need to cancel.
  7. Tomorrow night sees the running of the last meeting of the 2010 season and also the last meeting of the 10th season of UKDirt F1 online racing. At the start of this season the admin team decided that to help celebrate this feat it would be good to run a series of special races at this meeting. Points have been scored in a unique way during every race this season and the idea is to separate the top 44 drivers into two semi final races in the same way that the World Championship semi finals are done. The top eleven from each race would then compete in the Tin Top Finale. These races along with the traditional Champion of Champions race would be wrapped around a normal meeting. However due to the low turnouts this may not be possible and so the meeting format will most likely change and only be decided on the night once the full booking list has been established. It is worth pointing out that PM's have been sent to many people advising them of the meeting and asking if they wish to race. The general admin team have given their blessing to the meeting to the extent that anyone who has previously raced an F1 meeting in the last ten years will be entitled to race at this meeting only, even without paying their fees. IF ANYONE FALLS INTO THAT CATEGORY THEN PLEASE PM ME FOR A BOOKING, or if you know of anyone who would like to race then please let them know about this meeting. If enough people book in to race for there to be meaningful semi final races then the format will be: Tin Top Semi Final 1 (16 laps in point scoring order - non point scoring) Tin Top Semi Final 2 (16 laps in point scoring order - non point scoring) 2 heats per driver Consolation (if required) Grand Final Allcomers race Tin Top Finale (20 laps in semi final finishing order - pole position decided by highest finishing semi final winner in Grand Final - top 22 available drivers - non point scoring) Champion of Champions race (open to all Grand Final winners during 2010 - 20 laps - non point scoring) As it stands at the moment there are 16 drivers booked to race. With that many drivers I envisage the possible meeting format to be: Tin Top Finale (20 laps in point scoring order - non point scoring) 3 heats per driver Consolation (if required) Grand Final Allcomers race Champion of Champions race The top 22 drivers who have qualified for the Tin Top Finale are (in points order): 221, 262, 527, 391, 39, 3, 1, 164, 8, 561, 172, 315, 31, 290, 515, 365, 236, 525, 107, 413, 363 & 137. If anyone in that list fails to race reserves will be added and everyone who has raced during the 2010 season will have qualified and so will be eligible to race. The Champion of Champions race is open to anyone who has won a Grand Final during 2010. The race will include the winner of this meeting's Grand Final if they haven't already qualified. The qualifiers are: 3, 315, 1, 561, 39, 527, 137, 8, 365, 290, 380, 31, 164, 413, 363, 221, 488, 531, 188, 390, 48, 126 & 323 Depending on the number of drivers and time constraints I may decide to run some races based on the drivers grade (as we did at the final meeting of the 2008 season) and restrict the number of point scoring heats to two per driver. In this case the possible meeting format will be: Whites & Yellows race (non point scoring) Blues, Reds & Superstars race (non point scoring) 2 heats per driver Consolation (if required) Tin Top Finale Grand Final Allcomers race Trust Fund Final (non point scoring - grid based on results from 1st two races) Champion of Champions race Either way the meeting format will be decided on the night but whatever the format there will be plenty of races for everyone and I will aim for an approximate 22:15 finish.
  8. 17 cars raced at Coventry this evening (the 47th meeting of the season). The results were: Heat 1: 236, 39, 262, 165, 315, 1, 55, 33, 561, 527, 3, 136, 48, 21, 188, 515, 199 Heat 2: 48, 165, 136, 21, 1, 315, 39, 561, 55, 236, 33, 527, 262, 188, 515 ( dnf 199, 3 ) Grand Final: 39, 188, 136, 55, 48, 3, 315, 1, 561, 527, 262, 236, 33, 165, 515, 199 ( dnf 21 ) Allcomers: 561, 136, 55, 527, 3, 1, 315, 39, 33, 188, 262, 21, 515, 165, 236, 199, 48 LeeK (39) started the Grand National from a lap handicap. The points scored were: Name .. Points LeeK (39) .. 42 Kruiz (136) .. 34 Kbarker (55) .. 28 Aub (188) .. 22 Tinman (48) .. 22 Mike (315) .. 22 Tom D (1) .. 21 Murf (561) .. 20 Johno (3) .. 19 fast track (527) .. 13 DanSkin (236) .. 9 Harmen (262) .. 6 southy (21) .. 5 jakie (33) .. 4 Zero: Waqar (199) , Big Al (515) This meeting was also a National Points Shootout round. The cumulative points scored by the shootout drivers are: Name .. Points Dazza (290) .. 192 Murf (561) .. 195 Johno (3) .. 216 fast track (527) .. 221 Mike (315) .. 300 Tom D (1) .. 309 Congratulations to Tom on retaining his silver roof for next season. This meeting also saw a round of the Thursday Night Thunder Series. The results were: Race 1: 3, 527, 236, 1, 561, 136, 262, 48, 33, 315, 515 ( dnf 199, 188 ) Race 2: 561, 1, 315, 136, 527, 262, 3, 33, 515, 48, 188, 236 ( dnf 199 ) The points scored were: Name .. Points Murf (561) .. 19 Tom D (1) .. 18 Johno (3) .. 17 fast track (527) .. 17 Kruiz (136) .. 14 Harmen (262) .. 11 Mike (315) .. 11 DanSkin (236) .. 9 jakie (33) .. 7 Tinman (48) .. 6 Big Al (515) .. 3 Zero: Aub (188) , Waqar (199) This means that after 11 Thursday Night Thunder Series meetings the overall points table is: Name .. Points Tom D (1) .. 162 Mike (315) .. 147 Johno (3) .. 131 fast track (527) .. 126 Tosh (8) .. 120 MoR (137) .. 97 Harmen (262) .. 91 Dazza (290) .. 73 DanSkin (236) .. 61 Murf (561) .. 57 Corny (391) .. 48 walker (363) .. 43 Spike (221) .. 33 matthewb (413) .. 30 Aub (188) .. 27 spikejnr (172) .. 24 LeeK (39) .. 23 Skeet (31) .. 22 Drumbstick (41) .. 20 southy (21) .. 18 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 17 Kruiz (136) .. 14 davey boy (380) .. 14 Lew (495) .. 12 Tinman (48) .. 9 fordy (588) .. 8 jakie (33) .. 7 Dave (488) .. 7 Big Al (515) .. 5 Jarry (164) .. 2 Lars (553) .. 2 Harold (599) .. 2 Zero: Shawty (119) , Waqar (199) The points scored by white, yellow & blue grade drivers, using the multiplication system [white x 2.0, yellow x 1.5, blue x 1.0] and excluding those drivers who are in the top 2 places in the overall points chart are: Name .. Points Harmen (262) .. 91.0 DanSkin (236) .. 61.0 Corny (391) .. 48.0 Tosh (8) .. 42.0 Spike (221) .. 36.5 spikejnr (172) .. 36.0 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 34.0 Skeet (31) .. 24.0 LeeK (39) .. 23.0 southy (21) .. 18.0 Lew (495) .. 18.0 Kruiz (136) .. 14.0 Tinman (48) .. 13.5 fordy (588) .. 8.0 Big Al (515) .. 7.5 jakie (33) .. 7.0 Dave (488) .. 7.0 Harold (599) .. 4.0 Jarry (164) .. 3.0 Zero: Shawty (119) , Aub (188) , Waqar (199)
  9. 17 cars booked for this evening. The meeting will be run all-in. 2 Heats, Grand Final & Grand National. There will then follow 2 Thursday Night Thunder races. The shootout drivers should line up as follows for every race except the TNT races: 3 .. 527 315 .. 1
  10. Kevin

    arena results

    Apologies for being late with these but the points update is: This meeting was also a National Points Shootout round. The cumulative points scored by the shootout drivers are (listed in their starting positions for the next round): Name .. Points [FRONT OF GRID] Murf (561) .. 155 Johno (3) .. 178 Dazza (290) .. 192 fast track (527) .. 195 Mike (315) .. 256 Tom D (1) .. 267 [bACK OF GRID] This meeting also saw a round of the Thursday Night Thunder Series. The results were: Race 1: 8, 1, 137, 315, 3, 527, 588, 561, 21, 221, 172, 262, 31, 515 ( dnf 48, 285, 199 ) Race 2: 221, 1, 137, 8, 527, 3, 315, 262, 588, 31, 172, 561, 199, 515, 285 ( dnf 21, 48 ) The points scored were: Name .. Points Tosh (8) .. 20 Tom D (1) .. 20 MoR (137) .. 18 Spike (221) .. 14 Johno (3) .. 13 Mike (315) .. 13 fast track (527) .. 13 fordy (588) .. 8 Harmen (262) .. 4 Murf (561) .. 4 southy (21) .. 3 Skeet (31) .. 2 Zero: Tinman (48) , spikejnr (172) , Waqar (199) , Mav_Jnr (285) , Big Al (515) This means that after 10 Thursday Night Thunder Series meetings the overall points table is: Name .. Points Tom D (1) .. 144 Mike (315) .. 136 Tosh (8) .. 120 Johno (3) .. 114 fast track (527) .. 109 MoR (137) .. 97 Harmen (262) .. 80 Dazza (290) .. 73 DanSkin (236) .. 52 Corny (391) .. 48 walker (363) .. 43 Murf (561) .. 38 Spike (221) .. 33 matthewb (413) .. 30 Aub (188) .. 27 spikejnr (172) .. 24 LeeK (39) .. 23 Skeet (31) .. 22 Drumbstick (41) .. 20 southy (21) .. 18 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 17 davey boy (380) .. 14 Lew (495) .. 12 fordy (588) .. 8 Dave (488) .. 7 Tinman (48) .. 3 Jarry (164) .. 2 Big Al (515) .. 2 Lars (553) .. 2 Harold (599) .. 2 Zero: Shawty (119) , Kruiz (136) , Waqar (199) The points scored by white, yellow & blue grade drivers, using the multiplication system [white x 2.0, yellow x 1.5, blue x 1.0] and excluding those drivers who are in the top 2 places in the overall points chart are: Name .. Points Harmen (262) .. 80.0 DanSkin (236) .. 52.0 Corny (391) .. 48.0 Tosh (8) .. 42.0 Spike (221) .. 36.5 spikejnr (172) .. 36.0 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 34.0 Skeet (31) .. 24.0 LeeK (39) .. 23.0 southy (21) .. 18.0 Lew (495) .. 18.0 fordy (588) .. 8.0 Dave (488) .. 7.0 Tinman (48) .. 4.5 Harold (599) .. 4.0 Jarry (164) .. 3.0 Big Al (515) .. 3.0 Zero: Shawty (119) , Kruiz (136) , Waqar (199) Also attached below are all the replays from the meeting. ArenaHeat1.zip ArenaHeat2.zip ArenaAFinal.zip ArenaGN.zip ArenaTNT1.zip ArenaTNT2.zip
  11. 16 cars raced at Belle Vue (New) this evening (the 45th meeting of the season). The results were: World of Shale Final: 315, 290, 1, 262, 39, 300, 363, 3, 527, 31, 221, 107, 515 Heat 1: 1, 39, 290, 285, 315, 515, 300, 262, 363, 221, 31, 172, 527, 107, 48, 3 Heat 2: 300, 39, 262, 221, 107, 290, 1, 315, 527, 48, 363, 515, 285, 31 ( dnf 3, 172 ) Grand Final: 48, 300, 315, 527, 290, 3, 363, 1, 39, 262, 107, 221, 31, 285, 515, 172 Allcomers: 39, 315, 290, 1, 3, 285, 31, 363, 262, 172, 515, 527, 107, 48, 221 ( dnf 300 ) Tinman (48) started the Grand National from a lap handicap. The points scored were: Name .. Points Mike (315) .. 33 Dazza (290) .. 32 LeeK (39) .. 32 Mattyaspin (300) .. 30 Tinman (48) .. 26 Tom D (1) .. 26 Johno (3) .. 19 fast track (527) .. 17 walker (363) .. 15 Harmen (262) .. 14 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 11 Spike (221) .. 6 Skeet (31) .. 5 JanHarm (107) .. 4 Big Al (515) .. 3 spikejnr (172) .. 2 This meeting was also a National Points Shootout round. The cumulative points scored by the shootout drivers are (listed in their starting positions for the next round): Name .. Points [FRONT OF GRID] Murf (561) .. 117 fast track (527) .. 167 Johno (3) .. 177 Dazza (290) .. 192 Tom D (1) .. 245 Mike (315) .. 247 [bACK OF GRID] This meeting also saw a round of the Thursday Night Thunder Series. The results were: Race 1: 315, 363, 3, 31, 1, 262, 285, 172, 290, 527, 221 ( dnf 48, 515 ) Race 2: 290, 315, 527, 363, 3, 262, 1, 31, 48, 515, 172, 285 ( dnf 221 ) The points scored were: Name .. Points Mike (315) .. 22 walker (363) .. 18 Johno (3) .. 16 Dazza (290) .. 15 Skeet (31) .. 12 Tom D (1) .. 12 Harmen (262) .. 12 fast track (527) .. 11 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 5 spikejnr (172) .. 4 Tinman (48) .. 3 Big Al (515) .. 2 Zero: Spike (221) This means that after 9 Thursday Night Thunder Series meetings the overall points table is: Name .. Points Tom D (1) .. 124 Mike (315) .. 123 Johno (3) .. 101 Tosh (8) .. 100 fast track (527) .. 96 MoR (137) .. 79 Harmen (262) .. 76 Dazza (290) .. 73 DanSkin (236) .. 52 Corny (391) .. 48 walker (363) .. 43 Murf (561) .. 34 matthewb (413) .. 30 Aub (188) .. 27 spikejnr (172) .. 24 LeeK (39) .. 23 Skeet (31) .. 20 Drumbstick (41) .. 20 Spike (221) .. 19 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 17 southy (21) .. 15 davey boy (380) .. 14 Lew (495) .. 12 Dave (488) .. 7 Tinman (48) .. 3 Jarry (164) .. 2 Big Al (515) .. 2 Lars (553) .. 2 Harold (599) .. 2 Zero: Shawty (119) , Kruiz (136) The points scored by white, yellow & blue grade drivers, using the multiplication system [white x 2.0, yellow x 1.5, blue x 1.0] and excluding those drivers who are in the top 2 places in the overall points chart are: Name .. Points Harmen (262) .. 76.0 DanSkin (236) .. 52.0 Corny (391) .. 48.0 Tosh (8) .. 42.0 spikejnr (172) .. 36.0 Mav_Jnr (285) .. 34.0 Skeet (31) .. 24.0 LeeK (39) .. 23.0 Spike (221) .. 22.5 Lew (495) .. 18.0 southy (21) .. 15.0 Dave (488) .. 7.0 Tinman (48) .. 4.5 Harold (599) .. 4.0 Jarry (164) .. 3.0 Big Al (515) .. 3.0 Zero: Shawty (119) , Kruiz (136) Congratulations to Tinman on his final win, Mike for top scoring and taking the lead in the shootout. TomD has become the grading points champion as he cannot be caught so congratulations to him.
  12. 16 cars booked for this evening. The first race will be the World of Shale Final, with the grid being: INSIDE .. OUTSIDE (NUMBERS ONLY) ROW 1 - 1 .. 315 ROW 2 - 527 .. 39 ROW 3 - 3 .. 290 ROW 4 - 262 .. 221 ROW 5 - 31 .. 363 ROW 6 - 172 .. 515 ROW 7 - 300 .. 107 The race will be over 20 laps with a normal rolling start. The main meeting will then be run, all-in. 2 Heats, Grand Final & Grand National. There will then follow 2 Thursday Night Thunder races. The shootout drivers should line up as follows for every race except the World of Shale and the TNT races: 527 .. 3 290 .. 315 1
  13. Bookings closed: 236, 21 cancelled.
  14. Bookings will close on the UKDirt site at 6pm. Post below if you need a late booking or need to cancel. Bookings will close around 7:45
  15. Yes that's fine. Hopefully you'll make it home on time.
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