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Posts posted by gary17

  1. LCQ:237,211,964,98,641,456,756,45,718,961

    Ht1: 87,98,964,256,99,249,17,926,330,761,172,
    Ht2: 305,46,961,236,39,33,101,277,237,164,67,45,641, 319,456,
    Ht3: 774,330,641,98,488,756, 41,31,473,718,954,926,32, 205,
    Ht4: 211,87,112,99,456,238,67,249,255,256,17,237,172,221,115,39
    Ht5: 961,41,46,31,164,756,774,122,473,221,400,
    Ht6: 964,236,211,101,112,488,238,33, 255,305,115,954,205,718,45,

    A Final:964,961,31,238, 236,211,87,115, 237,256,249,112,33,101,46,41,99,17,756,98,488,305,641
    B Final:277, 176, 456 , 205, 255, 319, 926

    GN1: 98,31,115,41,277,46,238,255,305,249,101,964,926,237
    GN2: 211,236,99,87,17,112,33,205,256,641,319,176

    38 pts 211
    38 pts 964
    37 pts 236
    36 pts 961
    35 pts 31
    34 pts 87
    27 pts 238
    26 pts 98
    22 pts 46
    21 pts 99
    20 pts 41
    19 pts 112
    14 pts 115
    14 pts 774
    13 pts 305
    12 pts 33
    12 pts 256
    11 pts 101
    11 pts 330
    11 pts 488
    10 pts 17
    10 pts 756
    9 pts 249
    9 pts 277
    9 pts 641
    7 pts 164
    7 pts 255
    6 pts 39
    6 pts 237
    6 pts 456
    4 pts 67
    4 pts 473
    3 pts 122
    3 pts 205
    3 pts 926
    1 pts 221
    1 pts 718
    1 pts 761
    0 pts 32
    0 pts 45
    0 pts 172
    0 pts 176
    0 pts 319
    0 pts 400
    0 pts 550
    0 pts 864
    0 pts 954

  2. We have 47 cars booked in tonight


    Race 1: Last Chance Qualifier ( All Non euro qualifiers) Top 4 to Euro Server 45

    Race 2 Eurpean Championship


    This well then be followed by a full meeting


    Heat 1: 32, 330, 400, 761, 17, 172, 864, 964, 122, 256, 98, 99, 176, 249, 87, 926, (Server 48) Steward 488

    Heat 2: 45, 237, 319, 456, 33, 67, 641, 961, 101, 277, 39, 46, 164, 305, 236, (Server 45) STeward 41

    Heat 3: 32, 330, 473, 718, 31, 205, 641, 954, 277, 488, 98, 550, 756, 774, 41, 926, (Server 48) Steward 176

    Heat 4: 211, 237, 255, 456, 17, 67, 172, 221, 256, 39, 99, 115, 238, 249, 87, 112, (Server .45) Steward 236

    Heat 5: 319, 400, 473, 761, 31, 864, 961, 122, 221, 46, 164, 176, 756, 774, 41, (Server .48) Steward 176

    Heat 6: 45, 211, 255, 718, 33, 205, 954, 964, 101, 488, 115, 238, 305, 550, 112, 236, (Server .45) Steward 277



    Top 20 to final plus 2 from each consi or 4 from 1 consi.


    GN 1: 17, 33, 45, 67, 99, 115, 172, 211, 237, 255, 319, 456, 550, 756, 864, 961, , , , Steward 488(Server .48)

    GN 2: 31, 39, 46, 87, 101, 122, 176, 221, 238, 277, 330, 473, 641, 761, 926, 964, , , , Steward 41 (Server .45)

    GN 3: 32, 41, 52, 98, 112, 164, 205, 236, 249, 305, 400, 488, 718, 774, 954, , , , , Steward 176 (Server .48)



  3. Well done to tomD who won the scottish on race wins over Dan Skin who were both tied on 73 points.


    Heat 1: 112,87,176,41,835,249,305,238,67,39,17,45, 101,

    Heat 2: 41,236,87,249,115,305,99,560,210,238,17,45

    Heat 3: 176,112,236,488,46,115,560,210,31,131,99,67,101,39

    Final: 176,46,39,236,774,112,238,87,131,249

    GN: 249,236,112,46,488,99,115,560,835,87





























    73pts-112 TomD

    73pts-236 Danskin

    60pts-176 Gary

    53pts-41 Drumbstick

    48pts-560 James

    43pts-39 LeeK

    38pts-115 Green

    31pts-46 NezZA

    29pts-101 Bristol

    24pts-87 Robin

    24pts-249 Jack

    23pts-488 Dave

    19pts-131 Gary

    19pts-315 Mike

    16pts-17 aZA

    14pts-31 Simon

    12pts-238 Kane

    12pts-774 leech

    11pts-67 FreeW

    9pts-99 jk

    9pts-305 Jakie JNr

    8pts--237 Rickly James

    8pts-835 blair

    5pts-210 tomp

    1pts-205 PistolPete

    1pts-718 MartynR

    1pts-954 Samwit

    0pts-45 MadMatt

    0pts-220 DougieFord



  4. Heat 1: 45, 17, 31, 67, 237, 46, 176, 249, 835, 39, 101, 238, 305, 774, 41, 87, 112, (Steward 488)

    Heat 2: 45, 17, 131, 210, 237, 249, 277, 488, 835, 99, 115, 238, 305, 560, 41, 87, 236, (Steward 112)

    Heat 3: 31, 67, 131, 210, 46, 176, 277, 488, 39, 99, 101, 115, 560, 774, 112, 236, , (Steward 41 )




    Top 18 to final Plus 4 from consolation

  5. WD to lew for his final win tonight



    w&y:718, 495, 641, 221, 237, 220, 45, 205


    Heat 1: 115, 305, 220, 87, 41, 718, 277, 46, 236, 33,

    heat 2: 560, 495, 315, 641, 39, 632, 122, 45, 249, 488

    heat 3: 560, 641, 87, 236, 237, 46, 17, 632, 205, 33

    Heat 4: 495,115,305,249,315,277,39,41,718,122


    Consi: 205,238,33,954,45,221


    Final : 495, 115, 315, 632, 236, 641, 205, 46, 305, 221


    gn1: 87, 236, 488, 560, 46, 495, 249, 122, 17, 954

    gn2: 205, 305, 115, 238, 41, 632, 39, 237, 641, 315


    54 pts - 495

    45 pts - 115

    31 pts - 315

    30 pts - 305

    30 pts - 236

    28 pts - 641

    27 pts - 632

    27 pts - 560

    25 pts - 87

    20 pts - 205

    20 pts - 46

    15 pts - 41

    14 pts - 39

    13 pts - 249

    9 pts - 237

    9 pts - 488

    9 pts - 277

    8 pts - 220

    8 pts - 122

    7 pts - 718

    7 pts - 238

    6 pts - 17

    3 pts - 45

    2 pts - 221

    2 pts - 33

    1 pts - 954

    0 pts - 210

    0 pts - 6

  6. W&Y PLease be in chat for 8.15 for a 8.20 start for the W&Y race


    Heat 1: 205, 718, 210, 220, 221, 17, 33, 305, 46, 115, 238, 277, 41, 87, 236 Steward 236 (Server 48)

    Heat 2: 45, 237, 495, 641, 67, 488, 632, 954, 39, 122, 249, 560, 112, 315 Steward 112 (Server 45)

    Heat 3: 205, 210, 237, 641, 17, 33, 67, 488, 632, 46, 238, 560, 87, 112, 236 Steward 112 (Server 48 )

    Heat 4: 718, 45, 220, 221, 495, 305, 954, 39, 115, 122, 249, 277, 41, 315 Steward 41 (Server 45)


    Top 18 to final and 6 from consi


    GN 1: 718, 210, 221, 495, 17, 67, 488, 954, 46, 122, 249, 560, 87, 236 Steward 236 (Server .48)

    GN 2: 205, 45, 220, 237, 641, 33, 305, 632, 39, 115, 238, 277, 41, 112, 315 Steward112 (Server .45)



  7. Heat 1: 211, 954, 33, 122, 968, 67, 237, 488, 17, 39, 115, 249, 46, 236, 315 Steward 176 (Server .48)

    Heat 2: 45, 619, 31, 48, 92, 205, 210, 221, 87, 238, 305, 560, 774, 41, 112 Steward 112 (Server .45)

    Heat 3: 45, 211, 31, 33, 48, 67, 210, 237, 17, 115, 238, 774, 41, 46, 236 Steward 176 (Server .48)

    Heat 4: 619, 954, 122, 205, 968, 92, 221, 488, 39, 87, 249, 305, 560, 112, 315 Steward 112 (Server .45)


    Top 18 to final plus 6 from consolation


    GN 1: 211, 954, 33, 122, 968, 92, 210, 237, 17, 87, 238, 305, 774, 46, 236 Steward 176 (Server .48)

    GN 2: 45, 619, 31, 48, 205, 67, 221, 488, 39, 115, 249, 560, 41, 112, 315 Steward 112 (Server .45)




  8. Well done to James 560 for winning the final and top scoring.



    Heat 1:172,112,238,236,315,305,205,954,400,17

    Heat 2:92,39,560,41,495,46,774,87,33,210

    Heat 3:87,172,221,249,112,887,305,210,41,176,419,237,718

    Heat 4:560,238,236,92,315,39,495,17,46,954,205,31,45,774


    Consi 1:210,176,33,17,45,31,237




    GN 1:87,92,236,39,249,205,315,210,17,237,33,954

    GN 2:41,172,112,305,46,887,560,238,900,31




    46pts 560 James

    41pts 112 TomD

    37pts 39 Leek

    34pts 172 spikejnr

    28pts 92 Hoggy

    27pts 41 Drumbstick

    26pts 315 mike

    24pts 238 Kane

    23pts 87 Robin

    23pts 236 DanSkin

    16pts 33 jakie

    16pts 495 Lew

    16pts 305 jakiejnr

    13pts 249 stoxjack

    13pts 46 Nezza

    10pts 887 Bullyboy

    9pts 205 pistol

    8pts 221 spike

    7pts 210 skegtomp

    6pts 17 aza

    4pts 954 samwit

    4pts 774 Leech

    2pts 400 dippy

    1pts 31 Si

    1pts 176 GaryN

    1pts 237 rickyjames

    0pts 45 Stox Signs

    0pts 240 mikeykidd

    0pts 18 martynR

    0pts 419 Fburhenne

    0pts 550 Lars




    Tonights replays can be found here.









  9. post-7086-1333392780.jpg


    Hello All.


    Welcome to the sheffield shale for another World Qualifyer


    There will be 5 heats tongiht each driver gettign 2 heats each and there will be 2 Gns




    Heat 1: 400, 718, 954, 31, 172, 205, 176, 210, 17, 238, 249, 305, 550, 112, 236, 315, , (Server .48) Stew 176

    Heat 2: 45, 240, 33, 419, 495, 92, 221, 237, 39, 87, 560, 774, 887, 41, 46, , , (Server .45) Stew 41

    Heat 3: 240, 718, 33, 172, 419, 176, 210, 221, 237, 87, 249, 305, 550, 887, 41, 112, , (Server .48) Stew 176

    Heat 4: 45, 400, 954, 31, 205, 495, 92, 17, 39, 238, 560, 774, 46, 236, 315, , , (Server .45) Stew 236



    Top 18 points socrers straight to the final with another 6 from the consolation

  10. Thanks to everyone who raced tonight.



    Heat 1:313,774,41,236,921,46,641,560,164,39,115,79,112,31,221,488,220,165 DNF954,277

    Heat 2:41,313,112,31,46,560,488,921,79,641,115,774,220,221, DNF236,277,165,39

    Heat 3:313,921,560,46,774,277,41,112,115,221,4888,954,79,31,641,236,164,220 DNF 39,165

    Final: 115,31,921,236,112,46,641,79,41,560,39,488,774,954,221,164,313 DNF220,277

    gn:41,31,313,236,46,641,112,115,560,79,488,954,277,164,221 DNF774,39,921


    313: 37

    41: 36

    31: 34

    46: 34

    921: 34

    115: 31

    236: 28

    112: 27

    560: 20

    641: 18

    774: 15

    79: 9

    277: 5

    488: 4

    164: 2

    39: 1

    221: 1

    220: 0

    165: 0

    954: 0

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