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About kane

  • Birthday 11/05/1993

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  1. i think he said £1500 not posertive
  2. kane

    Decal request

    Oscar#69 Oscar#69 there you cheeky person
  3. kane

    Decal request

    FIXED There you go, you may get a better response if you post something like that up, far less likely to get peoples backs up.
  4. I have deltled msn off my computer and i am running NORTON anyone give me any other ideas to do ? and how to get rid of it hopefully norton will get rid of it if it don't anyone? thanks kane sorry about that marty
  5. sorry for whoever got this but my computer has had a few of them sent to me and the first time it was sendin it out i turned off the computer but when ever i click on msn now it goes to ever computer on my contact list and i don't know if its a virus or anything but i'm tryin hard to get rid of it if i crack it i'll tell ya sorry again
  6. trav close then all down hopefully your computer will brake
  7. keep guess and i'll tell you whos right at the end of tomoz night
  8. i willl give you a hint someone off ukdirt falling off the board he was tryin to (skim boarding) according to him [attachmentid=14452] lets have some guesses then!
  9. kane


    I've not had it cheers for tellin me to click on it when they send it me JOKE lol
  10. NICE
  11. i get it thats good lol brilliant cabs NOT
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