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Not another Raceway closing for Re-development ???? :banghead2:

According to the Spedeworth`s web site ;

"There will be no more racing at Matchams due to the landowners closure of the site".

This follows a previous move of the Ringwood Speed Week End to Swaffham Raceway.

So looks like I won`t be off there on Bank Holiday Monday for the 20x20 Banger Team Racing

+ Caravans DD .



Will we ever see racing on the site again??????


Doom & Gloom from Biffo

  Biffo said:


Not another Raceway closing for Re-development ???? :banghead2:

According to the Spedeworth`s web site ;

"There will be no more racing at Matchams due to the landowners closure of the site".


More clues to the mystery :coffee:


This time last year Matchams Park Leisure, as I think the site is somethimes known, announced via various Bike Mag`s, Web sites, etc. That the Motocross course had been re-built to hold the 2005 Motocross GP.

This event drew a crowd of 33,000 to the Isle of Wight in 2004 .

The course was generally praised by the Media and not being a Motocross follower, I can only conclude that it was a great success.

At the same time Spedeworth took over running the Oval stadium and so more racing, more cars,and more spectators.




How about our old enemy, the local residents who constantly complain about the increased noise to the local council. :3:


East Dorest Council have had granted an interim injunction against Matchams Motocross World Ltd

restricting the use of the site with various restrictions on race dates and practice days.

For instance; only allowing 3 meetings between May 30th and August 31st 2006.

Any breaches of the order could result in fines, imprisonment or assets being seized.

This, I suppose, must have knock on effects on the landowners and it would seem, anyone who would put on an event that could be deemed as causing "Noise" on the site ??? :banghead2:


Oh Pants! - What a difference a year makes - I think they`ve spoilt my day / month / year


If it was a football stadium, I bet it wouldn't get the restrictions placed on it. :thumbs_down:

It's always sad to lose a track, specially as it's very rare to get a new one opening.


My dad phoned me up yesterday and told me about this. We are both very sad to see the track go as he had allot of good racing there -_-


Here here to Ringwood Raceway, Matchams :2: for all the great racing!

  • 3 weeks later...
  Biffo said:



Will we ever see racing on the site again??????



:unsure: Well, found out a bit more on the Ringwood saga.

According to the Bournemouth Echo, the present landowners, which are Eaglebeam Ltd, have closed the entire site because of a dispute over payments with a middleman tenant who leases out plots around the site.

As well as Motocross and the oval racing they have paint balling, go-karting, clay pigeon shooting and a car boot sale, so dispite having paid for the leases nobody can now get onto the site .

Reopening say Eaglebeam, will depend on a new lease being signed by a new tennant (middleman?).

Deane Wood of Spedeworth is supposed to have told the Echo, although unable to comment he maybe prepared to return if the problems are resolved.


So here`s the quick summing up;

1 - Eaglebeam owns all of the land.

2 - East Dorest Council have just slapped noise restrictions on the site.

3 - The owner of the Motocross has said he would consider buying the whole site if there were no dispute.

4 - Eaglebeam have now thrown all of the tenents off of the site.

5 - We would assume that Eaglebeam are no longer getting any revenue from the site.

6 - Spedeworth have just walked away saying very little.


Either they`re not bothered about losing the Stadium or maybe they know more than they claim ?

The Echo say that Eaglebeam are considering their future on the site and there is a fear that the Development Company are to lodge a planning application to build houses on the site.


Only time will tell on that one - but it doesn`t sound good.


Regards Biffo


Posted (edited)

About the noise restrictions, recently at Spedeworth's Arlington stadium they had to finish by 10:30 pm due to noise restrictions, i think this is total crap, there arn't many people living near by as its in the country side, the stadium has been there since the 60's, so the people living near by are either 1. Stupid for moving into the areas without doing some local research and finding out about the track or 2. Lived along side the track for over 40 years and so why start complaining now?


Its only noise for god sake, everyone has noise problems, for me during the Summer i hear Seaguls shouting their heads off outside on the roofs at 4am and 11 pm!

As much as i want to shoot them i can't, so i just put up with it. And Seaguls are no good to anyone, but people can get real pleasure and enjoyment out of racing. So its not that bad to live near the stadium.

Edited by Rikard

I couldn't agree more Rikard, unfortunately the people that decide on these noise rules aren't usually seen at motor racing events and so don't give a stuff about forcing a stadium to close. Having said that our local pubs and even community centres are all having to install those stupid cut out things, so if the noise goes over a whisper the electric cuts off, the worlds gone mad. It'll soon be illegal to have fun :banghead2:

Don't even get me started on the human rights issue :rofl:


Its only noise for god sake, everyone has noise problems, for me during the Summer i hear Seaguls shouting their heads off outside on the roofs at 4am and 11 pm!



:shrug: I guess the idea of live and let live has gone these days , you`d think locals could put up with a couple of hours of cars running round a track given they`ve got silencers fitted and lets face it most races don`t last more than five minutes anyway!

Of course there are certain folk who don`t help things by parking across peoples driveways and I`ve even heard of people parking on someone`s driveway. (Oops)

Round hear at the week-end all you can hear in the garden are all the lawn mowers going plus screaming kids but they can`t ban them.


:rolleyes: Still I hear a rumour that East Dorset Council have now imposed a noise restriction on all the Seagulls in the Bournemouth area after 9 pm and to cut down on pollution they`re going to get them to fly upside down!



  Biffo said:


:rolleyes: Still I hear a rumour that East Dorset Council have now imposed a noise restriction on all the Seagulls in the Bournemouth area after 9 pm and to cut down on pollution they`re going to get them to fly upside down!




:rofl: You should be on telly m8 :rofl:


very sad to hear this as there isnt much in the way of racing down our way. I know the speedway in Plymouth has very tight restrictions placed on it after complaints about noise from the local moaning minnies. The fact that it's underneath the A38 seems to have escaped their attention :banghead2: . Lets hope they build an asylum seekers camp on ringwood and see how the locals like that eh :oops:


Most of the old codgers cant even hear their bloody phone ring or a knock at the door, when they're sat in their cosy little sitting rooms eating scones and watching Bargain Hunt or Songs of Praise, let alone a few cars on the track half a mile away.


It's probably more likely though the younger 'newly-wed' couples who are complaining, and have just moved into the area. The husband probably gets upset after a 'hard graft' on a Sunday, when he's stopped mowing his lawn and trimming his bush, and he can hear the distant sound of a few Hot Rods and the like, entertaining the hundreds of people and young kids who pay there hard earned wages each week to go and watch.


As the crow flies I live about 1.5 miles from the Buxton track, only time I can hear the racing at all, well in the distance, is when the BriSCA boys are on (yeah I know I should be there!) and that's only if the winds blowing in the right direction.


What do all these people want?? To live in constant silence!!


It's such a shame about silly Health & Safety laws, Insurance rules, Environmental Health issue, EEC rules, Local Councils, Greedy Leasing Land owners, etc, etc. as if keeping a track running for year after year wasn't hard enough. It just seem inevitable that any track within 1000 yards of housing is going to close eventually. So enjoy them while you can!


We live about 9 miles away from what used to be the old Newton Abbot race track, and because of the location of Newton Abbot in the Teign valley, we used to be able to hear the racing as if it was just around the corner, providing the wind was blowing in the right direction. It used to be 'kin excellent! :thumbup:


The problem is that people just dont think when they buy new properties/move and they expect that the lives of those around them must fit in with the way that they want to live their boring, sedate, retired, waiting to die lives. And the problem is far worse now because of the way that people will complain about any and every thing these days.


Our works is located on our towns Industrial estate, or ' business park' as all the posh tits that have moved into the area like to call it.

We used to get frequent telephone call from these posh, soon to be pushing up daisy, morons complaining and asking us if we could make less noise whilst we use our large gang saw to cut stone slabs and blocks! This is bearing in mind that this type of business has been operating on this very same site since 1965, and before any of the ruddy houses where built in the area.

In the end we got so fed up with complaints from the living dead across the road, that we contacted the local council ( who had also recieved the same amount of complaints as us), who then in turn wrote back to these posh, doddery old penis heads, and politely told them that if they wanted less noise, then prehaps they should not have bought properties situated next to an area that was of industrial use. :banghead2:





This is why i fear for wimbledon stadium... beind in the capital it is surrounded by houses. Its not liek other tracks were its in a filed, take bovingdon for example


As a few of you have said, it just takes one moany little !"£$%^&* to kick up a fuss and the rest of the residents jump on the bandwagon and start complaining


Its only once a week at the most... and it last for about 6 hours, in 5 minutes blocks, i mean what is so bad, there will be about 1 hour n 20 mins at the most of solid noise...people need to get a life to be honest

  • 4 weeks later...

:shrug: Good News Maybe ?

Read on the Spedeworth Forum that they are in talks with the landowners who are now in charge of the whole site at Ringwood.

Well thats it at the moment, but sounds promising, and that was from Deane Wood himself.




  joshy1 said:

not involving any names but i have heard ringwood is going to be open very shortly


:unsure: Latest rumour is Spedeworth are after a 3 year deal , maybe back by 28th October.

We`ll just wait and see...?



  Biffo said:

:shrug: Good News Maybe ?

Read on the Spedeworth Forum that they are in talks with the landowners who are now in charge of the whole site at Ringwood.

Well thats it at the moment, but sounds promising, and that was from Deane Wood himself.



Looks like Spedeworth got the deal sorted `cos Ringwood is back into their fixture list for 2006.

Starting 28th October

then 4th Nov, 11th, 17th, 26th,

then 26th Dec (Boxing Day) also New Years Day

:thumbs_up: Phew , have to make a point of going now .



  • 2 weeks later...



The words of Victor Meldrew just about sums it all up .....

After the supposed deal Spedeworth announce their back at Ringwood, now someone has posted to Ovalchat that they are now promoting at Ringwood calling themselves Trojan International (who?)

They are running under the guise of Matchams (south Coast) Ltd....

....meanwhile Spedeworth are advertising they`re really having the next meeting on 28th October at Ringwood.

Anyone have the foggiest whats going on now :unsure:

I`m sure all will become clear in the fullness of time .


Regards Biffo


From what I remember, Trojan where/are a bunch of messers, promising various meetings at several different tracks, but nowt became of it.

If they have taken over it, that probably spells the end for oval racing there as we have come to know it. :sick03:

Posted (edited)
  mcrew said:

From what I remember, Trojan where/are a bunch of messers, promising various meetings at several different tracks, but nowt became of it.

If they have taken over it, that probably spells the end for oval racing there as we have come to know it. :sick03:


Yea indeed Trojan appears to be good at promissing it all and delivering nothing, already let people down on apposed driffting session at ringwood and not even comfirmed he has taken site lease over, what a joke.


Trojan has apparently been in talks with old site leaser that rumour had got kicked out of place back in august when he got behind on rent amongst things.


Even more concerning is fact Deane has apparently talked at least one person at Eaglebeam who own the site, trying to find out truth of the story and they never even heard of Trojan :rofl:


More twist and turns than average soap story line.


I hope ringwood get back on its feet but can't see many drivers being to keen to attend any meeting in short while when they hardly know whats going on with the place week in week out.


Views and Opinions in this post are just this and shouldn't be taken for fact in anyway or form and thus liabless.

Edited by Splodge

Someones just posted on Ovalshat that Spedeworth have put a stop on any Spedeworth meetings at Ringwood for this year! :o

Can Trojan realy have their foot in the door at Matchams? :banghead2:


:coffee: Just makes you wonder what sorting out a three year deal entails .

Do you actually sign any contract or is business like this just done on a "nod and a wink" leading to some slight misunderstanding later ???



As much as I love Ringwood, I really feel Deane should just keep away, something just aint right down there!!


Deane's (and Spedeworths) money would be better spent on actually purchasing their 'own' track somewhere rather than just leasing. :shrug:



Deane Wood has now announced on the Spedeworth site that they are not now racing at Ringwood due to Trojan promising the owners a far better deal.

Furthermore anyone found racing there will face an ORC ban.

Maybe Trojan and Eaglebeam deserve each other.


  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
  The London Allstar said:

yer they have been


quite a nubmer of drivers have been banned from racing at spedeworth aswell...


Where did you read who has been banned allstar ?


I doubt anything will happen to be honest.


Btw Kevin thats a quality site, cheers for plug :thumbup:

Edited by Splodge

its wrong for orc to ban drivers for attending non orc tracks. So long as those drivers comply with orc regs when racing orc tracks its none of orcs business what those drivers do elsewhere. Ringwood should sue orc for anti-competitive practise. I notice orc haven't extended the ban to the fee paying public!



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