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About gordy471

  • Birthday 17/05/1994

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  1. gordy471


    all of your skins are amazing mate also, what font is 'BERKSHIRE' on spudders car?
  2. how do you do them? if anybody has any tips at all please either post here or add jrls-80@hotmail.co.uk
  3. gordy471


    oh right, cheers
  4. gordy471


    well its finished. The first render is my first attempt at a damage render, i know the wheels dont fit but i dont have any others and i havn't figured out shadows yet. the other 2 arent realy renders they are just to show the bluebird skin. comments? EDIT: i dont know why it doesnt show it in thee renders but the body detail is still on the car.
  5. gordy471


    LOL i just posted up for opinions on the skin mate
  6. gordy471


    ive started a bluebird, just finished the drivers side and i was wondering what people think? constructive critisism/comments please. cheers
  7. sorry! got an answer on msn. admin please delete topic
  8. um... well im about to paint a skin and i wan it white. But when i change the hue saturation lightness to make it white, it covers all of the detail on the car, anybody know how i can stop that happening?
  9. . Well i only have about 4 wheels to choose from .
  10. gordy471


    first one thats not a complete disaster...
  11. gordy471


    Hi all i expect most of you know about this but ive just found this site, click on 3ds max models on the left hand side menu and theres some good stuff on there. http://www.max-realms.com/modules/wmpdownloads/
  12. hi all this is my 2nd render, cpmments? oh and if anybody has anything they don't mind sending me add jrls-80@hotmail.co.uk cheers.
  13. cheers dode. thats exactly wat i need
  14. gordy471


    Well... i got 3Ds a few days ago and i got a grandstand and a crown hearse lol. So i did what i could with it, but if anybody would send me anything else or give me some tips it would be great My first attempt...
  15. typed Gordy in both feilds and got Gildo
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