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Everything posted by pete904

  1. Mainly because of the aformentioned attitude! People are voting with their feet and its sad to see it. After being part of ukdirt at its height and seeing it now its completly changed. You ask for help in praccy you get ignored or a smart arse answer, you give your opinion as yo why your not racing and your told your wrong! Ask anyone the number 1 reason why they gave up on UKDirt and they will say due to the elitism, seems there's not many who have the plumbs or intrest in saying it. And its no use you boys saying a collective "oh no there isnt" bucause you are on the wrong side of the fence to see it! I have written a detailed set-up guide(it does need updating as 1 or 2 points are not 100% accurate), offered to do free set-up and help sessions, and provided F2 set-ups(The F1 defaults are mine as well) what else do you want me to do Pete? As for what happened with the saloons, nobody knows what happened and those who were not involved can't really comment. So would that be enough to get you out racing? I really don't understand this comment Pete, would you care to elaborate? Kendo may be a long time respected member, but holds no admin position in UKDirt and has no say on things? I ask because I really hope we can get this thread back on track as it has some very valid points from everyone who has commented. 1) Whats that got to do with the price of tea, and as I was involved (albeit for a very short period of time) I CAN comment. 2) NO because now more that ever if I went out I'd be more of a target than ever from the elite. 3) You don't underatand anything wrong with this: then god I don't know. You ask for a reason, you don't like the reason you get so you all miss the main issue and hit the wall. Counter in case you missed the bold underlined: Sim racing has evolved it can't be denied. UKDirt hasn't and the numbers have dwindled to reflect it. What other reason can it be when alternatives are getting the numbers, don't let UK Dirt go down the pan because of your short sightedness here. But this will be my last post because untill ClubDirt catches up a bit nothing will ever change. Or else I'll join the "Oh yeah everythings perfect I really don't understand why only the club members and a few outsiders still race" chant
  2. Mainly because of the aformentioned attitude! People are voting with their feet and its sad to see it. After being part of ukdirt at its height and seeing it now its completly changed. You ask for help in praccy you get ignored or a smart arse answer, you give your opinion as yo why your not racing and your told your wrong! Ask anyone the number 1 reason why they gave up on UKDirt and they will say due to the elitism, seems there's not many who have the plumbs or intrest in saying it. And its no use you boys saying a collective "oh no there isnt" bucause you are on the wrong side of the fence to see it!
  3. You and that other retard are obviously team speaking for ban the pad/keyboarders then...... Great advert to increase numbers that is son..."we really encourage people of all abilities and grades to race....apart from ones who haven't got a wheel"!!!! Good thinking that is And there it is in black and white, the UKDirt elite's real opinion on the matter. Any further discussion is rather futile don't you think? Sim racing has evolved it can't be denied. UKDirt hasn't and the numbers have dwindled to reflect it. Unless there is some other reason why the "hardcore sim" method regularly gets the big turnouts and the "welcome alcomers" doesn't. PS I agree with drumbsticks quote!
  4. the likes of aub drum robin tom ect ran rings round most b4 TS was used, so come up with another conspiracy theory will ya. or are you now going to say they plot and scheme via irc/msn too? Methinks the lady doth protest too much in the words of a famous bard! But its intersting to say the least that people are picking up on that point, but none of the others that are equally valid. And I make the point again, you wanted the opinion of people that have stopped racing on UKDirt so don't shoot the messenger when you get it and don't like it! And again here is attitude from the elite for giving an opinion that they asked for!
  5. Hello Pete, LeeK was just pointing out that you have not raced and therefore wouldnt know if team racing was going on or not. And yes you did suggest something is going on: Rest assured, I have reaced all but 2 F1 meetings this year, and have missed very few meetings in the last few years and I have never seen 'Team racing' as you put it. I have seen people race people differently, ie don't hit them back, but not team racing. The three that you have been talking about in F1 all started at different grades this year, hence part of the reason why they are currently in the top 3. They have just recently all come together and have been knockhing the living hell out of each other, so if they are team racing, they need to change their tactics. I think you make some fair points, but at the same time you do make 'suggestions' as you put it and LeeK has just told you how the league is currently. I persoally dont see that as being rude at all. Cheers Johno Thanks for that Johno, but if you were a struggling novice I'm sure how you could see it.
  6. You know you asked why people are missing, other than joining in with the collective "I don't know" I am giving you 1 of the reasons why and am getting attitude for it. Good luck UKDirt.... you need it! And just to add a few facts from this season, in the F2s 4 of the top 5 in points use the private Teamspeak, 6 in the top 10. Top 3 in F1s use the same private teamspeak. Not that I'm suggesting anythings going on just pointing out the facts.
  7. Id guess you've raced this season to know that they are team racing then yeah. I mean we see Tom, Dode, Mike, Drumb, Robin, Aub knocking the crap out of each other pretty much every race. They are at the top of the points because they are consistently quicker through the traffic then the lower graders are and thats what I think makes the big difference, you can either control the contact or you cant. But you would know this as you've raced F2s how many times this season in UKDirt..... Also I have Drumbs setup guide somewhere Ill dig it out and get it added somewhere whether it be on the site on forum as soon as I can find it. Let it lapse from last year after seeing how bad it had got. And the attitude in the above post I think backs up what I'm saying. "We're right you'r wrong but why won't you race" Like trying to make a point in the Saloons last year when they were supposedly being ran with Sim-Stox for the 1 points series but then ran different server settings I get told by and admin that "It must be an Irish thing [to want both to run the same]" now where was the need for the attitude in that instance.
  8. Another point [that may stand a better chance of NOT being deleted ad brushed under the carpet] is that "Sim" racing has evolved and UKDirt hasn't. Pads/keyboard and swingman in 2011... come on now who wants to spend money on a wheel / sim-rig to take it serious is someone along side will be racing on a laptop keyboard The numbers speak for themselves.
  9. This is classic, the clique / elite can't figure out between themselves why turnouts are poor And its funny how the top F2 point scorers use their own private teamspeak "We don't team race honest gov" Countdown to admin deleting so as to avoid a discussion..... 5..... 4..... 3..... 2.....
  10. Selling as it won't work with multiple rFactor installs on the same PC. Cost new: Rev Burner board - £29.50 GI Display MAX - £24 SAGA 11000 RPM Rev counter 12v - £45 USB Cables & power supply - £5 Looking £70 plus postage for the lot or PM your offer Note the rev counter glows orange when turned on. More info on them on www.symprojects.com
  11. Would get some crowd if you opened it to ex-members too.
  12. G25's are for kids
  13. Sorry I couldnt get back on, kept disconnecting
  14. Fair enough, just would have been easier getting blood from a stone before Chewy came to the rescue
  15. That was last nights meeting I was asking about bacause I didnt think the UKDirt meetings awarded points this year. Cheers Chewy
  16. Anyone willing to give a difinitive answer?
  17. Grades but not WR ? Mabye its just me that's lost but can't seem to get a straight answer
  18. So it counts as the 'Track Championship' points then eh?
  19. Will it (and the rest of the UKDirt meetings this year) count towards next years world rankings?
  20. Congratulations Walker
  21. Enjoyed it, very good format
  22. no thanks
  23. Lid lifts up like a wheelie bin but its not the getting in them that's the biggest problem... Haha I'd say so Harness in them?
  24. how the hell do you get in them ?
  25. Directories are all x86 alright, and connection should be alright seeing as rF runs no problem and I use something like end-it-all that does the same job. I'll try different compatibility modes see what happens.
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