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BMW E30 3ds and PSD Files


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i'm satisfied that i've finished the model so go to my website www.pazza.cjb.net and go to the downloads page. it should work, tell me if it doesn't. there's the psd and 3ds, so you can paint a skin and render, but i'm having trouble getting it in the game, without getting errors in heat. could someone please either help me to make the .car file, or attempt to make it themselves using the 3ds file?

cheers & enjoy


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erik's had a go as well with similar results

heres the error log



45.00.010: =================================================================

45.00.010: Sep 6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R senor_b

45.00.010: =====================================================================

45.00.010: mem: p/s/t t/a 246M/57M 770M/335M 2047M/2023M

45.00.250: JoyBegin

45.00.260: Joystick 0: "USB 2-Axis 8-Button Gamepad"

45.00.260: joy 0: create_joystick

45.00.260: joy: created 0 as "USB 2-Axis 8-Button Gamepad"

45.00.260: joy 0: turned off deadzone

45.00.260: joy 0: x-effect unsupported

45.00.260: data directory: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\Data\

45.00.260: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

45.00.260: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

45.00.260: mod: trying mod "ukdirtbangers"...45.00.260: mod.cfg found ok.

45.00.260: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\

45.00.260: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

45.08.903: ddraw: created directdraw with ialmrnt5.dll (Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Chipset Family)

45.08.903: ddraw: version

45.17.766: vid: 64 meg card (reported:121.222656)

45.18.867: vid: triple buffer on

45.20.349: texture: supports compressed solid texture

45.21.471: mr: 3D performance: 119 MPix/sec, 4215 KTris/sec

45.21.471: mr: fill rate is OK, poly rate is AWESOME, machine speed is 1396

45.26.078: using sound mixer Sound

45.35.281: Using user driver file

45.43.082: name = *Bristol_UK_R.trk/trkshot.img, image = 27a2774

46.03.742: unloading ui: 62.1 MB

46.03.842: unloaded ui: 62.3 MB

46.05.895: loaded race: 76.1 MB

46.06.436: ghost: Loading trackline *Bristol_UK_R.trk/Bristol_UK_R.gcf (Moz_55) [15.486990 sec]

46.06.476: world: vertex damage

46.06.476: setting driving video mode = 3

46.11.593: vid: triple buffer on

46.12.925: bpp: Track track.bpp should be rebuilt "release"

46.12.925: records: using actual track length: 400.000000 m

46.13.195: skill_range_fudge!

46.13.676: Warning: using default pit stall, which is inappropriate.

46.17.431: paintjobs: ~Pazza Dolo.tex does not exist

46.17.471: paintjobs: ~Pazza Angl.tex does not exist

46.17.512: paintjobs: ~Pazza Limo.tex does not exist

46.17.512: paintjobs: ~pacecar.tex does not exist

46.17.582: paintjobs: ~Pazza Gran.tex does not exist

46.17.642: paintjobs: ~Pazza Gran.tex does not exist

46.17.642: paintjobs: ~Pazza West.tex does not exist

46.17.642: paintjobs: ~Pazza Cort.tex does not exist

46.17.642: paintjobs: ~Pazza Trum.tex does not exist

46.17.642: paintjobs: ~Pazza Astr.tex does not exist

46.17.682: paintjobs: ~Pazza Sier.tex does not exist

46.17.692: paintjobs: ~Pazza Wolz.tex does not exist

46.17.692: paintjobs: ~Pazza Robi.tex does not exist

46.17.692: paintjobs: ~Pazza Mari.tex does not exist

46.17.692: paintjobs: ~Pazza Nova.tex does not exist

46.17.692: paintjobs: ~Pazza.tex does not exist

46.17.782: paintjobs: ~Pazza Dolo.tex does not exist

46.17.812: paintjobs: ~Pazza Angl.tex does not exist

46.17.852: paintjobs: ~Pazza Limo.tex does not exist

46.17.902: paintjobs: ~pacecar.tex does not exist

46.17.952: paintjobs: ~Pazza Gran.tex does not exist

46.17.992: paintjobs: ~Pazza Gran.tex does not exist

46.18.032: paintjobs: ~Pazza West.tex does not exist

46.18.122: paintjobs: ~Pazza Cort.tex does not exist

46.18.172: paintjobs: ~Pazza Trum.tex does not exist

46.18.213: paintjobs: ~Pazza Astr.tex does not exist

46.18.253: paintjobs: ~Pazza Sier.tex does not exist

46.18.303: paintjobs: ~Pazza Wolz.tex does not exist

46.18.343: paintjobs: ~Pazza Robi.tex does not exist

46.18.383: paintjobs: ~Pazza Mari.tex does not exist

46.18.433: paintjobs: ~Pazza Nova.tex does not exist

46.18.483: paintjobs: ~Pazza.tex does not exist

46.18.483: res: ResourceGet("SIERRA1.tex") not found, returning NULL!

46.18.483: res: ResourceGet("BMW E30.tex") not found, returning NULL!

46.18.483: res: ResourceGet("WELLER.tex") not found, returning NULL!

46.18.483: res: ResourceGet("ãããããããããããããããããããããããã") not found, returning NULL!

46.18.663: except: dec: exe 6b06c38

46.18.663: ============================================================


46.18.663: NON-DEBUG

46.18.663: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler )

46.18.663: ( E3E3E3E3 , EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00475304, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004750F1, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00474FD6, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00474A1E, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0048C75A, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0041D5C3, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0041D687, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0047A715, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004924F3, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004898EC, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0041D5C3, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0041D31C, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00489F59, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00487639, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004872ED, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004135B7, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004F33F1, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0047A5A5, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00485F49, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0048592D, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00485A08, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0040D4ED, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004B2BF5, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004E9EC9, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00496537, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 00496014, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0041EBC3, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0041E992, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004B37CA, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004B299A, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 004A955C, call-stack , ? )

46.18.663: ( 0043004F, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00412102, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E7D0F, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0041290F, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004EBC41, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004EBC25, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004EBC0F, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004EB86E, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E7D62, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0041F16D, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0041F192, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E7D62, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0041F11D, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E9EC9, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0041C6F3, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0041C6AD, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0041D5C3, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E7EF9, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E7DC2, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00499035, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00498830, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00496CB8, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 0049672E, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004012BE, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004A942A, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004011E5, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 00413F27, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: ( 004E81E0, call-stack , ? )

46.18.673: MemException: Task "<main>" read from location 0xe3e3e3e3

46.18.673: ============================================================


any ideas?

i think it might be a problem with the 3ds model because half way through production, it worked fine, but after adding bits like bonnet bolts, it stopped working in the game. :shrug:

any help much appreciated to pass the last hurdle! :2:


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right, here's my guess lol. Make sure you map the car in max with you're tga called xxx1.tga (xxx being the exact name of you're .car file) Then convert the xxx1.tga to carxxx.tex (xxx being whatever number you wish). It looks as though it isn't finding the tyre etc though. Have you tried just putting the model in an existing .car file like the granny to just see if it works?




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i'll give that a go sparky cheers

that's top notch Nick!

how did you manage to make the model all one object without losing the mapping? i can't expect you to merge it all everytime i make a model in the future!


so far i've go it in the game, but its just plain red, with no mapping, so i'm using sparky's suggestion now


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i did that, selecting the middle of the 3 options, but it re-arranged all the mapping :shrug:

i selected the drivers side and attached it to the passenger side, but both sides became incorrectly mapped

why did i not get the same results as you?

cheers :thumbs_up:


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:coffee: wahooooooooooooooooooo! :king:

got it mapped & in the game

only things to do now are:

- add damage :shrug:

- shorten the wheelbase slightly

- change the default wheels :shrug:

then i think its done!



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:coffee: wahooooooooooooooooooo! :king:

got it mapped & in the game

only things to do now are:

- add damage :shrug:

- shorten the wheelbase slightly

- change the default wheels :shrug:

then i think its done!



nice m8

but where is the driver.....

Edited by Haadee#525
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:coffee: wahooooooooooooooooooo! :king:

got it mapped & in the game

only things to do now are:

- add damage :shrug:

- shorten the wheelbase slightly

- change the default wheels :shrug:

then i think its done!



nice m8

but where is the driver.....

Gone for a burger


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add that to the list!


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does anyone know how to add a driver or change the default wheels?

(fbf going to teach me damage) :2:




Edited by pazza
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