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Everything posted by Arlington

  1. ok thanks, you win
  2. So you can't give me their names then? Surely that's easier unless you made that bit of information up? All of that is your opinion, which is fine, but as far as I'm aware you don't speak for the mod creators as you're just a user who's scared to embrace the future...or even present, good luck living in the past.
  3. Vastly improved Tire Model Chassis Flex Better Weather Fully Dynamic Road Surfaces Improved AI (for those that like to race offline) Hardly useless if you want to drive in game as close to the real thing as possible and then the aforementioned upcoming improvements from Studio397. Also who are the 3 UKSom guys that worked on RF2 please? You can't live in the past on machines that can hardly run rf1, what are these same people on Windows XP still? Same tired argument when it was Heat -> rFactor1, people need to move with the times it's as simple as that, you can't stay on rF1 forever so be it RF2, Assetto Corsa, Automobilista or another game it needs to happen one day. As for a user base then surely it's already here? Anyone who wants to drive Short Ovals will have more luck finding you in a recent game/engine than one which is 10years old and not supported any more.
  4. RF2 has so many advanced features over rF1 that would make short circuit racing much better, it's beyond time to try something new. If not a move to RF2 then you will have to move on at some point anyway, thankfully someone has started a classic hot rod mod for Assetto Corsa which is proving to be a hit, hopefully that could sway some of you to change your minds.
  5. Any news on whether these Mods/Tracks will be converted for rfactor2? The game itself has been ready a long while and with the recent new partnership with Studio397 it's going to receive a boost (DX11, VR, Documentation for Modders etc). Would be great if UKDirt could move forward with this at some point but I understand it could be a bit of work, but IMO very much worth it Thanks
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