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About turnip180592

  • Birthday 18/05/1991

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    i love banger racing especially Brampton, Buxton and sheffield. Skeggies ok 2.
  1. yh the first ones are goodish banger racing but the new one jst takes it over the top
  2. is there any good UK Banger racing games out for the PS2. i have Flatout and Driven to destruction but are getting bored of these.
  3. jst got 1216m n now im hooked lol
  4. thats what ive done but they still race round and the only way any1 wrecks is if they keep respawning
  5. is there any way to get the cars to have a demolition derby instead of racing round
  6. Brilliant track swindy really top notch when will the upper eden track be released because i cant wait for it.
  7. my hotmail int workin m8
  8. can i av the skin plz m8
  9. gr8. i dont mean 2 b rude or anythin but cud any1 paint me any bears cars plz
  10. cud i av the skin plz. i no its a while after ur original post but if uve got it i wud b truly gratefull m8
  11. whens the warton track gunna b released
  12. http://www.marcsbangers.com/sod.html its on there m8
  13. no it will look ok soz for the l8 reply its cos ive been at ma dads n e ant got the web
  14. all the team n if u cud do the junior team that wud b awesome
  15. all the team Jason thompson 169 nutty nige 421 ace ash 521 wizard 424 wingnut 321 stress 803 balu 41 Do as many as u can m8 n cheers 4 this
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