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Everything posted by swindy

  1. hi m8 long time no see been a while from back in the day :) just resigned up for ukdirt got all files and game installed ,only thing i dont get is how to join the ukdirts wreckfest dedicated server ,any help would be a appreciated



    1. LeeK39


      The UKDirt banger server only tends to get put up on a Monday night through Tuesday for bangers.  Once its up you can do it via IP or sort by ping and it should appears

  2. swindy


    Good point thanks!!
  3. swindy


    Hi all just a quick quiz,would there be any point in me starting to model some new cars tracks etc.as there no appreciation for the hours i put in doing them,just people complaining all the damm time then they got modded and messed around with so they didnt look right and free leagues banning some of them so the cars dont get used seems abit of a wast of my time. Any thoughts sensable replys please Thanks Snapper
  4. heres all my mardave banger and f1 stock for sale if anyone interested http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MARDAVE-BANGER-Brisc...=item414f3d66bb
  5. hi all here it is all fixed from tnb enjoy 3_series_bmw.zip
  6. here she is enjoy ScorpoE.zip
  7. I no lol well done shifty your best model yet
  8. Hi all the Scorpio estate it will have new damage on the not same as the loon and may well put some new rims on be out after tnb this week
  9. Here she is ... mk1transit.zip
  10. Hi all i found this in the back of me shop gathering dust so thought id use it tonight its abit crispy now like ,i,ll post it up later if anyone wants it
  11. Here it is car file and temp enjoy Scorpio.zip
  12. Yer good point ryano ,and good feed back lads i,ll put on the exact same physics as the mk2 loon ,one more question grill or no grill? i cant make my mind up which looks better lol
  13. hi all just want your opinion on how fast to make it would you say its same as a mk2 or slower?
  14. Hi all ive made the Ford Scorpio aka fog eyed granny .still got bits to do will be out on t.n.b this week with the est aswell Thanks snapper
  15. swindy

    New Crown

    HHmm just payed jolt fee XTX im back ,Team V baby.....trash dhd plonk .dont no if they race now loool if they do we will get them:)
  16. swindy

    New Crown

    Here she is enjoy ,Don't for get to say thanks Thanks Snapper crownS.zip
  17. swindy

    New Crown

    Thanks callum
  18. swindy

    New Crown

    Hi all Ive made a new crown loon it will not replace the old one ,if its all ok after TNB tonight i,ll post car file and temp Thanks Snapper
  19. swindy

    Rover P6

    Thanks lads for your kind replys and i live on the greenlands rough estate headbanger193 lool Thanks Snapper
  20. swindy

    Rover P6

    Enjoy p6.zip
  21. She's finished sorted the poo corner plates even put some weld on them banger fans and mapping all done and yes toward the wings rip off as they do on p6's lool ,will be out after tnb tonight Thanks Snapper
  22. Hi all heres the Rover p6 3500 ive put an engine bay and water tank and inner wings engine and box buckhead for something different be out soon Thanks Snapper
  23. Enjoy! new tin out next ..maybe st Day track or Dorver aswell..will see both in my work shop Impala.zip
  24. Here you go Enjoy omgaest.zip
  25. Hi heres the Chevy Impala based on Sparky 67 Mark Whittaker67 raced at firecracker 2007 ,thanks to Kezza#199 for the idea and template and some of the bits of modeling,still got bits to do as always lol will be out after TNB this week and vauxhall omega est will be out wensday night after WNB. Thanks to Bangerphotos.com for pictures Thanks Snapper
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