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About dannybhoy

  • Birthday 25/07/1984

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  1. dannybhoy


    I installed nascar heat onto my mates laptop then downloaded the addons for ukdirt Bangers they downloaded and installed with no problems. When i click on the desktop shortcut to run bangers it comes up missing shortcut then it finds the nascarheat.exe shortcut and asks if i want to fix it delite it or cancel. If i click fix it runs nascars Delite it will delite the sortcut and cancel goes back to the desktop Can anyone tell me whats wrong? Cheers
  2. i seen the video of that mcrew great to watch he didnt even have a harness on.
  3. Didnt know about the TSB ones, who sells them? dont know if there is one but heard AP videos may have done one
  4. all my firewalls are off so its not that. Chewy thinks it may be because im on AOL Broadband but says i should ask if that may be the case.
  5. hi could someone please tell me how to set my computer up so i can host on my own server. i have looked through the forum but cant find what im looking for. Thanks Dannybhoy 111
  6. anyone seen the new bears on tour or the new stinkbridge dvds if anyone has are they any good.
  7. yep big thanks to chewy and mick
  8. anyone know if Big Hoss is still racing
  9. Happy birthday mate have a good one
  10. My brother got one today only got call of duty 2 with it looks really nice smart with wireless controllers to. what i have seen its worth it.
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