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  1. The default sets dont really do them justise no here is one that should get you going on the right track it works pretty well on all tracks if you make a few adjustments to suit eg: overall diff ratio etc Kiwi Superstocks Setup
  2. It is with great pride that today the KSR Development Team bring to you all the future in online superstock racing, the Kiwi Superstock MOD for rFactor! After over a year in development the Team has come up with something quite special. Some of you have asked the question of why this has taken so long and today that question will no doubt be answered. This isn't just any ordinary MOD, Scratch built physics provide an unrivaled realism in online superstock racing. Over 200 current driver, legend and teams skins await you including Team GB and GB individual skins from the 2008-2009 season. 12 real life tracks are also included some of which have NEVER been seen before in any game. An insane amount of chassis & variations, body/bonnet combos etc means that you will be spoiled for choice especially when it comes time to create your own custom skins. There is a mountain of upgrades, everything from the wheels, shocks & seats to the smallest details like surrounds and faces on the gauges can be changed. You can even paint yourself up custom coloured wheels. The MOD even has it's own showroom! The greatest thing about this MOD though is that as packed full of goodness as it might be....................... We ain't done yet!!!! Download and ENJOY. KSR Development Team Note: We recommend that before Installing the MOD you delete all of your current NZ tracks from your rFactor\Gamedata\Locations folder. (Waikaraka, Kihikihi, Woodfordglen, Nelson, Wanganui & Meeanee). This will ensure that you won't receive mismatches when racing online. Please Note: The skinning templates will be released within the next few weeks along with a full explanation on how to get the skins working in game. Inspire.net Host 366mb Dirtshop Creations Inc Host 366mb Special Mentions On behalf of the development team and myself personally I would just like to thank Grasser and MoR for allowing us to use the sounds from the brisca mod and alter them slightly to suit ours as a temporary installment until we can get some proper recordings and also for use of the headnets cheers guys hope you enjoy
  3. hey guys i need some serious help if you wouldnt mind. all the tracks ive made have real bad warp online like the cars keep going through the walls etc etc and for the life of me i cant figure out why. all tracks are below the poly limit and yet all tracks have the same problem. now meanne is the best one of them all it runs sweet with only about 8 cars or so but get many more than that and it does the same thing. where as waikaraka and rotorua do it even with two cars on the track. now im making another track based of palmerton north and have run into the same problem it works fine offline but online i cant defeat the warping problem. now what i done here was take every thing away from the track apart from the basic infield - outfield -and track surface and tested online and sure enough it was still warpy so it wasnt a poly problem. i then altered the ai line and sf line so it wasnt underneath the track but above it and it seemed to of fixed the prob so again i added all detail back in and with three cars online it was perfect but anymore than that it was warping like mad with cars going through walls again. so please any suggestions on how to fix this problem as we would really like to be able to run our nz tracks in our nz league for stockcar heat. from all accounts i seem to think it's more the way im making the ai and sf lines more than anything so any tips on these would be greatly appreciated but also any other ideas that it may be im always keen to know. thanks guys. Dirtnz..
  4. heya man yea at some point in time i will be first i gotta find time and the actuall problem why the first ones dont work well online then wonce those are sorted i'll move on to some others givin time.
  5. hey guys like it was mentioned in another topic the waiakaraka track has some online issues as well as rotorua one of the newer ones what i was wondering was how many polys is to many for creating a track i just need this reference to see if i have gone over and by how much so i can alter the tracks to better suit online gaming so if anyones got any idea could you please let me know so i can get to work on it. thanks. Dirtnz..
  6. pics of what exactly the tracks - cars - menus????
  7. hey guys sorry for the slow download being so slow another guy here in nz offered to upload it to his site and he's got b/band where as ive only got a 56k and it would have takin me ages to even get it on the net so i just thought well any place is better than none. as for rotorua and meanne that was a slip up as those tracks were givin to nz guys but still arnt finished completly so you guys might need to download those two tracks again when there done.
  8. hi yea me and a few of the guys here in nz have found that to bit hard to know as i never had beta testers but it has been brought to my attention and hopefully intend on doing a newer version suitable for online play this weekend all going well mite actually be abit bigger though so lap times are bit more relistic with a good lap setting in at about 17 sec instead of 13 but thanks for that man im on to it for ya's. Dirtnz.
  9. ok guys finally after so bloody long the nz version of stockcar heat is out i know it's takin so long and dont blame you if you got no interest in downloading it but this is just to let ya's all know it is out thanks to the guys at inspire.net here in new zealand for hosting the files you can get it here. http://www.simracerhq.co.nz/stockcarheat/stockcarheat.exe again sorry to those that have waited so long the wait is over hope you all enjoy and feedback always welcome. thanks Dirtnz..
  10. Hey guys just a quick note this is the new address for the kiwi stockcar heat forum (not dragons version nz heat) feel free to join and ask questions all can be answered on there as well as keeping all up to date with whats going on. http://thedirtshop.proboards42.com/index.cgi thanks. Dirtnz..
  11. thanks for the feed back guys thats the first nz track hopefully i will have the other two nz tracks up within the next two weeks anyway thanks again for the feedabck guys.
  12. hey guys just a post to let you know the my first nz track is up for download at http://thedirtshop.orcon.net.nz/Waikaraka.exe track is based of real track here in nz in auckland called waikaraka park great fun hope you all enjoy. feed back always welcome.
  13. hey guys firstly id like to say to dragon top work on the models man considering you never seen one in real life they are bloody good and in some areas got more detail than the ones i have done so top job from what i can see ( i wouldnt mind learning few tips from ya to be honest) secondly as far as skins go yes i do use the basic cut and paste method mainly because i havnt got a propper sign writing programe or anything to that extent. thirdly i know how long everyones been waiting for this mod and im not defending myself in any way ive been a real slacker and shouldve had this done years ago so to all you guys i do appologise.yes it is still in the works and is getting closer to completion it's like sparky said all that needs to be done really is incar veiws for the cars which i have got but not happy with apart from that skins-menus-etc etc etc are all done to the extent for a release but still not placing date on it. lastly again id like to say top job to dragon i thought it would only be a matter of time before someone got tired of waiting and went at making another one of thier own and i can fully understand that it is for another series within the uk dirt league. so all in all guys i am sorry to those that have waited so long and hope you guys all have fun with dragons new mod that he"s put time and effort into making which is looking great. ps: dragon if you need some 1024x768 photos of real nz cars i have got quite a few but all just pit shots if it helps.
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