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About spike100

  • Birthday 01/10/1991

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  1. Cool car, gash corner plates!
  2. My Tina on the grid
  3. Chris is coming Monday
  4. Think so! Thats where mine is going!! Your all too keen! And Stephen, there proper cars!!
  5. Yours truly in the blue and white deo
  6. spike100


    FILTERED me this is sad!
  7. Tinchy Stryder - Take Me Back... Allstar you should check there cover of Oasis' Dont look back in anger its the shizzle!
  8. 1954 Speedway at West Ham racing in Gold Leathers!
  9. Tune Pazza, I bought 90 club hits from the 90's t'other day and thats on there some rated tunes on there too!
  10. spike100


    I dont need to do that tonight then???????
  11. spike100


    Tuesdays if I feel like it.
  12. James your taliking arse gravy! I never had a missed call or nothing and Think Frenchy had a very sore voice! Nutcase got it nice and sideways going down the hill and should and could of taken frenchy all the way down on his face hahaha!
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