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Newtongrange stock rod results


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HT1 418 175 57 836 148 475 12 132 (244 DNF)

HT2 175 418 12 57 836 132 244 148 (475 DNF)

HT3 418 175 12 836 148 57 132 244 (475 DNF)

HT4 418 175 12 836 148 57 244 132 (475 DNF)

HT5 175 418 12 836 57 132 148 (244/475 DNF)

HT6 418 836 175 148 57 475 132 244 (12 DNF)


FINAL 418 175 836 132 148 244 57 (12/475 DNF)




418 114

175 100

836 71

57 54

148 52

132 47

12 45

244 30

475 12


Well done to all who raced with all in 9 cars per heat it did get frantic on the first corner but nothing that wont be all sorted come the start of the season

excellent racing from RS and JOKER tonite who swept the board and could well be the two superstars come the start of the season in feb . Remember

this is a fun mod and will remain so on track retaliation will not be tollerated ( big brother bit over ) see you in two weeks at brum

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