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Everything posted by LeeK39

  1. Grade changes for April 2023. Up to SS 215, 355, 992 Down to Red 800 Up To Red 414, 351, 525, 710 Down to Blue 114, 183, 461, 527 Up to Blue 248, 546 Down to Yellow 4, 5, 210, 434, 947 Up to Yellow 24 Down to White Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.
  2. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FT and Kane for stewarding. Well Done to Agrindey #355 for winning the 2023 Irish Championship and for top scoring. Results Heat 1: 414 183 238 355 777 114 184 525 4 215 399 418 Heat 2: 992 1 461 889 924 351 8 621 546 5 527 494 Heat 3: 8 183 992 924 215 238 399 777 525 184 621 461 494 Heat 4: 710 355 414 351 527 114 889 1 5 418 546 4 Heat 5: 710 992 525 238 215 114 183 924 621 399 5 777 494 Heat 6: 355 8 461 1 889 184 527 414 351 4 546 418 Heat 7: 710 355 238 183 546 461 525 777 924 5 351 8 494 Heat 8: 414 889 1 399 621 114 184 992 527 215 4 418 Heat 9: 710 546 414 1 238 183 621 351 184 8 461 494 Heat 10: 924 215 889 777 114 335 992 525 5 399 527 4 418 A-Final: 355 1 238 889 777 710 414 992 461 621 183 184 546 351 215 525 399 527 5 494 924 8 114 Points: 85 pts 355 Agrindey 79 pts 1 BraderzzCooper 74 pts 238 Kane_M 69 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 65 pts 710 Davidjones - Upgraded to Yellow 59 pts 414 sbovee 49 pts 992 Burnsy 49 pts 777 HGR 34 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 31 pts 461 Tomdavison 28 pts 924 Tosh 26 pts 114 DannyRoss 24 pts 8 kevharbord 23 pts 215 hitman scooby 20 pts 525 Mav 20 pts 621 jouke heddema 17 pts 351 Rentek Jnr 17 pts 546 ethan howard 16 pts 184 NielsR 13 pts 399 Joewebbo 12 pts 527 fast track 6 pts 5 Sworder 3 pts 4 OwenStrong 1 pts 418 donkeyjamie 0 pts 494 Nutta The replays are here!
  3. Note: Heats have been updated as of 8pm. 24 Mozdog - Removed due to no skin uploaded 139 EllieDouglas - Removed due to no skin uploaded 455 Kbarker - Removed due to no skin uploaded
  4. Good evening all! Heat 1: 399, 418, 710, 215, 414, 525, 4, 184, 355, 114, 183, 777, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 2: 8, 494, 351, 546, 992, 5, 158, 621, 924, 461, 527, 1, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Heat 3: 8, 399, 494, 215, 525, 992, 184, 621, 924, 183, 461, 777, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 4: 418, 710, 351, 414, 546, 4, 5, 158, 355, 114, 527, 1, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Heat 5: 399, 494, 710, 215, 525, 992, 5, 621, 924, 114, 183, 777, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 6: 8, 418, 351, 414, 546, 4, 158, 184, 355, 461, 527, 1, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Heat 7: 8, 494, 710, 351, 525, 546, 5, 355, 924, 183, 461, 777, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 8: 399, 418, 215, 414, 992, 4, 158, 184, 621, 114, 527, 1, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Heat 9: 8, 494, 710, 351, 414, 546, 158, 184, 621, 461, 183, 1, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 10: 399, 418, 215, 525, 992, 4, 5, 355, 924, 114, 527, 777, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297 B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298 You each should have 5 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 5 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting.
  5. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  6. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FT and Kane for stewarding. Well Done to Rentek Jnr #351 for winning the A Final and for top scoring. Results Heat 1: 546 525 399 183 238 783 351 527 114 24 215 210 184 355 455 418 4 494 139 414 461 889 Heat 2: 24 414 355 525 215 783 184 889 183 238 527 351 114 546 455 4 210 399 418 13 461 Heat 3: 351 414 355 546 215 4 889 783 527 238 399 461 183 114 184 525 210 494 455 24 139 418 A-Final: 351 215 546 184 24 414 889 238 461 183 525 455 114 783 355 4 210 399 494 139 418 527 GN 1: 414 525 238 183 889 184 783 355 351 139 114 455 527 24 546 461 248 215 399 494 4 418 Points: 72 pts 351 RentekJnr - Upgraded to Yellow 63 pts 414 sbovee 57 pts 546 ethan howard - Upgraded to Yellow 57 pts 215 hitman scooby 49 pts 184 NielsR 41 pts 24 mozdog 39 pts 238 Kane_M 39 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 34 pts 525 Mav 28 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 22 pts 355 Agrindey 21 pts 783 d_dickson 10 pts 461 Tomdavison 8 pts 399 Joewebbo 5 pts 4 OwenStrong 5 pts 527 fast track 2 pts 139 EllieDouglas 2 pts 114 DannyRoss 0 pts 418 donkeyjamie 0 pts 494 Nutta 0 pts 248 WHR 0 pts 210 Davros 0 pts 455 Kbarker The replays are here!
  7. Good evening all! Heat 1: 24, 139, 399, 418, 494, 546, 215, 248, 414, 525, 992, 4, 184, 210, 355, 434, 455, 114, 183, 461, 527, 783, 238, 889 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) Heat 2: 24, 139, 399, 418, 494, 546, 215, 248, 414, 525, 992, 4, 184, 210, 355, 434, 455, 114, 183, 461, 527, 783, 238, 889 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) Heat 3: 24, 139, 399, 418, 494, 546, 215, 248, 414, 525, 992, 4, 184, 210, 355, 434, 455, 114, 183, 461, 527, 783, 238, 889 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297 B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298 You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting.
  8. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  9. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FT and Kane for stewarding. Well Done to Burnsy #299 for winning the A Final and to Jack Ward #484 for top scoring. Results Heat 1: 114 484 238 184 992 947 800 248 546 4 494 823 Heat 2: 710 889 355 924 1 527 525 391 777 215 434 3 399 Heat 3: 484 355 1 238 924 777 248 525 434 546 399 494 Heat 4: 184 710 889 992 114 527 215 351 391 4 947 800 823 Heat 5: 484 889 546 924 238 777 947 710 525 434 4 494 823 Heat 6: 351 992 355 1 114 527 215 248 800 391 399 B-Final: 399 494 823 A-Final: 992 248 215 1 484 889 800 238 355 184 777 710 924 434 351 546 525 527 114 391 4 947 GN 1: 484 114 777 355 248 1 238 924 710 399 184 434 992 889 351 494 215 800 391 527 525 Points: 79 pts 484 Jack Ward 72 pts 992 Burnsy 67 pts 248 WHR - Upgraded to Yellow 66 pts 1 BraderzzCooper 51 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 49 pts 215 hitman scooby 49 pts 355 Agrindey 44 pts 238 Kane_M 40 pts 114 DannyRoss 28 pts 777 HGR 26 pts 710 Davidjones 26 pts 924 Tosh 26 pts 800 BenChambers 22 pts 184 NielsR 15 pts 527 fast track 13 pts 351 Rentek Jnr 11 pts 546 ethan howard 9 pts 525 Mav 9 pts 947 JDOBBS 6 pts 391 Corny 3 pts 434 JordyG 2 pts 399 Joewebbo 2 pts 4 OwenStrong 0 pts 494 Nutta 0 pts 823 Newson The replays are here!
  10. Good evening all! Heat 1: 248, 494, 546, 823, 992, 4, 184, 621, 947, 114, 484, 238, 800 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 2: 351, 399, 710, 215, 525, 355, 391, 434, 924, 527, 777, 1, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Heat 3: 248, 399, 494, 546, 525, 355, 434, 621, 924, 484, 777, 1, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 4: 351, 710, 823, 215, 992, 4, 184, 391, 947, 114, 527, 800, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) Heat 5: 494, 546, 710, 823, 525, 4, 434, 924, 947, 484, 777, 238, 889 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238) Heat 6: 248, 351, 399, 215, 992, 184, 355, 391, 621, 114, 527, 1, 800 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527) A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297 B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298 You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting.
  11. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  12. Thanks to all who raced tonight and Kane for the stewarding. Well Done to hitman scooby #215 for winning the A Final and to Mav #525 for top scoring. Results Heat 1: 248 992 525 259 800 183 777 5 947 4 546 399 Heat 2: 710 351 184 114 238 215 355 210 889 461 434 6 494 484 Heat 3: 351 248 710 777 355 259 484 210 800 6 215 434 Heat 4: 992 461 184 889 525 238 5 114 183 947 546 4 399 494 Heat 5: 248 889 777 259 184 215 4 484 525 399 434 494 Heat 6: 992 5 210 800 238 183 461 355 947 546 710 114 6 351 B-Final: 434 494 6 399 A-Final: 215 259 525 238 992 777 355 889 800 183 184 461 114 4 947 248 351 210 546 5 484 710 GN 1: 355 710 238 434 1 183 248 992 777 947 351 4 215 484 GN 2: 525 889 210 800 114 259 461 399 5 546 184 494 Points: 76 pts 525 Mav 74 pts 259 Trez 68 pts 238 Kane_M 65 pts 992 Burnsy 60 pts 215 hitman scooby 53 pts 355 Agrindey 51 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 48 pts 777 HGR 39 pts 800 BenChambers 37 pts 248 WHR 36 pts 710 Davidjones 30 pts 210 Davros 27 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 22 pts 184 NielsR 22 pts 114 DannyRoss 22 pts 461 Tomdavison 20 pts 5 Sworder 19 pts 351 Rentek Jnr 14 pts 434 JordyG 12 pts 1 BraderzzCooper 7 pts 399 Joewebbo 7 pts 947 JDOBBS 7 pts 484 Jack Ward 5 pts 4 OwenStrong 3 pts 546 ethan howard 1 pts 6 Kayyyy Owwww 0 pts 494 Nutta The replays are here!
  13. Good evening all! Heat 1: 248, 399, 546, 525, 992, 4, 5, 259, 924, 947, 183, 777, 1, 800 server 1 - 34297 (steward 39) Heat 2: 351, 494, 710, 6, 215, 184, 210, 355, 434, 114, 461, 484, 238, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238) Heat 3: 248, 351, 710, 6, 215, 210, 259, 355, 434, 924, 484, 777, 1, 800 server 1 - 34297 (steward 39) Heat 4: 399, 494, 546, 525, 992, 4, 5, 184, 947, 114, 183, 461, 238, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238) Heat 5: 248, 399, 494, 215, 525, 4, 184, 259, 434, 924, 484, 777, 1, 889 server 1 - 34297 (steward 39) Heat 6: 351, 546, 710, 6, 992, 5, 210, 355, 947, 114, 183, 461, 238, 800 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238) A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297 B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298 You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting.
  14. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  15. With the 2023 UKDirt F1 season getting ever closer we are proud to announce the UKDirt F1 2023 Fixture list. Also please find at the bottom of the post a few slight tweaks to the Rules effective for 2023. 2023 Rule Changes Skins (Custom Painted Cars) From 2023 Members are permitted to change chassis twice on each surface during the course of the season. Shootout Series At half way (after 3 rounds) the bottom 4 drivers will be dropped from the Shootout Series. From 2023 all 8 Shootout Series drivers will be eligible to score points at all 6 Shootout Series meetings. The bottom 4 drivers after 4 meetings will no longer be dropped from the Shootout Series.
  16. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and Kane for the stewarding assistance tonight and throughout the season. Well Done to Kane_M #238 for clinching the 2022 National Points Championship. Well Done to Sparky #961 for winning the 2022 Grand National Championship. Well Done to Tomdavison #461 for winning the 2022 Champion of Champions. Well Done to Jack Ward #484 for winning the A Final and for top scoring. Results Heat 1: 355 158 514 238 455 1 484 114 961 461 947 494 399 527 Heat 2: 961 514 355 184 947 114 238 461 455 1 527 158 494 399 484 Heat 3: 484 527 158 961 514 184 114 238 494 455 947 399 1 461 355 A-Final: 484 184 961 355 158 514 455 114 238 461 947 1 527 399 494 GN 1: 514 238 184 158 455 961 355 484 461 1 399 947 494 114 527 Champion of Champions: 461 114 527 1 158 184 355 238 455 484 Points: 76 pts 484 Jack Ward 73 pts 184 NielsR 69 pts 961 sparky 68 pts 514 reecemcintosh - Upgraded to Yellow 61 pts 158 Walton 61 pts 355 Agrindey 42 pts 238 Kane_M 41 pts 455 Kbarker 27 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 13 pts 461 Tomdavison 9 pts 527 fast track 8 pts 1 BraderzzCooper 6 pts 947 JDOBBS 2 pts 494 Nutta 0 pts 399 Joewebbo The replays are here!
  17. Good evening all! Heat 1: 399, 494, 514, 961, 158, 184, 355, 455, 924, 114, 461, 484, 527, 1, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) Heat 2: 399, 494, 514, 961, 158, 184, 355, 455, 924, 114, 461, 484, 527, 1, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) Heat 3: 399, 494, 514, 961, 158, 184, 355, 455, 924, 114, 461, 484, 527, 1, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297 B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298 Champion of Champions: 961, 158, 184, 355, 455, 924, 114, 461, 484, 527, 1, 238 You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting.
  18. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  19. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and Kane for the stewarding assistance tonight. Well Done to Kane_M #238 for clinching the 2022 Shootout Championship. Well Done to Kbarker #455 for winning the A Final and to Trez #259 for top scoring. Results Heat 1: 783 982 259 924 527 284 355 461 947 114 238 800 108 184 158 210 37 455 Heat 2: 355 238 158 461 924 800 184 259 982 947 455 114 527 108 783 284 494 399 37 Heat 3: 259 783 284 355 461 947 158 114 184 924 455 238 527 108 210 982 399 37 800 494 A-Final: 455 461 800 259 238 158 527 355 947 210 783 114 184 924 982 284 399 494 108 GN 1: 158 455 355 259 527 114 238 184 284 982 924 800 947 461 494 399 Points: 70 pts 259 Trez 68 pts 455 Kbarker 61 pts 461 Tomdavison 57 pts 158 Walton 52 pts 355 Agrindey 47 pts 238 Kane_M 45 pts 800 BenChambers 38 pts 527 fast track 19 pts 783 d_dickson 18 pts 947 JDOBBS 17 pts 284 CharlieS 14 pts 924 Tosh 14 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 13 pts 982 Sploof 12 pts 184 NielsR 5 pts 210 Davros 0 pts 399 Joewebbo 0 pts 494 Nutta 0 pts 37 Kayyyy Owwww 0 pts 108 NobbyClarke The replays are here!
  20. Good evening all! Heat 1: 399, 494, 37, 108, 158, 184, 210, 259, 355, 924, 947, 114, 284, 461, 527, 783, 238, 800 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) Heat 2: 399, 494, 37, 108, 158, 184, 210, 259, 355, 924, 947, 114, 284, 461, 527, 783, 238, 800 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) Heat 3: 399, 494, 37, 108, 158, 184, 210, 259, 355, 924, 947, 114, 284, 461, 527, 783, 238, 800 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297 B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298 You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting.
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