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Everything posted by smiler

  1. Ta guys sorry for the late reply but was busy this week. Smiler
  2. Congratulations to you both Smiler
  3. ta lads that was the problem thanx for the quick reply
  4. Lo lads i try to connect to the server and get this message( incompetable game versions),i installed the beta v1.0 version and can play offline Anyone know what could be the problem Smiler
  5. Happy birthday chaps hope you had a good one from a fellow senior
  6. Soz for responding this late it's the age i think, was busy last week , thanks for all the wishes had a goodday . Smiler
  7. Sorry too see you go, had some crackin races with you in tooz,ones and esp.in blegends,hope too see you in the future on the tracks when we come over to the UK. Smiler
  8. Happy birthday Fozz have a good one Smiler
  9. Get well soon dave smiler
  10. happy birthday m8,have a good one smiler
  11. Get well soon Mart. smiler
  12. a short clip from the general,great drive http://www.bigfun.be/Movie/General+Lee.htm
  13. here's mine smiler
  14. happy birthday m8 have a good one smiler
  15. got a 93 mtrs smiler
  16. wd cabs smiler
  17. wishin you both good luck for you're season opener this weekend. smiler
  18. here'es mine. smiler http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=117
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