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Everything posted by stephensp

  1. Hi,any news on how the full version of F2 stock cars is coming along?
  2. If i was to purchase say Bobs Track Builder i suppose it might be possible to make something, I shall have to have a think about it,maybe give it a try.
  3. If,And the word is if you decide to do St Day that would be fantastic,Im waiting on Taunton to be done and hopefully Bristol. Good luck and hope all goes well if you decide to do it.I am from the west country and it would be great to have our local tracks to race on.
  4. If St Day gets made will it be for HEAT or Rfactor?
  5. Thanks guys,ive also downloaded Baarlo and Ter Apel and the same thing is happenning on those tracks as well. I shall put something on RFACTOR CENTRAL and see if anything comes back. Thanks.
  6. Ive downloaded Cowdenbeath and put in twelve cars to race,Ive set for a rolling lap, the cars set off but the pace car cannot exit the circuit back into the pits. The only way i can race is by a standing start.Yes ive tried the other forms of starting (Fast rolling and Formation) but nothing works. Is Cowdenbeath set for standing starts? If not has anybody got any answers to this.I am racing this offline,I have tried to get a rolling start using the CREATE but the same thing happens,I race F1 stock cars and The uk national Hotrods.Hopefully someone can answer the question. Thanks
  7. Ive just come off racing around Birmingham and i took your advice Hutch,I turned on the internet and went to CREATE in the game,Put myself randomly on the grid and raced,It worked fine.Thanks for your advice.
  8. So Hutch are you saying that there is a problem with the Birmingham track for people who cannot play online?
  9. While racing offline around Birmingham the grid position im in changes quite radically after about two laps,From say 8th on the grid, and not passed anybody, My position in the race goes to 24th or 1st. Does anybody know the answer to this problem?A fantastic track to race around only to have this problem.Can anybody help please.
  10. Hi mate,Where did you get the dds converter 2 from because ive had problems like that when doing cars.
  11. Should Gorden Moodie be stripped of the titles he's won?I went to the world final and filmed the race and it seemed to me something was wrong because nobody could even get close to him. A few weeks earlier Gorden raced at Bristol and nobody could get close to him,What a crying shame this has happened because Gorden is a very good driver.Gorden has let everybody down but most of all he's let his fellow drivers down because they now know what he is,Building bridges could be a very hard thing to do after his ban is complete.What a shame.
  12. Let me say,This is offline,Race Weekend that im having the problem.
  13. Ive downloaded the track TerApel but it will not start under rolling start conditions, I can get it to start under Standing start conditions anybody got any answers to this slight problem,otherwise a good track to race on.
  14. Any news about when Kings Lynn might be released,I know that the track is being used in the league at the moment but i did'nt download it when it was available,I cant download it now because it has been removed. Has anybody got any updates on any other tracks for the F1 Stock cars? Imust say thanks to MOR for Northampton International Raceway what a fabulous track. MOR you are the top man mate, top man. Thanks guys.
  15. No i place myself on the grid,using /editgrid...grid position....my game name.This is done in the WARM UP session. Like i say the only problem is the results at the end of the race.Ive gone into REPLAY FRIDGE and watched the race again and again to see if it was just my car,But the other cars were the same.
  16. I am having rfactor F1 races online with just me and AI cars, The problem im having is when the race is finished the results are not correct,Ive placed myself at the rear of the grid and within three laps im first and i havent passed anybody this is happening on all the tracks,Does anybody have an answer? Im running v1.250. Thanks .
  17. Thanks mate,I shall give that a try.
  18. Are there any other f1 templates available (rfactor) around perhaps with coach lines on them? Ive got the ten templates that shipped with the game,but was wondering if there where any others around. thanks.
  19. Ive saved some fonts,but where do i put them? I have Photoshop Elements 5,I havent got a clue where to put them or how.Ive been using the fonts in photoshop elements and want to use different ones Can anyone help please. Thanks.
  20. Thanks mate i shall give that a try.
  21. Hi guys, I deleted the pace car from the F1 Stock car game,This in turn put another pace car in the game,with just a grey colour body work. It also started to use a F1 shale stock car as the pace car.I went to the recycle bin and restored the pace car, This still did not work.So i downloaded the pace car from the ADDON menu and this has still not worked. So when i want to have a race (this is all offline) i find i have two pace cars with no colouring on them at all. Does anybody have an answer on how to put this right? Im at my wits end.
  22. I want to download GRIDEDIT from the addon section in rfactor,Can anyone tell me where it needs to be downloaded to,It does not say where to install it. Im at a loss.I want to use it for F1 Stock cars.
  23. stephensp


    Hi Guys, Any updated news on when Kings Lynn and Knockhill or any other tracks might become available ,Full versions not Beta.Thanks.
  24. Thanks Mor and Danskin for your replys,Sadly Hutch some of us have to work when your enjoying yourself racing in the F1 Stock car league.
  25. Hi guys, Great to have the new patch V1.1 for the stock cars.And good to be able to use the Tarmac and Shale season offline. The only problem is we that can only use the game offline are still not able to grid the cars in graded order, is there a program available for us to use?Let me put it to you like this i would like to run my own season with myself racing against the AI cars i would like to be able to decide who i have in the race meetings and be able to put the cars in graded order plus myself on the grid. It would be ideal if all the cars i had could be put into a grid edit and for me to pick out the cars i want and put them on the grid in graded order even if it was one behind the other with no space between the grades that would be ok and of course to be able to put myself anywhere on the grid. Because at the moment all that we have is a random grid which will have reds at the front as well as whites yellows and blues. Can this be done? Sorry if ive gone on with this question but before F1 stock cars came on line in rfactor the promotion videos would end with KEEPING IT REAL.Yes for those online league users but not for us offline users who are not able to race in the leagues because of work commitments, Anyway sorry for going on and i hope somebody can give me an answer. Thanks guys. Paul Stephens
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