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Everything posted by munis

  1. thats just stupid kendo
  2. It has absolutly nothing to do with Sim-stox or Ukdirt or its members.... all info will be passed onto admi nteam if required
  3. I live in Christchurch its pretty cold, not as cold but yea..... i was only stiring the pot you two....good times
  4. Well done JK good effort from so far back. Walker loving yellow lol - up you go son Munis
  5. my time in Rfactor has finished. I want to squash the rumours flowing around about me prior to me leaving. about 2-3 months ago I was banned from Sim-stox for attempting to cheat, this is not the case. I am 1 of a Admin team of 8 at kiwisimracing. In the pass 6 months it came to our attention that people were using cheat programs/altering files making there cars hard to move/ take little to no damage. I spent 6 Months of this year of my own time hunting the internet to try find a solution as we can not ban people as our servers and forums are hosted for free. I posted in Feburary in a Cheat/Hack forum asking for information on how this happens along with trying to be "friends" with those suspected of this. Head Admin S/S seen this post and i was banned/removed without even a PM or email. A PM from DirtNZ ( Mod creator for Kiwi superstocks) was sent in an effort to explain it all. So there you have it take it for what you want but i have never had never will have any intention if attempting to hack/cheat. Now onto the reason I have stopped playing Rfactor......... Some of you know already but I can hear you all cringe when you read this but im heading your way for a couple of years - Im heading to Scotland to take up a rugby contract in Dumfries. Me the wife and 2 kids should be on your shores 29th December. In preperation for the move I have sold my G25 and race cockpit along with other things. There is a few thank yous that need to be given The admin team for all there effort and time they put into racing. I find it hard running 10 week seasons letterlone 40 meeting long seasons. all the racer who helped me with setups and tips and lastly all the drivers who race - a lot of you dont like me thats cool I enjoyed my racing here Its unfortunate that my name has been clouded by the above but i know the truth and like I said take it for what you want i just think its best if everyone knows whats going on. lastly I hope to get up to a few meetings in Scotland and England so if i do would be good to share a brew or 2 with anyone I have raced with even you guys who hate me, namley Tosh Dode Nah all jokes aside keep doing what Ukdirt is doing and thanks to everyone for letting me race with me mean ping 200+ Munis
  6. I was blue screaning when i overclocked my computer. it normally is a hardware failure perhaps overheating ?
  7. Also, who is in charge of the points on the forum ? would be interested to know where abouts i am in points
  8. Ill take 10 points but dissapointed. Spun 1st corner of final so she was all over lol. Gn was ok I was just lacking a bit of luck which is needed on this track. TomD well done mate - the hardest charger out there. See you all next week Munis
  9. nz7 blue please
  10. Work Sucks - couldnt weazel my way out of it this morning. Sorry
  11. i just run 3 diffrent profiles Munis Munis NZ7 Munis NZ17
  12. I enjoyed tonight...... Final and GN I was up in top3 btu in final jarry hit the fence and into me. GN i was turned down on as soon as go was called pushing me into the tires causing a massive pile up. I got away to be running in the top 5 then 2 laps to go a track blockage moving me down to around 7th or 8th...... Here is another Moan from me and its to do with grids. Not once was i off the front all night. luckily for Davey he won both his heats but then gets pole for the final, yeah I know it goes off averages etc but it just dont seem right. Why you say I didn't overtake people going to grades ? as last time I did this I got a warning. Well done race winners though and Mike for winning from Superstar grade. Munis
  13. When i seen down south i though you all were coming to NZ lol nice poster too
  14. had to work this morning so missed meeting same for next week also, one day ill be back to race lol
  15. so sorry, alarm was on pm no am, my bad
  16. well chuffed with the results....obviously. Dave mate commiserations, ive gone around to savages place and sorted his wheel etc out. from yellow means i dont get sucked up and freight trained by the no brakers hence the good results. still .2-.3 slower though but consistancy is the key on shale. cheers for the fast run mtg lets keep em that way. I am on coarse nxt week so will miss racing and can only race 1 of the skegness meetings..... never the less my average is up to 12 lol. cheer Munis
  17. Ive booked out on site but to make sure i have booked out - fooking work
  18. For me - not such a good meeting...... 8th and 10th in heats. Final was poor and GN lap downed while in 4th although i wasnt the intended driver and Mike hit lee into me, just remember paybacks last forever. also i decided to hit back (legally) as normally i dont bother thus spinning out a couple cars. This final grid system for me is rubbish. I guess this is kind of a moan in a way but I am trying to be constructive and not destructive. Base the girds of the last grading period is silly. that means the under graded driver who has gone down, not due to lack of speed but luck ( severly undergraded IMO)starts infront of the driver who has come up from yellow. Yes i understand it goes of averages for that particular surface but to line up in the final and have the heat winners in front of you well i might as well not show up for the final. Now thats just how i feel about it. I guess there is not real solution to the answer is there ? My 2nd point which is going to russle a few feathers.... In particular there are about 4-5 drivers who seem intent on smashing any car next corner if you pass them. The common Answer of "you ping just sends you flying" is getting old. I use to accept it and sometimes yes its true but when the hit when viewed on replay shows your rev limiter on the button or you braking a heck of a lot later than every other lap.......well you be the judge. I consider myself a fair racer, i give room especially at the start of a race only to be rolled bowled and a$$holed by a freight train of drivers intent on winning the race on lap 3 of a final and to be frank its ballcrap . It sounds like im complaining that im getting hit with the majority response will be : its "stockcars". Ive watched the f1 stockcars many times and theres a reason they are built the way thay are. heck even nz stockcars race like uk stocks unless its a champ or teams meeting. 0600 I get up to be ready in time to race, no im not after the sympathy vote at all but latley in the last coming weeks, i think my best points haul is 7 or 8 is this really worth it and to be honest it hasnt been. I dont mind getting beat by the faster car but having my nose put into the wall every week isnt fun. I think some of the reason why the racing is like it is could be the points system mainly the heats. 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-1. <<<----- it doesnt seem like much but to those of use fighting down the lower places over a few weeks it is and i dont belive this is aligned with real life ? I think this is the end of my rant for now. Comments welcomed but if your going to $hit on me use the pm system
  19. i use google chrome, reason why once you open it up google is the homepage, open a new tab and the 9 most visited sites are there for you with a screenshot of each. so you can just click on them if a tab crashes it only crashes the 1 tab and not the others you have open. you can drag a tab out to have its own window and vise versa the address bar is also a google search engine if oyu accidently close the browser re open it and theres an option to load the last pages you had umm i think thats it
  20. I had booked out on the bookin thing last night/ this morning uk time as i had to work early, sorry hope i dont get a messer strike
  21. I was average - couldnt get a set to work for me. was going well in the final but that was ended with a red freight train. GN i got some luck for once and picked up a 5th. 7 points not to bad for me on shale. i think ill be back at yellow next grading though. Cheers for the quick meeting also - i was at work by 845 Munis
  22. i was rubbish again - cheers to those who use others for brakes. i done a total of about 8 laps in my 2 heats due to people trying to pass 5 cars in one corner. Appreciate it. Well done Danskin for final win a woody for never finishing worse than 2nd Munis
  23. what a hero fordy
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