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The proof that Americans are stupid


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It must be our heritage... :king:


No offence (the title).


someone didnt realise there are americans registered on the forum. MUPPET :blink:


Someone's only here on his (mum's) giro..MUPPET!

Edited by erik
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It must be our heritage... :king:


No offence (the title).


someone didnt realise there are americans registered on the forum. MUPPET :blink:


Someone's only here on his (mum's) giro..MUPPET!


someone here hasnt payed ukdirt membership ever, and is never likely too.. just sit there spamming the forum. words canot describe you d'eric. well seen as though most words that can, are banned on the forum

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Not only do Americans read this forum but other members have connections as well.


My wife is an American female...so by some pre-pubescant tweed jacket wearing classic car buff's reckoning, she is stupid. Thanks for the analogy.



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It must be our heritage... :king:


No offence (the title).


someone didnt realise there are americans registered on the forum. MUPPET :blink:


Someone's only here on his (mum's) giro..MUPPET!


someone here hasnt payed ukdirt membership ever, and is never likely too.. just sit there spamming the forum. words canot describe you d'eric. well seen as though most words that can, are banned on the forum


I did pay my UKDirt membership in December/January, and I'm gonna pay to renew you've had that one.


My wife is an American female...so by some pre-pubescant tweed jacket wearing classic car buff's reckoning, she is stupid. Thanks for the analogy.


By the reckoning of some English idiot who can't spell, I'm a pre-pubescent, tweed-jacked-wearing, classic car buff. Thanks for that analogy. You probably don't know what women's suffrage is either, although you do take part in it.

Edited by erik
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It must be our heritage... :king:


No offence (the title).


someone didnt realise there are americans registered on the forum. MUPPET :blink:


Someone's only here on his (mum's) giro..MUPPET!


someone here hasnt payed ukdirt membership ever, and is never likely too.. just sit there spamming the forum. words canot describe you d'eric. well seen as though most words that can, are banned on the forum


I did pay my UKDirt membership in December/January, and I'm gonna pay to renew you've had that one.


My wife is an American female...so by some pre-pubescant tweed jacket wearing classic car buff's reckoning, she is stupid. Thanks for the analogy.


By the reckoning of some English idiot who can't spell, I'm a pre-pubescent, tweed-jacked-wearing, classic car buff. Thanks for that analogy. You probably don't know what women's suffrage is either, although you do take part in it.



Cant sum1 shut this lad up or ban him :3: I think this topic should be closed before it goes any further.


There are Children on this Forum - (and i dont Mean just Erik)... :banghead2:

Edited by martwisely
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Erik, had you typed the same thread title about some other countries then it would be deemed racist.


It can only be classed as racist if it isn't true. I'm sick of everything being branded "racist" or "politically incorrect". Lighten up.


Also, in my last post, I was only giving as good as I got (as you have so often advised).

Edited by erik
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This is silly, whats wrong with calling Americans stupid? weather they are or not theres nothing wrong with saying it, its only a joke. They all think we are posh, pompus twats anyway :rofl: (you only have to watch American TV programs to see that)


When your 5 years old and someone calls you stupid you cry and tell your mum, but when your a full grown man and somone calls you stupid, you shouldn't take offence and get upset, especially when its from a kid! :rofl:

Edited by Rikard
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My comment was directed at that all us stupid Americans came over from Europe to start with :) Eric I wasnt offended by the video, and actually found it quite funny. Its not they are stupid, just ignorant to what the word actually meant. Since you all are posh twats, I figured Id help you all out... :042:



1 a: destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence


Now everyone leave Eric alone, he is just ignorant about American females, well probably females in general... There I used it in a sentence to help you all out... :thumbup:



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My comment was directed at that all us stupid Americans came over from Europe to start with :) Eric I wasnt offended by the video, and actually found it quite funny. Its not they are stupid, just ignorant to what the word actually meant. Since you all are posh twats, I figured Id help you all out... :042:



1 a: destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence


Now everyone leave Eric alone, he is just ignorant about American females, well probably females in general... There I used it in a sentence to help you all out... :thumbup:


Thanks for that. I might be ignorant of females in some respects, but given my less than good looks, its hardly surprising. However, before anyone says it, I'm not gay. Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.


Also, I thought most of the "pilgrims" to America came from England originally?

Edited by erik
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Eriks paid his jolt? Ffs, who allowed that? Probably an American :scared15:


Who said that? Probably a Frenchman...they're worse than the Yanks :scared15:

:o without the frenches there would be no nudist beach's or hairy under-armed girls,, or better yet..there would be no renult 4

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Eriks paid his jolt? Ffs, who allowed that? Probably an American :scared15:


Who said that? Probably a Frenchman...they're worse than the Yanks :scared15:

:o without the frenches there would be no nudist beach's or hairy under-armed girls,, or better yet..there would be no renult 4

Lmao sash you are different arnt you.

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i'll vote and guess what it'll be Yes :coffee:



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