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Everything posted by DrDoolittle

  1. i was wondering, Is there anyone that i sended this capri few years ago? I dont have the files anymore. Thnx
  2. My newest for DBL Firecracker friday:)
  3. my hearse im doing for dbl friday.. not finished yet
  4. My newest For Camso vs Pri next week
  5. any1 got 3ds of this car? thnx
  6. My newest.. Comments please:) Not the best render...
  7. Very mint leech (y) What font is that on the bonnet?
  8. As many people know, im doing a Capri MK3 but i dont have time to finish it. If someone wants to finish it pm me and ill send you the files. Got everything, template, model, damage layers, only thing i have to do is to get it in game, but i dont know how. I would like it if someone have some time and skills to get it ingame. PM Me if you want the files -Doolittle!
  9. My skin for 2nite, very simple rl skin..
  10. Not quite a skin but i played with photoshop this is my outcome Done in 10 minutes
  11. My bluey skin i made a while ago
  12. What bit didn't work, the car still coming out in the wrong place? Did you reset the Xform too? When the car was rotated in game, i moved and scaled it into another place (where the granada mk2 is in) after that, i tried it in game, and got an error I tried to collapse the edit mesh etc. but didnt work. still got the same error. What is xform? never heard about it.
  13. Hmm, tried it but didnt work... anyone else know what i can do??
  14. cant delete them from stack..:S
  15. How do you mean lol:P in the modifiers menu? just delete the edit mesh things?
  16. here you go m8 Oh wait, cant upload it, add me on msn : Soad345@hotmail.com cheers
  17. if your using a 3ds-.mod converter outside max you will get this, its just trial and error moving it around everytime, it takes forever yh im using that bcause i dont have 3ds max 3, but i moved my car to same place as granny mk2 but now i got an error in game, same as above.. how can i solve this?
  18. Ok, Got it in game now, but not quite compared with what i wanted:P
  19. Ok, Ive done the damage and im trying to get it in game now but got an error: Anyone know what im doing wrong? Do i need to attach all the objects to gether in pacecar files?
  20. yh i know i'll cover up the 2 faces but the black edges is just because theangle of the render... they are covered up:P
  21. Thnx for al the pics lads, i dont need pics any more, so dont "waste" time for posting it up:) im done with the mapping part now, just need it damaged and getting it in game.. comments please
  22. Could u pm me the temp when you found it, maybe i can use some things from it if you don't mind. Cheers
  23. Thnx, can use that bonnet:)
  24. Whats the bws mod? never heard from it.. But any1 know who made the old capri? because i can use that front from that one but i dont wanne grab it without permission.. And thnx for the ajusted pic kruiz i think i can use that:) If anyone got more pics(like bonnet,(front)) please post them
  25. Its a bit 2 dark.. but that 1 s very helpfull;)
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