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Terry Coke update


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Sorry to hear about Terry`s plight.

Amazing it`s not been noted by the media at all.

Whats wrong with News editors cant they have more than one story in Ipswich a time.

Surely this should be National News as it has implications for us all being the N.H.S.


Especially when you realise all the complete TOSH! (for want of a better word) they waste time printing.

Regards Biffo


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Unfortunately that just emphasizes what an absolute mess this country is in, we've gone from practically rulling the world, to being the biggest bunch of spineless softies there is, we need a government that will be tough and do whats best for this country not whats best for others, a government that sorts out the state of this country before it tries to sort out others. If things don't change soon, I can see there being some sort of civil uprising.



Ok I'll get off of my soapbox!


It's absolutely sick that Terry should have to fund the opereration himself, maybe Uk-Dirt could hold a pay per race Banger meeting for him, with all the money going to help him pay?

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I wonder if he would have been treated the same if he was in a minority group :shrug:


If it happened to a Muslim like that it would have been Global news :rofl:


The NHS needs to sort itself out fast, after all we all pay our hard earned TAX's that run it.



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Unfortunately that just emphasizes what an absolute mess this country is in, we've gone from practically rulling the world, to being the biggest bunch of spineless softies there is, we need a government that will be tough and do whats best for this country not whats best for others, a government that sorts out the state of this country before it tries to sort out others. If things don't change soon, I can see there being some sort of civil uprising.


It's absolutely sick that Terry should have to fund the opereration himself


I agree with that. The government should be doing whats best for us, and sorting our own country out before trying to assist others. They should be shot. Blair might be able to loosley describe himself as a Scotsman, but he doesn't act like one.


Its a disgrace that the driver in question should have to fund the operation. Thats almost like the idea of selling medical treatment which takes place in America. I could understand this if he was, for example an alcoholic who needed a new liver, but this guy, from what I have read, has ended up in this situation through no fault of his own. Hope he gets his operation soon :thumbup:

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Eric,that statement you made about Blair is utter nonsense,were talking about a guy here who pays his tax so should be entitled to the best medical care there is,regardless of which part of the nation he comes from,but as said earler on this thread,if you are a foriegner over here then you get everything on a plate,its time more people stood up,but if we did we`d be called racist.



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Unfortuantly this did happen in ipswich but its certainly not a local problem here , this is happening all over the country if your british , hard working , pay your taxes and keep your nose clean then you expect to be crapped on from a great height and as for the news editors in this area unfortunatly there has only been one story around here for the last month and you can bet this was kept quiet by the NHS so it wasnt reported anywhere but i would certainly like to see more of this story being brought up around here , so a few words in the right ears and you never know it might just make the papers yet



Edited by aussie427
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I'd be more than happy to help raise funds for the man.


The man has a lot of balls. In this sort of situation, it's not about the money....it's about the well being, and the one thing he would have wanted was to spend christmas with his family.


If anyone is thinking of helping him out financially, let me know....i'm sure everyone over here can reduce the money he has to repay....afterall, how many of us can't cope with a the flu?!


All the best.

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There are always complaints about the lack of water, the lack of land to build on




do the government let imigrants into the country, when we have our own problems... i would much rather see all the homeless people in london given council flats than a bunch of bosnians for example. In all honesty this country has/ and is going even further down the pan. People of my age will have NO pention, living to an old age in my eyes right now will be pointless.


Before long (not many people will like me saying this) but political parties such as the BNP will get seats in parliment and possibly become our government


Tony blair has done some good things..but in other ares he really needs to buck up his ideas (that goes for all of labour)

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As far as I am concerned this situation is disgraceful, refusing to pay for the mans operation on the NHS which is what we pay our taxes for is nothing short of an absolute joke. Considering our money goes to paying for foreigners operations and health care when they fall ill in our country. It might just be me but do we not have to pay for health threatment when we go abroad??





ps. Get Well Soon Terry, we'll all be thinking of you.

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Sitting watching T.V. tonight when ITV tonight came on.

News stories are aired and they ask for anyone to contact itv with anything Newsworthy we know of.

So I e-mailed them as follows;


Dear Sirs,

Following your request for worthy News stories I thought I`d contact you with this very unsatisfactory item.

On Sunday 3rd December at Foxhall Raceway, Ipswich, Suffolk (yes thats the same place the media has been swarming over recently for Headline News) a charity "Banger Race" was held to raise money for local Charities .

During this event a driver named Terry Coke was injured and taken to the local Ipswich Hospital and admitted to Martlesham Ward.

His injuries included;smashed pelvic bone, damaged ball joint at the top of his leg and two broken ribs.

He spent two weeks there being told they were waiting for a bed in the Oxford Hospital which would do the operation.

However the truth of the situation appears to be that both Hospitals refused to fund any operation, Ipswich because he was not a resident and Oxford because the accident didn`t happen in Oxfordshire. Therefore no operation would be carried out within another 5 - 6 weeks.

Terry Cokes wife phoned the surgeon and was told if they could pay £10,000 he could do the operation privately, almost immediately!

Terry and his wife in had to borrow the money from his employer to pay the surgeon..

Last I heard he was being moved to Oxford for the surgery.

This story was found on www.spedeworth.co.uk/news/

reported by them because the media didn`t seem interested.

The man sets out to help raise money for local charities and ends up desperate , injured, and in owing a large sum of money!

Everyone I`ve spoken to since reading it has been appalled and somewhat angry at the mans plight yet nothing has appeared in the media as far as I know ?

I`m amazed .

Yours faithfully



It may not do any good but you never know.............otherwise its back to... :banghead2:

Regards Biffo


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There are always complaints about the lack of water, the lack of land to build on




do the government let imigrants into the country, when we have our own problems... i would much rather see all the homeless people in london given council flats than a bunch of bosnians for example. In all honesty this country has/ and is going even further down the pan. People of my age will have NO pention, living to an old age in my eyes right now will be pointless.


Before long (not many people will like me saying this) but political parties such as the BNP will get seats in parliment and possibly become our government


Tony blair has done some good things..but in other ares he really needs to buck up his ideas (that goes for all of labour)



You may not be liked for saying it m8 but ill vote for them and i know atleast 15 of my work mates who would to if this is the only way to get our voice heard . p.s still nothing on the local news about terry

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:unsure: Well we got a reply.




Lets hope we`ve not heard the last of it.


Regards Biffo


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