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Everything posted by rhys

  1. rhys

    volvo 740

    can some1 quickly paint me a skin for a vole740 with my name... rhys henderson... and the number being 48 plz guys i need this b4 6 pm... cheers any colour will do
  2. rhys


    hey... i was wondering if any1 would b able to paint a skin for me i would like it to look like this 1, but with my name on it instead of andy bonner and can u do it with the 4 different roofs, white, yellow, blue and red keep the number the same many thanks
  3. rhys


    try: www.crimondraceway.co.uk www.rankinracers.co.uk yh, i have already looked there.. couldnt find any thanks anyways
  4. im looking for any photos of saloon drivers, nicky bonner (37) or andy bonner (48) hiting ally strachen (501) or peter thompson(502) cheers
  5. i now this was posted adges ago, but where can i find a skin of his car, or even for nicky bonner, i have been searching for adges nd had no luck so i was just wondering if any1 could help me or put me in the right direction
  6. rhys


    yeah i have downloaded that skinpack and everyone of the cars were great but the only downfall is it never has nicky or ally. thanks anyway
  7. rhys


    was wondering if anyone had completed doing ally strachen ( 501) or nicky bonner (37)
  8. rhys


    hey i would of but it aint my fault im lazy and retarded lol
  9. rhys


    where can u find it and is it free ?
  10. rhys


    what do you need to do renders as i wouldn't mind having a try at rendering a few stuff.
  11. rhys

    offline F2's

    so i take it there are not alote of skins made of crimond reagulars. would be nice to have any of them whether it be F2's, minis, saloon, bangers, hot rods.
  12. rhys

    offline F2's

    i would prefer doing it the other way round like, but suite yourself. not a reli big fan of robbie dawson, i like the kellys tho, i think there faster, by far esspacially graham IMO, but every one has there own opinion!
  13. rhys

    offline F2's

    yh ive been looking at another thread on this forum and found this http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopi...bonner&st=0 and i was just wondering where, if any were made, could i get them, esspaically nicky and andy bonner as they are the best, and also ally so i could follow him
  14. hi i was wondering if anyone has done a replica of stuart kelly, and if they have would it be possible to send it to me becuase i think he is an awsome racer. or even any of the other crimond regulars F2 drivers.
  15. hi, i was just wondering if there are any free F2 or F1 leagues.
  16. rhys

    help please

    rite ok, the game keeps sayn this n i checked the file and the XJ^ carset thing is there n im serously thinking about uninstalling the game as it is doing my head in !
  17. rhys

    help please

    rite ok, the game keeps sayn this n i checked the file and the XJ^ carset thing is there n im serously thinking about uninstalling the game as it is doing my head in !
  18. rhys

    help needed

    i have already looked through there and cant find it, anywhere else i could find it ?
  19. rhys

    help needed

    i was wondering where you get the template for the graniih ?
  20. rhys

    help please

    thanks. ive uninstaled the game and reinstalled it and its working like a charm now
  21. rhys

    help please

    please help somone, it keeps comming up with this when i try to load up banger heat 19.57.125: Jun 20 2001 09:45:38 N W32 M6 R senor_b 19.57.125: ====================================================================== 19.57.125: mem: p/s/t t/a 1023M/573M 2462M/1709M 2047M/2023M 19.57.171: JoyBegin 19.57.187: data directory: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\Data\ 19.57.187: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ 19.57.187: mod: trying mod "ukdirtbangers"...19.57.187: mod.cfg found ok. 19.57.187: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ 19.57.187: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2 19.57.187: cached file: 260c.car 19.57.187: cached file: 280c.car 19.57.187: cached file: A60.car 19.57.187: cached file: anglia.car 19.57.187: cached file: BHCM.cfg 19.57.187: cached file: BHCM.exe 19.57.187: cached file: bhcm.ico 19.57.187: cached file: Bluebird.car 19.57.187: cached file: bluebirds.car 19.57.187: cached file: Caddy.car 19.57.187: cached file: Cadhearse.car 19.57.187: cached file: cadillac.car 19.57.187: cached file: Capri.car 19.57.187: cached file: CapriceE.car 19.57.187: cached file: CAR02.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR1.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car100.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car102.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR122.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR137.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR14.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR15.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR17.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR2.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR3.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car33.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR4.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car404.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR48.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR480.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR5.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR501.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car502.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR55.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR56.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car560.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car6.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car61.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR7.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR73.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car880.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car881.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car882.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car884.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car885.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car886.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR888.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car891.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car892.tex 19.57.187: cached file: car893.tex 19.57.187: cached file: CAR959.tex 19.57.187: cached file: Cedric.car 19.57.187: cached file: cleanup.bat 19.57.187: cached file: common.res 19.57.187: cached file: concapri.car 19.57.187: cached file: Cortina.car 19.57.187: cached file: CortinaE.car 19.57.187: cached file: CortinaMK3.car 19.57.187: cached file: crestapc.car 19.57.187: cached file: Crown.car 19.57.187: cached file: Custom.car 19.57.187: cached file: Cutlass.car 19.57.187: cached file: Dodge.car 19.57.187: cached file: drivers.txt 19.57.187: cached file: ds420h.car 19.57.187: cached file: ds420l.car 19.57.187: cached file: eldorado.car 19.57.187: cached file: ghostcar 19.57.187: cached file: GranIc.car 19.57.187: cached file: granIIe.car 19.57.187: cached file: graniih.car 19.57.187: cached file: graniiis.car 19.57.187: cached file: granIIL.car 19.57.187: cached file: granIIs.car 19.57.187: cached file: granil.car 19.57.187: cached file: Granis.car 19.57.187: cached file: head0.cvs 19.57.187: cached file: head1.cvs 19.57.187: cached file: head2.cvs 19.57.187: cached file: head3.cvs 19.57.187: cached file: JagMK2.car 19.57.187: cached file: lada.car 19.57.187: cached file: ladae.car 19.57.187: cached file: Laurel.car 19.57.187: cached file: lincoln.car 19.57.187: cached file: lincolntc.car 19.57.187: cached file: marina.car 19.57.187: cached file: Mazda929E.car 19.57.187: cached file: Metro.car 19.57.187: cached file: metros 19.57.187: cached file: minx.car 19.57.187: cached file: Mk10Jaguar.car 19.57.187: cached file: Mk3Cedric.car 19.57.187: cached file: MOD.CFG 19.57.187: cached file: MSINET.OCX 19.57.187: cached file: options.cfg 19.57.187: cached file: Oztin.car 19.57.187: cached file: P4.car 19.57.187: cached file: P5.car 19.57.187: cached file: paint 19.57.187: cached file: PAINT.RES 19.57.187: cached file: paint0.tex 19.57.187: cached file: paint1.tex 19.57.187: cached file: paint2.tex 19.57.187: cached file: PAINT256.RES 19.57.187: cached file: paint3.tex 19.57.187: cached file: part.res 19.57.187: cached file: pre68s 19.57.187: cached file: readme.txt 19.57.187: cached file: record 19.57.187: cached file: results.txt 19.57.187: cached file: Setups 19.57.187: cached file: sheerlineh.car 19.57.187: cached file: sierra.car 19.57.187: cached file: silverc.car 19.57.187: cached file: SilverS.car 19.57.187: cached file: teams 19.57.187: cached file: transit.car 19.57.187: cached file: Trummy.car 19.57.187: cached file: ui 19.57.187: cached file: ui.res 19.57.187: cached file: ukbangers.ico 19.57.187: cached file: under 2 litre 19.57.187: cached file: unlimited 19.57.187: cached file: vans 19.57.187: cached file: vole240e.car 19.57.187: cached file: Vole740.car 19.57.187: cached file: vx490.car 20.03.375: ddraw: created directdraw with ati2dvag.dll (RADEON 9200 LE Family (Microsoft Corporation)) 20.03.375: ddraw: version 20.04.421: vid: 64 meg card (reported:253.796875) 20.04.453: vid: triple buffer on 20.04.453: texture: supports compressed solid texture 20.06.296: mr: 3D performance: 767 MPix/sec, 707 KTris/sec 20.06.296: mr: fill rate is AWESOME, poly rate is LAME, machine speed is 1250 20.07.234: bink(intro.bik): open failed (Error opening file.) 20.07.312: using sound mixer Sound 20.08.531: Using user driver file 20.11.468: name = *Smeatharpe.trk/trkshot.img, image = 10a9da4 20.14.546: unloading ui: 69.6 MB 20.14.562: unloaded ui: 69.8 MB 20.14.578: ====================================================================== 20.14.578: () Panic: Can't load resource set "XJ6.car" 20.14.578: ====================================================================== 20.14.609: except: dec: exe 6a0b1a2 20.14.609: NON-DEBUG 20.14.609: ( 00419040 , none , my_handler ) 20.14.609: ( 00418FD0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041A325, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004126BD, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E8C12, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E6B55, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004125EB, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041B8B1, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041BC3A, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041BC4C, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0040DEC4, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0040DF73, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0040DE8B, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004B24CB, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004B20B5, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E9203, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E9124, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E6B55, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 00418A54, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004959C7, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004954A4, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041E433, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041E1FF, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004B2C0A, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004B1DDA, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004A89FC, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E9203, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E8C12, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E8C12, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 00411D92, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E6F3F, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 00418A54, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041259F, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004EAEA1, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004EAE85, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004EAE6F, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004EAACE, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E6F92, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041E9DD, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041EA02, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E6F92, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041E98D, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E9203, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 004E9124, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 0041C043, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 00418A54, call-stack , ? ) 20.14.609: ( 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