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About erik

  • Birthday 26/09/1990

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  • Location
    Peterhead, NE Scotland
  • Interests
    Football, Stock Car Racing, Classic Cars.

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  1. Hi there murphy-111 here Thought i might show that i am good for something and compilied together a skinpainting tut! Helpful for the newbies and i will tell you all the secrets tips tool etc! Also where to get your copies of (Legal Demos) Adobe Photoshop. Painting the Chassis And Adding Lettering. Below is the 7 screenshots which should help you! [attachmentid=19035] [attachmentid=19036] [attachmentid=19037] [attachmentid=19038] [attachmentid=19039] [attachmentid=19040] [attachmentid=19041] Now for the easiest part! Alot of newbies and even my myself have wondered about this, How to get white cars. [attachmentid=19042] [attachmentid=19043] [attachmentid=19044] [attachmentid=19045] [attachmentid=19046] OK so now you know the basics its up to me to tell you more! Coming soon i will tell you how to do the smartest effects to your cars ALSO a new cheats way to painting cars Adobe photoshop i available from adobe.com have a look at there products... i am not willing to post up mirror links this is the legal copys. I got my copy from the school for student discount... if you are a student see your head of year or department or art they can hook you up for cheaper the price! Thanks all Murphy-111 P.S part 2 coming soon
  2. Hi all Murphy-111 now banned, has sent me this scan of a spedeworth scotland (original) badge
  3. Could you post a pic of what it looks like in game?
  4. I think you need to exit the pits a certain way, going over to the other side then turning left and then going onto the track seems to correct this for me
  5. Thanks
  6. I had the same problem, reinstalling the track seemed to fix it Oh yeah...almost forgot, thanks to all involved in making this track
  7. All U Need 2 Do Is Click On The Damage 'Layers' And Delete Them Till Ur Left Wif The Undamaged Version. Then U Wanner Right-Click Part Ov It, Yer, & Choose 'Convert To Editable Mesh' Then Attach, And Click On The Ova Bits So Its All 1 Fing. Alfo Mcroo Had Tha Right Idear.
  8. Sorry about that lol.
  9. I've now discovered that I can do a 14.9 round Birmingham with a pad, is that any good?
  10. Thanks, I'll see what I can do
  11. Ahh another argument over nothing.... That's it really...I hadn't a setup, and that was my first time with the Birmingham track, so I'm bound to be crap lol. As for the others....I know I'm not a great driver, and I realise, now, that I should be a bit more 'gentle with the gas', but I've as much right to race as you do. I thought being 'kicked' from the server was a bit harsh tbh, and I can get round the corners now I do brake for the bends? I don't just use barriers or other cars for cornering, although they help lol. That from a weegie who never shuts up who's a weegie you little retard, don't use that [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b] for an excuse that you don't have a set up the brakes still work you seem to enjoy acting the goat, i watched your driving on view mode and you were just there for a fook about, driving flat out into bends isn't anything to do with 'setups' if you want to act like a little dick theres plenty other servers for you to play on without distrupting ours I was doing my best, I was there to race, not to 'fook about' as you so quaintly put it. Maybe braking isn't anything to do with setups...but poor handling is. Again, I never got a chance to do a setty, and that was MY FIRST TIME with the Birmingham track, so I think it's a bit harsh having a go at me over this.
  12. I'm probably just digging a hole here but.... That's it really...I hadn't a setup, and that was my first time with the Birmingham track, so I'm bound to be crap lol. As for the others....I know I'm not a great driver, and I realise, now, that I should be a bit more 'gentle with the gas', but I've as much right to race as you do. I thought being 'kicked' from the server was a bit harsh tbh, and I can get round the corners now I do brake for the bends? I don't just use barriers or other cars for cornering, although they help lol. That from a weegie who never shuts up
  13. Was good fun last night until a 'certain person' started bitching at me because I'm not an excellent driver
  14. Btw I haven't got the track...hint hint.
  15. Any chance of a booking? Might not be able to do the whole meeting, but I'd like to race if possible. Thanks
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