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I am sorry to inform you all of the sad passing of Mike Hook today


For those of you who dont know he is the promotor of Standlake Arena.


I have known Mike for many years(spent first 11 months of me life living on his farm)

And it has come as a great great shock.


I would like to offer my support to all his family and just to say how much he will be missed.

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I didnt no the man in person but ive heard a few things about him over the years,

even so it is a great shame to loose anyone who has put effort in to making the sport we no as 'BANGERS' better over the years.




and R.I.P Mike.

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Guest Trash

Very sad news. RIP Mike.


Was a true character on the commentary...my favourites will live with me forever....


"Safe journey home and don't beat your kids"


"In they all go....whack, whack, whack"


"If anyone finds the milk jug from the burger van please can they return it"


And when a Mk2 Cav lost his back axle....."What a silly boy, he should have roped it in"


Thanks Mike.

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Very sad news. RIP Mike.


Was a true character on the commentary...my favourites will live with me forever....


"Safe journey home and don't beat your kids"


"In they all go....whack, whack, whack"


"If anyone finds the milk jug from the burger van please can they return it"


And when a Mk2 Cav lost his back axle....."What a silly boy, he should have roped it in"


Thanks Mike.

Dont beat your kids was the funiest one, in a close 2nd was "enough to make a cat laugh!" true legend will be missed by everyone.

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