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About Benthouse

  • Birthday 01/09/1971

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  1. I Don't have more pictures. Got this pictures from Karen Ruig (Peter's wife). A Friend of mine asked for a Brisca Heat skin for this car. It's for offline use only. So if anybody wants to make a skin as realistic as it can be, thanks in advance!! Benthouse
  2. Hello everybody, I've got several photo's from the car of H55, Peter Ruig (dirttrack F1). Is there anybody who wants to create the needed skin(s) for Brisca Heat F1 for me?? Phorographs added. It would be appreciated by me and several other fans!! Thanks in advance, Benthouse
  3. Dutch Skins only will be uploaded to the above mentioned GMail drive. Greetz Benthouse
  4. For all th guys and girls who don't have Brisca Heat 2005, and those who can't download the original version, I've created an installer. It's ready for download now. Because I don't have lots of Webspace I've created an Gmail virtual drive and uploaded the parts there. The only thing you have to do is download Gmail drive on this location: http://rapidshare.de/files/5223720/gmailfs108.zip.html Install the Gmail drive and open it with the following variables: Username: BriscaHeat Password: BriscaHeat2005 with this account you can log in on the Gmaildrive. Select all the RAR parts, and copy them to your harddisk. Use WINRAR to unrar all the parts. At the end you have an *.EXE, Run this and the installer will start up ater a few seconds. In the installer ther is everything you need, including Nascar Heat essentials, the original BH2005, a skinpack update, and last but not least a Dutch version from BH2005 (Thanks to MadJeff, for a lot of Dutch Skins) Enjoy Benthouse
  5. From: http://www.dutchbriscaleague.tk/ Thanks to Noppes Racing It's finally there: H57 Theo van Lier table Driver number 57 name Theo van Lier (H57) chassis briscan rank 1 race_image 100 body_style ccar end NOPPES RACING, Bedankt voor de bijdrage!! Downloadlink: http://rapidshare.de/files/8250221/car57.zip.html
  6. Kicking the thread to the top of the skinpainting forum!!
  7. Kicking the thread to the top of the skinpainting forum!!
  8. Looks Good!!
  9. Radduzz, H57 will be painted by Noppes Racing.
  10. Thanks M8 for all your work! I'll check it out tonight. Benthouse
  11. Well it looks O.K., Only the front wing isn't on the real life car.... So if you want to change this it would be great. Thanks in advance. Is there anybody who can built some dutch Tracks like Venray, Lelystad, Blauwhuis, Ter Apel or the new Texel track? I don't know anything about this or skinpainting but it would be great to have more dutch tracks in the game.... See You all on track
  12. Thanks, the pictures are looking great! Do you have any information for the Drivers.TXT file? Chassis etc.? Thanks M8
  13. That would be Great! Thanks M8
  14. Thanks for all the help. In the mean time, I've contacted MadJeff. He sent me lots of Dutch Dirttrack Real Life Skins. THANKS MadJeff!!. Now I've got the following Drivers (but still searching for more!!). The above mentioned real life skins are very welcome (H50, H62, H57, H3, H175, H240) Thanks all you Guys (and Girls??) Now the following Dutch drivers are available: Henk-Jan Ronitz (H1) Patrick Peeters (H2) Ouwe Bijlsma (H3) Geert-Jan Keijzer (H6) Pascal Spigt (H6) Dave Schaap (H007) Piet Keijzer (H10) Onno Pietersma (H11) Evert van den Berg (H12) Arjan Koorn (H14) Rien Rutjens (H15) Bouwe Arjen Hiddenga (H17) Lieuwe de Vries (H18) Bert de Vries (H20) Jeroen Wekema (H21) Louw Wobbes (H22) Feite Visser (H23) Willie Peeters (H24) Ief Plantenga (H25) Durk Greidanus (H29) Toon Schut (H30) Ted Blom (H31) Axel Nijs (H32) Ernst-Jan Wekema (H32) Benny Nauta (H34) Fred Hink (H35) Johan Goos (H36) Willem Koopmans (H37) Bart Koopmans (H38) Andre Neet (H42) Haye Dijkstra (H43) Anne Hoekstra (H44) Wieger Minnema (H44) Tjitze Minnema (H48) Pablo Brandenburg (H51) Sjors de Jong (H53) Henk Maris (H60) Appie Maris (H63) Richard Talsma (H64) Ad Nap (H66) Marco Kandt (H67) Minne Meijer (H69) Bate Feenstra (H74) Wierd Gietema (H76) Mark Woudenberg (H84) Willem-Hein de Haan (H88) Roelof vd Veen (H90) Martijn de Veij (H97) Piet Scholtanus (H98) Ronald van Baaren (H111) Ron Kroonder (H217) Marco Jeninga (H221) Jannes Boskma (H223) Sip Woudstra (H227) Henk Jan Ronitz (H240) Hans Ubelgonne (H288) Gerrit de Vries (H383) Peter vd Bosch (H482) Bert Schaap (H525) Job Honderd (H540) So if you have more drivers (other than mentioned) don't hesitate to contact me. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!
  15. The wing should be Yellow (not silver). Thanks in advance
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