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NASCAR Heat 2???


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Found this on www.score.does.it - Anyone know anything???  shrug.gif


Nascar Heat 2 2005-04-01 17:54:51

S.C.O.R.E. is proud to announce that a sequel to the very popular sim Nascar Heat is in the works, and the creators of the original sim is about to take up the fight with ISI, SimBin and First-Racing. Spokesman for the team behind this new sim said "We're about to create a true multi-purpose sim racing platform witch can be turned into almost anything you like".

It was also leaked that almost the entire crew from the original MGI bunch had signed up for this project. Release date is yet to be set but expect a demo out some time late 20005.

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Hoping its true too, can't think of a better sounding future for ukdirt other than NASCAR heat 2. Sounds a long way off, but i think we can still get 2006 at least out of the current game!


Cheers MoR


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