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About MattNZ

  • Birthday 28/02/1991

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  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  1. Hmmmm i tried that and it still didnt seem to work
  2. Hey guys, I just installed Banger Heat and found that the car manager won't open, i've been through all the old topics and gotten all the files that you guys have suggested to get but it still doesn't work. So im just wondering how to you change the class (Unlimited, Metros etc) manually. Thanks
  3. Thanks for that, alo when you have finished painting a skin, why in the game does it turn up red?????????
  4. I painted a skin for a banger last night and when i got into the game there was no backend or roof on the car, would anyone please be able to tell me why this has happened?????. I followed instructions with the template etc but still no back end Matt
  5. woah im not exactly the smartest computer cookie in the jar could you explain that last point for me thanks
  6. I have just recently downloaded Banger heat and all 3 of the 2005 patches but there seems to be a problem when i try to open the car manager. It comes up with an error saying that it cant find a file called 'MSINET.OCX'. I have reinstalled it 3-4 times with still the same problem, so any help would be nice. Matt
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