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Posts posted by DaveW329

  1. The Scottish isnt a major so no engine strips are not required however the semi's and world cup are but are you telling me he used same engine for all 3 big races and same carb on all 3 Can't quite see that myself considering most if not all engine builders give the top drivers a championship engine to last 1 race.



    is that what happened to your engine dave or is it just coz ur big day is getting nearer lmao


    Don't know what the big day is old man had no invite as of yet :rofl: Must be paying for someone elses big day


    And no need to strip my engine full well know its legal like probably 40-50% of other drivers out there just a shame about rest


    The Scottish isnt a major so no engine strips are not required however the semi's and world cup are but are you telling me he used same engine for all 3 big races and same carb on all 3 Can't quite see that myself considering most if not all engine builders give the top drivers a championship engine to last 1 race.





    Well here's my 3 1/2 pence worth,


    The whole idea of running Heat and Rfactor on 1 night is a poor one imo as 1 mod will suffer each week with a low turnout due to time constraints, If you intend to run both types of Mod then they need to be run seperately on different days at a set time to maximise the turnouts and help the learners to rfactor ease in more.


    Just by reading this thread you can see already people pulling out with 2 months to go before start of season due to times of meeting and i'd say also i would be another 7.30 is too early for me but also finishing at 10.30 -11 is too late and this is without a single thing going wrong.


    Personally think admin need to re-think the whole idea of running both mods on same day.



    Nezza - There are a wider variety of ftooz drivers compared with F1 and that reflects in the turnouts


    Crewe - Not nit picking this is actually a statement from admin not a suggestion thread as that has no replies as of typing this :042:


    Interesting what people have said my opinion on it is if you have that much time to even worry about what other people are doing you aint driving fast enough gut instinct is the best to use imo sometimes you get it right sometimes you don't but just learn when you don't get it right. :thumbs_up:

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