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Today see's us at the tricky snowke track after our easter break.

We seem also to be getting more interest in the series so it could mean a couple of new faces appl.gif

Wrighty still leads the way with counter hot on his heels and myself and lee fighting it out for third spot in all titles.

It is along way from over and could still see a few changes in the tables with the addition of new drivers and Aussie still getting better each week scared15.gif


So today could be interesting.


If you would like some fun on a saturday racing rods and lch join us in mirc securechat 1 at 2:45......................Its free to race so what ya got to loose?


Cya all there............Mr JOKER175 MBE  2.gif

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if i ever get a bloody saturday off i will join in the fun-hopefully be able to get close enough to counter to hit him in this league rather than the twooz!  5.gif

hoping to be off next saturday but off to nir at about 5 to make it for the 6pm start-what times do u normally finish?

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042.gif  Hi Kendo, be great to see you in rods and US Legends next saturday.


We usually get finished around 4ish, plenty time to get off to local racing. Always managed to make it to Cowdie in plenty of time. thumbs_up.gif


It would have to be a "nudge, nudge" here though as both are non-contact  5.gif 

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