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Found 6 results

  1. Congratulations to the 2020 Dutch champion DanSkin 236 and also for top scoring. Well done to all winners and thanks for the steward assistance Leek and DanSkin. Results: Heat 1: 217 57 606 299 48 100 238 39 8 145 783 780 84 278 38 344 Heat 2: 346 777 143 293 107 229 527 889 468 51 173 324 261 628 37 492 Heat 3: 236 691 215 204 112 20 68 589 484 454 881 56 125 415 467 Heat 4: 238 777 346 100 112 606 39 589 215 20 780 51 324 278 467 Heat 5: 107 145 783 691 217 527 484 37 468 492 169 344 125 56 261 38 Heat 6: 48 57 204 229 293 236 84 889 8 299 454 628 68 173 881 Heat 7: 346 238 39 299 145 783 215 125 217 112 628 780 173 261 484 324 467 Heat 8: 107 691 777 889 527 229 8 293 68 278 51 100 57 56 492 Heat 9: 236 48 606 468 37 84 20 143 344 454 204 589 38 169 881 Heat 10: 39 889 299 468 107 51 589 84 125 293 68 37 344 38 Heat 11: 238 229 143 484 346 527 777 145 492 215 783 628 467 173 324 278 Heat 12: 57 691 204 606 8 236 48 100 217 20 169 454 780 261 112 Heat 13: 238 299 145 39 777 20 48 143 37 68 780 467 278 169 173 125 Heat 14: 346 527 57 484 215 454 51 229 468 107 628 217 324 261 Heat 15: 236 691 8 889 606 293 783 100 589 84 344 204 38 492 B-Final: 20 217 454 169 37 467 628 344 51 589 780 278 173 84 38 A-Final: 236 229 889 777 39 299 691 57 143 238 527 107 293 606 100 48 484 8 215 783 204 346 468 145 Points: 90 pts 236 DanSkin 74 pts 229 Tsjalle 71 pts 777 HGR 69 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 63 pts 691 Jakeeey 62 pts 39 LeeK 57 pts 299 Burnsy 51 pts 57 LittleTheo 48 pts 238 Kane_M 44 pts 346 CrashleyEngland 34 pts 606 Stannie 33 pts 48 Tinman 33 pts 107 Evnos 32 pts 143 Cammy 29 pts 217 noud colbers 29 pts 527 fast track 27 pts 145 SKint 26 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 23 pts 204 minitom 22 pts 293 Badeend 22 pts 8 Tosh 21 pts 215 hitman scooby 20 pts 484 Jack Ward 20 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 18 pts 100 Tomdavison 17 pts 37 Trez 17 pts 783 d_dickson 15 pts 454 Frans 13 pts 589 Stijneman 13 pts 84 Timm 13 pts 112 Tom D 12 pts 51 Peet Gommans 7 pts 68 Prodriftersx 7 pts 169 oneeyedgunner 5 pts 344 LukeJW 5 pts 467 SanderrH 5 pts 125 ASHNFFC 4 pts 628 Stwarm 3 pts 492 mastermealing 1 pts 278 SennaClaes 0 pts 38 JonathonRobert 0 pts 56 Camiel Bouwman 0 pts 173 NINJAVENOM 0 pts 261 AlexJacko 0 pts 324 thacks 0 pts 881 Drisco Kid 0 pts 415 EgbertDHL 0 pts 780 TREBLE C The replays are here! Messers 175 Karlhawkins 477 Tylerscotty 711 JoshWels
  2. Tonight meeting is be running 5 sets of heats and 2 Finals with no Grand national. Please make sure you are in 5 heats each. Everyone to discord for 8:20pm please. Start Time 8:30pm Heat 1: 38, 169, 217, 278, 344, 606, 48, 145, 780, 57, 100, 299, 783, 8, 39, 84, 238, - server 1 Steward ( 39 ) Heat 2: 173, 261, 293, 324, 477, 628, 51, 107, 492, 37, 346, 527, 777, 143, 889, 229, 468, - server 2 Steward ( 527 ) Heat 3: 56, 68, 175, 467, 711, 881, 215, 415, 125, 204, 454, 589, 20, 112, 484, 236, 691, - server 3 Steward ( 236) Heat 4: 278, 324, 467, 477, 606, 711, 51, 215, 780, 100, 346, 589, 777, 20, 39, 112, 238, - server 1 Steward ( 39 ) Heat 5: 38, 56, 169, 217, 261, 344, 107, 145, 492, 37, 125, 527, 783, 143, 484, 468, 691, - server 2 Steward ( 527 ) Heat 6: 68, 173, 175, 293, 628, 881, 48, 415, 57, 204, 299, 454, 8, 84, 889, 229, 236, - server 3 Steward ( 236) Heat 7: 173, 217, 261, 324, 467, 628, 145, 215, 780, 125, 299, 346, 783, 39, 112, 484, 238, - server 1 Steward ( 39 ) Heat 8: 56, 68, 175, 278, 293, 477, 51, 107, 415, 57, 100, 527, 777, 8, 889, 229, 691 - server 2 Steward ( 527 ) Heat 9: 38, 169, 344, 606, 711, 881, 48, 492, 37, 204, 454, 589, 20, 84, 143, 236, 468, - server 3 Steward ( 236) Heat 10: 38, 68, 293, 344, 477, 881, 51, 107, 415, 37, 125, 299, 589, 39, 84, 889, 468, - server 1 Steward ( 39 ) Heat 11: 56, 173, 278, 324, 467, 628, 145, 215, 492, 346, 527, 777, 783, 143, 484, 229, 238, - server 2 Steward ( 527 ) Heat 12: 169, 175, 217, 261, 606, 711, 48, 780, 57, 100, 204, 454, 8, 20, 112, 236, 691, - server 3 Steward ( 236) Heat 13: 68, 169, 173, 278, 467, 477, 48, 145, 780, 37, 125, 299, 777, 20, 39, 143, 238, - server 1 Steward ( 39 ) Heat 14: 217, 261, 324, 628, 711, 881, 51, 107, 215, 57, 346, 454, 527, 112, 484, 229, 468, - server 2 Steward ( 527 ) Heat 15: 38, 56, 175, 293, 344, 606, 415, 492, 100, 204, 589, 783, 8, 84, 889, 236, 691, - server 3 Steward ( 236) Dutch Championship Final: BFinal:
  3. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Bookings will only be accepted from the driver wishing to book in, no third party bookings will be accepted. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
  4. Congratulations to Rutger 131 for winning the Dutch Championship and top scoring, Also well done to all race winners. Results: Heat 1: 527 48 888 128 976 211 145 500 417 244 381 601 83 359 628 783 Heat 2: 691 504 131 39 468 20 212 8 622 57 777 221 79 200 127 Heat 3: 48 622 20 527 212 57 244 500 221 976 79 145 83 417 127 Heat 4: 211 504 777 691 39 8 131 888 128 783 468 359 381 628 200 Heat 5: 504 527 888 57 212 48 500 8 128 783 145 20 381 127 468 628 Heat 6: 131 777 622 244 221 976 39 691 79 211 417 83 200 359 Heat 7: 504 527 8 48 622 57 783 20 221 145 131 976 359 83 127 200 Heat 8: 128 888 691 79 211 777 212 39 244 381 417 500 628 468 Heat 9: 128 211 221 527 888 976 48 20 145 468 212 244 628 127 200 Heat 10: 131 691 622 777 500 8 504 417 57 39 381 83 783 79 359 A-Final: 131 777 888 691 527 128 244 57 39 20 48 976 8 145 417 381 783 212 504 468 622 79 221 211 Points: 82 pts 131 rutger 74 pts 888 Ellis_Rogers 74 pts 777 HGR 72 pts 527 fast track 72 pts 691 Jakeeey 56 pts 128 Hinsie 42 pts 504 charlie boast 35 pts 48 Tinman 35 pts 57 LittleTheo 34 pts 244 Toff 33 pts 622 Johandehaan 31 pts 211 EmielDeJong 31 pts 39 LeeK 24 pts 20 MilanSonnemans 24 pts 8 Tosh 20 pts 212 Pedz 18 pts 221 Spike 17 pts 976 Rik 16 pts 500 Allstar 9 pts 79 weeryan 7 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 7 pts 145 SKint 6 pts 783 d_dickson 5 pts 417 Klaasydelourens 1 pts 381 kevhardbord 0 pts 83 BenS 0 pts 127 TheTrainBanger 0 pts 200 FinnRobinson 0 pts 628 Stwarm 0 pts 359 Connor Benstead 0 pts 601 devon usher The replays are here! Messer 341 BryanLee
  5. Heat 1: 83, 128, 417, 628, 341, 359, 783, 976, 48, 381, 500, 601, 888, 211, 244, 527, 145 server 1 34297(steward 527 ) Heat 2: 127, 200, 366, 622, 79, 212, 468, 504, 20, 131, 221, 8, 57, 777, 691, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Heat 3: 83, 127, 366, 417, 622, 79, 212, 976, 20, 48, 221, 500, 57, 244, 527, 145 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 4: 128, 200, 628, 341, 359, 468, 504, 783, 131, 381, 601, 888, 8, 211, 777, 691, 39server 2-34298(steward 39 ) Heat 5: 127, 128, 622, 628, 212, 381, 468, 504, 783, 20, 48, 500, 888, 8, 57, 527, 145 server 1 - 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 6: 83, 200, 366, 417, 79, 341, 359, 976, 131, 221, 601, 211, 244, 691, 777, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Heat 7: 83, 127, 200, 366, 622, 359, 504, 783, 976, 20, 48, 131, 221, 8, 57, 527, 145 server 1- 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 8: 128, 417, 628, 79, 212, 341, 468, 381, 500, 601, 888, 211, 244, 777, 691, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Heat 9: 127, 128, 200, 366, 628, 212, 468, 976, 20, 48, 221, 888, 211, 244, 527, 145 server 1- 34297 ( steward 527 ) Heat 10: 83, 417, 622, 79, 341, 359, 504, 783, 131, 381, 500, 601, 8, 57, 777, 691, 39 server 2 - 34298 ( steward 39 ) Dutch Championship Final:
  6. Late bookings and cancellations in here please folks. Please state your: Name: Number: Grade:  Bookings will close at 7.30PM!
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