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Chevy Disconnecting Problem


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Chevy has asked me to post this. He has been having problems connecting to servers, he keeps getting chucked out. Tonight however, i think we were granted with a possible clue to what the problem is. Chevy was in chat under the name 'chevy11' when another name appeared called 'chevy11-7'. Shortly after chevy11 disapeared and then did chevy11-7. After this Chevy was able to reconnect. This happened multiple times over the night, i saw it three times in the last number each time was increasing...... i saw chevy11-7, chevy11-12 and chevy11-14.


Not sure if this is a clue to his problem as this is the first time this double name thing has happened. I don't know anything about stuff like this, but my head says that there could be some sort of conflict with ip address bits n bobs when two exact copies are in there, so it is spitting him out?


Hope you lot can help him.


Cheers MoR


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thanx mor for posting this i have been on the phone to ntl and they say there is no problem my end so i contacted jolt via email and they said they are not aware of any problem but the guy seems to think that there might be a problem with the game regarding my connection ANY IDEAS? but ive not a problem for 2/3 years then all of a sudden this starts happining.

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thanx mor for posting this i have been on the phone to ntl and they say there is no problem my end so i contacted jolt via email and they said they are not aware of any problem but the guy seems to think that there might be a problem with the game regarding my connection ANY IDEAS? but ive not a problem for 2/3 years then all of a sudden this starts happining.


Oddly enough......I spent some time over the weekend trying to assist GazJ and grant set a network up in their house (currently on NTL connection). Originally we'd had problems with the PCs seeing the router and had to do a DNSflush on both machines, which appeared to be due to the the fact that the PCs held the connection IPs for NTL in a cache... the flush cleared that cache out and helped with both machines (Gaz also mentioned that connection to the internet appeared to be responding quicker after this was done).

Do the following to DNSflush;


open a command prompt (dos window) - if yr on xp go 'start>all programs>accessories>command prompt


type in ipconfig /dnsflush (note theres a space before the /)


it should say 'done' after a short period (a second or two) and that'll be the cache cleared....then try Jolt again and see if you're getting connection on your own name or a 11-7, 11-8 or whatever 'copy' (in any event, the DNSflush shouldn't harm anything....we found it on an NTL help forum looking for DNS addresses and it was mentioned as part of the 'things you'll need to do anyway' kinda stuff).

Is it a single machine or a home network? is your NTL a cable connection or just ADSL?


let us know please, best wishes ....... Wrighty


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I am having the same sort of problem.


Last year before we moved house, we had NTL and everything was fine. When we moved, NTL told us we couldnt have their internet anymore but we could have Freedom instead, so we now have that. Over the last few weeks, the Internet keeps disconnecting mainly when in game, mIRC chat or sometimes whenever it feels like it. Could I try the DNSflush thingy with Freedom? :shrug:

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