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Posts posted by FireStorm

  1. i went there about 2 years or so ago. We wasn't expecting ot to get so cold over the december time!!!!


    we turned up in jumpers etc. No coats as it was a very warm day not only for it to jump to about 5 degrees with everyone else wrapping up in blankets and other clothes. Even some starting small fires to keep warm.


    Racing was top and we had a good time, but it the uk oval's are much better then the huge banked fast ovals.



    I would go back to watch again though


  2. allright then i broke the "rules" yer not proud and 3 months is a joke for swearing. But you know no one 's prefect. Just gives me 4 months to start building a few more cars for some real life fun




    Who do i need to pm / email about making a complaint about another memeber of ukdirt then?


    as he email was signed ukdirt admin... could be any one....




  3. This ban is purely for your swearing AGAIN. Banger Admin would look at any replays and judge what you did on track and apply a further mod related ban if necessary.


    This is taken from the General Rules,


    We will not tolerate swearing or abuse of others for any reason.

    Disciplinary matters are as follows:

    Swearing in general - One week ban all mods.

    Swearing aimed directly at another driver - Two weeks ban all mods.



    This is your 3rd ban for swearing that I can see from a quick trawl through the admin disciplinary files, and all are for swearing and abusing other drivers or admin members. It was agreed by all admin that you should get 3 months and its in line with the 6 weeks you served (and didn't appeal against) for the last bout of swearing.


    Get a grip of your self and try thinking before you type.



    What ever comes to mind. I've not been banned 3 times for swearing. I pmed kevin back in regards to being banned last time. Oh what a surprise nothing was done.






  4. doesn't mean anything AGAIN



    it was in a private pm to the admin who at the time was ranny, it wasn't there for everyone to see.....


    i asked to see the logs as prove of it. But i didn't even get a response from the admin team.




  5. So I get a email this morning...


    It reads


    Hi Paul,


    You have been caught swearing, AGAIN, in the JOLT-server.

    Last year you did that also and it cost you 6 weeks ban (all mods).

    Well, this time its gonna cost you 3 months (all mods).

    Your ban will end on 17th of august.


    We are NOT gonna continue with this.

    Shape or face a life-ban......................ur choice.


    UK-Dirt Admin


    so i would like to appeal about this.


    why did i take it to a public place on the fourm? cause ukdirt admin clearly don't have the bottle to post in the correct thread in regards to bans.



    Don't give me the oh I haven't done it yet. I got this email at 11:39am this morning. You have had over 10 hours to post on the forum in regards to this ban.



    so am i the only oen to get done? More then likely




    watch that, yes I did wrong i did go across the i/f but watch splodge..... I haven't touched him he has no reason to come across the I/F but what does he do? come and do me. You see me go at michealG across the i/f as me are mates and it was just a laugh



    but splodge has no reason whats so ever to do me. So does he get banned aswell? more then likely not.....




    Any way I think 3 months for saying 2 rude words is abit extreme to be honnest.


    I would likve a offical reply from a admin either via this thread, pm or email.





  6. So after helping magpye out and allways intrested in racing, I decided to give it ago. I wasn't to keen on Cecil's builds so i decided to do it myself. After messing the escort up "not running still!!!"



    I decided to take the old road car, nova 1.2 out. Yes I could have selled it to a 1300 stock car boy or a rookie rod boy as it was a mint shell. But wheres the fun in that :)



    So after spending all week building it "thanks dad :)" with alot of help form the old man.



    He's the outcome


    Heat 1 - didn't do as i failed securtineering due to the way i had mounted the harness to one point


    Heat 2 - Went off the back and stayed out the way for a few laps, gave a few hits to see what it was like etc.

    then run out of petrol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "allways check petrol lvl's even if you think it's full"

    Was over steering as there was hardly any air in the outside front !!!!!

    So I retired due to no petrol left



    Final - went out last but spedeworth pulled the front half to the back, leaving me about 4 rows back, I went round and pulled off and let them go, Much better with air in the tire and petrol in the tank.


    Just stayed out the way and had abit of fun with the back end coming ronud :D



    Got 7th in the final out of 8 cars!!!! Least I wasn't last




    My First Ever Hit :D:D:D:D:D:D

    793kbs - 10 seconds long



    2nd heat - My first race - 24 meg big, 3 mins 5 seconds



    Final 35meg big, 4 mins 28 seconds long.




  7. With the fig 8 world being won by mavrick, the Westy raffle for the ovalchat pre 70 was drawn tonight.



    It was won by our very own Chris Pye !!!!!!



    So I gave him a bell and he confirmed he would be racing it. And he is expecting twins any minute now!!!!!




    Good luck mate



  8. As confirmed by the  company who own the spedeway. They are pulling the speedway as they only get half crowds and to much ashale to clear up after a meeting. They have backed Stock cars and said its great and stated they have 32 meetings next year. They also said they have hadd a thursday night meeting for the dogs which has also secured its furture for a while

  9. Well what a intresting meeting it was.


    4:30 pm start with 7 formulas ohmy.gif 22 races and 7 half hours later it was 5 to midnight with about 10 people left watching.


    It saw a 34 grid all in world final with Sam Holland on pole and with the talk from her she said she knew it wasn't going to be her for the win, She then went onto to say I doubt i'll finish the race, She couldn't have been more correct.


    With Wille Skoyles on the outside of her and George Morphey in 3rd, Julian Smith in 4th, Paul Brown in 5th and Diggy Smith 6th.  They set off for the first bend which saw Morphey give sam a nudge wide only for Julian Smith to put her away, Which saw Julian hit the apex and go straight across the track putting her in. She then got going and carried onto the next bend where she was then followed in again by George Morphey which took himself out the race. The race was stopped to recover a shaken up Sam Holland sitting on the exit of the bend. 10 minutes later Sam got the car out and asked if she could start from the back of the grid which they said no to. So back to the front she went, She didn't make the first bend, when she was turned left by diggy smith and broke the suspension. She suffered a broken hand in the result of only doing half a lap both times sad.gif



    It went on with Willie taking up the lead and keeping it for a while till I belive he was turned round by Julian Smith, It went on and a very quick Jodie Bryant from around 12th on the grid in a nova !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come through to take the win with a Aaron Morris taking 2nd place and no 3rd was given as Julian Smith failed post race securitneering due to machined piston's I belive. James Stace took 4th place but had gone home so couldn't be checked.



    Also just to top it off Diggy Smith followed James Stace in after the reds had come out. Apparntly Diggy didn't lift off for the corner.


    A long night but was very worth it.


    The v8's saw 12 turn out which wasn't worth watching.


    Superstox had a healthy turn out with about 30 formning the grid again was good racing from them


    Rookie Bangers had 70+ turn up and they provided some very good action.




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