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Posts posted by MoR137

  1. Thanks for a great meeting guys.


    Really enjoyed the racing over the course of the night and it was great to trade paint with a few old enemies ;). I'm unlikely to get the time to race much this season with the baby due soon, but hopefully I can drop in for a few more odd ones - if the racing is as good as it was last night then it'll be well worth it :)


    Not had time to view the video yet, but fantastic screenshots Wardieee - a credit to the league.



  2. Great picture Matty - looks like you wasn't far away from us, we were on row C just the other side of the aisle.


    To continue to the world final theme...... I post this most years, but for the benefit of newer members, here's a video I made of the 2010 F1 World Final:



    Not sure on the shakey hand cam anymore, but it's probably the best UKDiRT F1 World Final I can remember.


    See you tonight.



  3. Well done Jake on the first Stoke F1 final win, and also to Tom for top scoring!


    I was gutted I couldn't make it last night having not finished getting my pc setup in my new house, but glad to see people are saying it was a great meeting!



  4. Great write-up Grasser! It brought back some memories - that 2004 british has always stuck with me as the first time I ever I got close to any sort of success (I think I only lead for one back straight of sheffield but at the time I was chuffed with that haha) and the 2010 british was the one where I thought I was finally going to win it only to get planted beautifully into a parked car by Dazza with about 4 laps to go. That's the best way to lose a championship haha :)


    Looking forward to it tonight - everyone is so even this year so I think it'll be a tough one!



  5. post-9-1370290801.jpg


    Hi all,


    Today it's finally time to release it, so here it is:


    >>> Stoke v1.0 <<<


    I've really enjoyed making this track, so hopefully you'll get as much enjoyment out of racing it. I hope it provides some great racing.


    Hopefully you guys can also find a slot to get the Saloons around here, as I thought they were pretty good fun :)


    Thanks to Rob Whalley for all of the photos he provided and UKSOM for testing the track with me.




  6. post-9-1370290792.jpg


    Hi all,


    Today it's finally time to release it, so here it is:


    >>> Stoke v1.0 <<<


    I've really enjoyed making this track, so hopefully you'll get as much enjoyment out of racing it. I hope it provides some great racing.


    The first meeting for the track is the F2s next Monday, with an F1 fixture to be announced by DanSkin sometime in the near future.


    Thanks to Rob Whalley for all of the photos he provided and UKSOM for testing the track with me.




  7. post-9-1370290782.jpg


    Hi all,


    Today it's finally time to release it, so here it is:


    >>> Stoke v1.0 <<<


    I've really enjoyed making this track, so hopefully you'll get as much enjoyment out of racing it. I hope it provides some great racing.


    The first meeting for the track is the F2s next Monday, with an F1 fixture to be announced by DanSkin sometime in the near future.


    Thanks to Rob Whalley for all of the photos he provided and UKSOM for testing the track with me.




  8. Thanks for the meeting Dan/Stumpy and well done Lee on the final win.


    I really enjoyed the meeting last night because for the first time in a few weeks I got lucky enough to break out rubbish at the back and experience some proper racing (cheers Marten, Dan and Dode :) ). Good hard racing through the pack, taking opportunist, tactical shots at each other rather than steaming in every bend. The final was a great race - the guys in front were 4-wide at one point! Epic stuff.


    Great to see some new names going well last night too.



  9. There's no difference between the chassis and the track also has no 'physics' differences.


    The shape and size of each track will have a baring on what sort of racing you get on it - in the case of Skegness, it's like a roundabout so racing line and setup dictates that the cars are going to be entering the bends at more of an angle than others and the lack of any notable banking isn't going to help either. Therefore, hits on the inside rear and nerf rail are always more common than other tracks. The open kerb also makes you particularly susceptible to this. The 'roundabout' nature also means that people are generally carrying more speed into the bends compared to those tracks where there is a more distinguished need to brake and turn-in.


    If I've got somebody behind who I suspect might try a shot like that, I find there's a knack to judging the way you enter a corner at Skegness to ensure you don't become susceptible - it's not the fast way around but it's faster than facing the wrong way :)



  10. Well done Dan on the Final win and top scoring, and thanks to you and the stewards for running the meeting - it was extremely slick!


    I enjoyed the meeting last night - sheffield always produces unique racing. I was a bit disapointed with the GN because I'd had a reasonable start but a blip in concentration meant I broke a wheel on the inner tyres, so I had to retire. The best race of the night for me was Heat 8 with Sije, where we both had a tough start and it looked to be one of those races where everybody was messing about for 15th place, but we made a break and then spent the rest of the race making progress into the points whilst making oppotunitist moves and hits on each other when we could but never wasting each others time with messing about for no reason. 'Change yer tune MoR'.... i know, but that's a proper race not this 'last-bend/every-bend' for 18th place like we sometimes get! :thumbup:


    Looking forward to next week :)



  11. Thanks for a good meeting Dan, Hooty, Stumpy, Dode and Drumb. Well done to Dan for top scoring and Spike for taking the final win.


    It was a night of ups and downs for me really, but the racing was generally good. It was the usual first meeting of the season really, learning who is who, who you can trust to pass, who to put that little bit wider etc. I must say sorry to Marten who I accidently spun out last bend of the GN after making a mess of a last bend attempt.... sorry mate!


    See you all next week.



  12. Wow, thanks for the kind comments guys, much appreciated :) Dead chuffed!


    Loving the skin FT!


    Weirdly was just reading the "Sound & the fury" book on F1's yesterday and the FWJ cars of the nineties had that rapid orange livery, very much a retro vibe you have there MoR.


    Yeah, to be honest, I've always wanted to do a Rapid Orange car and try it almost every season but never quite settle on it. I've always had a thing for the red and black FWJ car too, particularly the the lintern downtube car painted that way, so again, it's a colour scheme I usually try and then bin (albeit without the silver chassis!). This year it just seemed to come together though!


    Thanks again all, much appreciated :)

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