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About splinter

  • Birthday 28/04/1978

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  1. You're boring. Can you please arrange for my forum membership to be cancelled and fully removed, as I have asked before and a time before that. I dont really want to help anyone out on here anymore or be associated with certain people on here, you included danskin Thank you.
  2. A simple no would have sufficed. I wouldnt bother racing if thats how people get spoken to. You think the above is being told politley? I'm obviously wrong like everyone else. Sorry you may need to tell us one more time hoow you're right all the time so we all get it. I think I have made one comment following on from yours. The other times have just been comments which you seem to jump on if they are suggesting anything other than your "almighty" has said. I dont come on here to cause trouble. I as much as anyone else would go out of my way to help people in any form or other as I have done, behind closed doors mostly. I wont help people crack models etc. I hate people quoting like that, but it was easier to explain that way. I wasnt having a go at the race format from last night but the alternating late/early starts each week.
  3. Quote Johno: You have made comments such as as the last comment in your post many time this year, which I deem to be trying to cause trouble. For a guy that doesnt race UK Dirt rfactor F1, you sure have a lot to say for yourself., and I have to ask the question is it to benifit UK Dirt rfactor F1, or is it just to cause trouble? This is the second time in less than a week that you have tried to do as such, although you did sort of back track with the earache thing, but on that thread you actually commented without knowing all the facts. but I am getting really annoyed at the number of times you wish to try and cause trouble within UK Dirt, and especially as you dont even race here any more, and have not paid your server fees ____________________________ ....AND YOU'RE the main reason I dont race rFactor this year because amongst other ukdirt issues, the stupid race format is one thing that 85% people dont like but you still go ahead with it. I have raced ukdirt since 2003 so dont expect to hear "if you dont like it its tough" kind of comments and which I said I wouldnt race this season. I do feel the way it is currently run it is going down the pan. I didnt backtrack on the earcahe post (you must be his best mate or something). I did know all the facts of what I was talking about, so, did you want me to post the full details n how to crack an rFactor model. I think some modelamkers would have had something to say. I would race here EVERY week but I was basically told to go away at beginning of the season so I have done. rFactor is the 1st time I have come across such a realistic stockcar simulation and I love it. F1 Heat just was too arcadey for me having raced sims and real cars since I was 8. But once again you imply..."you havent paid your server fees so shut up"
  4. fair enough johno thanks for ur crappy PM You summed up the reason I dont race here in the first place. It isnt a one man stand against this league whatsoever so you're the one that misunderstands. Is no one entitled to have an opinion. You just ignore what people say if its not what you want to hear and I would be racing here if you didnt take charge of admin. regards. PS Please cancel my forum account thank you
  5. Yes its great to stay as close as possible to real life johno but there is certain formats that I feel its not worth following. A two formula format isnt ideal because as mentioned quite a few drivers cannot, or do not, wish to race one formula or another. F1's and F2's maybe a little more likely, but not Hot Rods and F1's and all it means is they are sat at their computer waiting around for 15 minutes at a time. At least in real life you can chat, fix your car or wander around the pits. If you were short of days left in the week then maybe. I can also imagine it must have been massively rushed through and probably ran over (due to just trying to fit too much into a meeting) Secondly people have lives. On a Wednesday they might be out at Football practise, Snooker club or the like, so I feel a 2-day qualifier is unfair for drivers as they would have to comit to both days. In real life it makes sense as it means the less travel for the drivers etc. Online it makes no practical sense or has any advantage whatsoever other than trying to make it sound 'cool' for you guys running the "2 day event!" You guys should listen to youir member a little more instead of ignoring them all the time.
  6. splinter

    3ds max

    I hope Eus has understood the answer now. No offence to him. Earache why dont you just stay out of certain things. You have nothing interesting to say - and nothing to add - so why stir up arguments on so many threads.
  7. splinter

    3ds max

    Since when were you a moderator?? I answered his question. I dont think a modelmaker would like me to give any more info. Eus if you want to view your paintjob you should do it like everyone else and view it in the game, I still find it a lot easier than painting, converting, then viewing than it was with Heat. Just alt+tab from rfactor to photoshop Earache, if you havent got anything good to say, dont bother gettin ur little sticky fingers typing
  8. splinter

    3ds max

    Are you gonna help him then? No, so stay out and dont bother posting!
  9. splinter

    3ds max

    Hi. Yes there is.
  10. That'll teach you not to ride along the wall down the straights
  11. RIP Craig Horrific accident thoughts go out to his family, friends and team
  12. Wow what a great track and a great nights racing tonight, even with 26 cars all-in final Good luck on Thursday. Hope it provides some epic racing
  13. Dam beat me to it, was just about to do that when I got home lol
  14. jeez that wall is hard! still wud love to race there given the money/chance
  15. Sometimes older drivers can work better. Seems like you've tried most of the things you can though and that I wudda done. Maybe there is a program similar to 3DAnalyse that can bypass the shader problem??
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