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Render Tool ?


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Has anyone got or know of a freeware version that would be ok for a beginner hopefully going to start doing renders when i study CAD in graph comminication :2:


if you just want a free programme for 3d try z-modeller, its decent considering its free.......probably better for its 3d than its rendering but you cant render it if you can't draw it first yeah?


good luck, best wishes .......... Wrighty


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Has anyone got or know of a freeware version that would be ok for a beginner hopefully going to start doing renders when i study CAD in graph comminication :2:


if you just want a free programme for 3d try z-modeller, its decent considering its free.......probably better for its 3d than its rendering but you cant render it if you can't draw it first yeah?


good luck, best wishes .......... Wrighty


well i have been using macromedia fireworks 8 for some pilot cars i think i have made some nice cars but , its taking a longer time using fireworks 8. i'll be studying CAD in school soon so it shouldnt be that hard i dont think. cheerz for the reply :thumbup:


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