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Posts posted by Colley

  1. kruiz i dont know if you know but stevie wing was recently looking for to sponser a few 'grass-roots' drivers, i dont know if hes still offering was on the ftooz forum a few months back if you wanna check that out?

  2. got bored so took her out for a spin round lynn lol. My first ever action scene so be nice lol,what use think ;)


    Good attempt but heres the few constructive critiscms...


    To achieve the shaddow correctly, it should be a hard shaddow that follows the shape of the car underneath, the blur makes it look like its above the ground from a distance, If you use your line tool to mark out the shaddow outline then go into with the fill bucket you can achieve a perfect shaddow, Remember to use another layer as you may need to edit the lines slightly and or chance opacity of the shaddow, if your skillfull enough you can create a 2 tone opacity, to create the authentic shaddow look.

    It will take a while to get perspective right but once correct it should look perfect, add a small bit of blur or go back into the shaddow with the eraser to give it the final shaddow look like below. If needed for those defined shaddows change the opacity of your guideline and erase some of your guidelines, the idea is the lightest part of the shaddow shouldnt have the guidline line, as the light breaks up the shaddow.


    A tad slight dust, the front should be just above the front wheel and going backwards, while the back wheels should kick it a bit further up, as this is where the power is coming from, think of it as the more power, the more dust is picked up the less power the less dust, so hence front wheel shouldnt have too much dust coming from it at all.

  3. Unfortunately, due to weather, we are going to have cancel the Heartbreaker/John Heynes Memorial Meeting. John Sargentson had a machine in all day yesterday and managed to get the track cleared but all the pits and spectator area is under 4/5 inches of snow and ice still. And all the water, throughout the premises, is frozen so we would have no running water toilets or anything.


    We have had to make the decision early as it is not fair to you drivers and spectators to leave the decision until the last minute in the hope of the weather warming up. I hate cancelling meetings but I just feel that we have got no choice but we are going to have to run it next Sunday February 22nd with a 1:30pm start time so any drivers wishing to cancel could they please let us know.


    Once again sorry for this as I hate cancelling meetings.


    Deane Wood (Incarace/Spedeworth)


    as posted on ovalbangerchat.

  4. What sort of scale are these cars lads, the numbers mean nothing to me!


    if i remember correctly 1/32 scale means for every 32 inches on the real life car there is one inch on the model.

    32 Of the models in a line would be the same length as the real thing,32 of the models stacked up would be the same height.(and so on....)


    which dode said, 32 inchs in real life equals that of 1 inch on the real car.

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