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Connecting to Jolt...


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Finally got the new PC up and running with UKdirt and it runs perfectly offline.


I cant connect to Jolt though :011:


Not matter which Jolt I try to connect to it says Hostname Found and then hangs. Music continues playing and I have to CTRl+ALT+DEL out.


I do have a dual core PC but I have set the affinity to just CPU 0 as recommended elsewhere.


Any suggestions as to cause and resolution gratefully received!


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02.38.218: ======================================================================

02.38.218: Jul 5 2004 16:20:40 N W32 M6 R senor_b

02.38.218: ======================================================================

02.38.218: mem: p/s/t t/a 2046M/1457M 3938M/3463M 2047M/2023M

02.38.218: JoyBegin

02.38.234: Joystick 0: "XBOX to USB converter"

02.38.234: joy 0: create_joystick

02.38.234: joy: created 0 as "XBOX to USB converter"

02.38.234: joy 0: turned off deadzone

02.38.234: joy 0: Created x-effect

02.38.234: joy 0: created y effect

02.38.234: joy 0: created spring effect

02.38.234: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

02.38.234: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

02.38.234: mod: trying mod "ukdirtf1"...02.38.234: mod.cfg found ok.

02.38.234: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtf1\

02.38.234: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

02.38.609: ddraw: created directdraw with ati2dvag.dll (Radeon X1600 Series )

02.38.609: ddraw: version

02.38.921: vid: 64 meg card (reported:502.554626)

02.38.921: vid: using AGP textures (257), total: 64

02.39.062: vid: triple buffer on

02.39.062: texture: supports compressed solid texture

02.39.171: mr: 3D performance: 2194 MPix/sec, 21522 KTris/sec

02.39.171: mr: fill rate is AWESOME, poly rate is AWESOME, machine speed is 0

02.39.234: bink(intro.bik): open failed (Error opening file.)

02.39.250: using sound mixer Sound

02.39.421: Using user driver file

02.43.750: socket: QVE Type was 4

03.28.265: socket: send( fails! (0x2741)

03.28.843: win32: unfocused!

03.37.968: win32: focused!

03.37.968: lost surface on lock!

03.38.093: socket: send( fails! (0x2741)

03.39.593: socket: send( fails! (0x2741)

03.41.093: socket: send( fails! (0x2741)

03.42.671: lost surface on lock!

03.42.671: dx: Restore: DDERR_WRONGMODE

03.42.671: dx: Restore: DDERR_WRONGMODE

03.42.671: socket: send( fails! (0x2741)

03.42.671: win32: unfocused!

10.57.750: win32: focused!

10.57.750: lost surface on lock!

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