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How do i increase the poly rate?


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Nascar heat runs fine on my computer, but now i've put it on my brother's computer. when we race on a private server, the max no. of AI cars is 8, so a total of 10 cars in the race. the problem is my bruv's comp takes ages to load, whereas mine is fine.

i'm pretty sure this is down to the poly rate. He is running Win 98 with 433kHz. Heat says the poly rate is 'LAME' at 1025 KTris/sec. How do i increase this poly rate so he can get more cars in the game. Are there any other options i can change to increase the no. of cars on track?


any help much appreciated :thumbs_up:


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Until I dismantled my really old comp ...pentium 200 mmx...on windows 98se with just 64 mb ram that ran fine until maxed out with cars when the graphics refresh rate got slowed a bit. That had a 32 mb graphics card. So that is probably what you need to sort. Our other older comp on xp now ..but was on 98se is a pentium3 with 500 meg and 128 ram..and both with a 16mb or 32 mb graphics cards could handle a full track without any noticeable problems. Obviously newer more powerful comps can run at higher resolution and much smoother. I would think your problems are more likely to be an old graphics card/chip that lacks the power needed...or something slowing your computer up badly ..eg adware/spyware/needing a defrag etc

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cheers m8 :thumbs_up:

i think he's got a 64mb graphics card

i'll do some scans on it (adaware, spybot, etc) & a defrag

the comp is quite old (about 8 years old) so we have to leave the defrag overnight :rofl:

cheers again


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You should do a defreg every month or there abouts.. lol


thats what i thought, but the hard drive on my brothers comp broke just after a defrag, so i think too many defrags may wear out the hard drive. :shrug:

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does the hard drive have errors on it that prevents the defrag from finishing properly as i have known a few cases of 98se gaving similar problems...and hence as they cant be defragged then they end up running slower than they should. You certainly shouldnt be getting a lame poly rate with a 64mb card.. check the graphics drivers..as they may be the official ones..but often later drivers cause loss of proper function on early cards. It may be worth rolling back to a much older driver to get the graphics performing how they should.

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cheers m8

i knew something was wrong

turned out it was coz vertex damage was one

i copied the whole of nascar heat + ukdirtbangers from my machine, so it kept the vertex damage

turned it off + it runs happily with 43 cars!! :thumbup:

cheers m8 glad its sorted :2:


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