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About Shaddy70

  • Birthday 20/04/1989

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  1. cool where will the skinpack be downloadable from??? and where do we need to post our skins ??
  2. table Driver number 174 name Matty Chassis clio rank 100 race_image 100 body_style ccar wheel_basename Gmlite ui_image focus.img end THERE THE DRIVERS TEXT FOR OFFLINE RACERS!
  3. hi can everyone that races outlaw series hotrods please add my .tex file (skin) to there folder please! I need everyone to add this to there folder as i do not have a ukdirt skin because i havnt become a member of ukdirt yet EVERY1 PLS REPLY ONCE YOUCE ADDED THIS TO YOU HOTRODS FOLDER so i know i can use it for next meeting http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=371 http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=371 http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=371 http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=371 http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?download=371
  4. thanks bro.... 14points in me first meetin ;-)
  5. lmao
  6. thanks for the great meeting guys.... atleast you lot can have a laugh ;-) good racing aswell! (i had 2 3rds!!!! yayyyyyyyyy )
  7. some good stuffr si ;-)
  8. thanks to wrighty for sneding me the chat... also go easy on me... it my first online race in a hotrod today... ill try and cause no crashes..
  9. how can i download the secure chat im not currently a ukdirt member... my membership has expired
  10. can someone add me to explain how we meet each other and stuff... my email is mattyscottonline@hotmai.com wot servers will we be using
  11. Im bookin in Matty174 (do i need to register or anything...) also i have a skin shall i put it up here for download/???
  12. around 93 time to 95
  13. i ahvnt got a skin... and im not a member of ukdirt so how can i add mine to the pack?
  14. nothing seems to be happenin witht he outlaw series.... is it dead??? if yes could someone tell me a good free hptrod league
  15. hey mate.... yeah i was about 5 when he first started racin u might have seen me lols.... my dad also had ago at f2s but not for very long.. he was 170 charlie hancox sorry for the bad typing... i just rush my messages and dont bother checkin them over lol... will try to make sense in future...
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