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With my BMW E30, i'm trying to alter the camber on the rear wheels, by changing the line in the physics, but it makes no difference in the game :banghead2:

in the game, the camber is still -1.8, 1.8

is there something else i need to change or is it just not possible?

i know is says -10 camber, but this was just to show it clearly if it worked ;)


table Chassis

cm_height 1.0

cp_height 18.0

cp_long 51.0

drag 0.30

front_lift -0.025

frontal_area 19.0

fspoiler_drag .075, 0.06

fspoiler_lift -.31, -.36

ftrack 54.0

fuel_capacity 22.0

fuel_gauge 123,199

fuel_gauge1 0 103,215

fuel_gauge2 3 95,199

fuel_gauge3 6 107,177

fuel_gauge4 12 149,190

fuel_gauge5 20 144,214

head_pitch 0.0

head_pos 13.5, 45, -3

height 51.0

lat_drag .90

mass 4800

model_offset 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

mx 44000

my 44000

mz 6000

oil_pressure_gauge 52,132

oil_pressure_gauge1 0 30,149

oil_pressure_gauge2 20 26,132

oil_pressure_gauge3 60 62,108

oil_pressure_gauge4 100 73,149

oil_temp_gauge 137,133

oil_temp_gauge1 0 117,149

oil_temp_gauge2 140 115,146

oil_temp_gauge3 180 111,129

oil_temp_gauge4 200 117,117

oil_temp_gauge5 240 147,108

oil_temp_gauge6 260 158,150

rear_lift 0.1

rspoiler_angle 40.0, 70.0

rspoiler_drag .038, .080

rspoiler_lift -.19, -.40

rtrack 54.0

shifter_throw 10.0, 15.0, 0.0

tachometer 65, 64

tachometer1 0000 21,93

tachometer2 3000 26,28

tachometer3 5000 65,10

tachometer4 8000 114,46

tachometer5 10000 109,89

vert_drag 2.0

volt_gauge 166,146

volt_gauge1 0 144,131

volt_gauge2 10 153,123

volt_gauge3 16 181,122

volt_gauge4 18 183,126

water_temp_gauge 80, 133

water_temp_gauge1 0 59,150

water_temp_gauge2 140 57,147

water_temp_gauge3 180 52,129

water_temp_gauge4 200 57,117

water_temp_gauge5 240 89,108

water_temp_gauge6 260 106,123

water_temp_gauge7 280 101,149

wheel_lock 0, 35.0

wheelbase 107.0

width 72.0



table BodySpeedway

cp_height 18.0

cp_long 51.0

drag 0.26

front_lift 0.0

frontal_area 19.0

fspoiler_drag .030, 0.025

fspoiler_lift -.17, -.19

lat_drag .90

rear_lift 0.1

rspoiler_drag .038, .080

rspoiler_lift -.19, -.40

vert_drag 2.0



table EngineNormal

cold_idle_speed 1500

displacement 8.0

drag .045

engine_temp 180

fuel_consumption .04

idle_speed 800

inertia 15

mass 360

oil_pressure 15, 10, 60

power_max 300

power_rpm 6500

redline 8600

sound eng1

torque_max 280

torque_rpm 4800



table EngineRestrictor

cold_idle_speed 1500

displacement 8.0

drag .045

engine_temp 180

fuel_consumption .04

idle_speed 800

inertia 15

mass 360

oil_pressure 15, 10, 60

power_max 264

power_rpm 6800

redline 8600

sound eng1

torque_max 320

torque_rpm 4500



table Transmission

clutch_rpm 400

clutch_torque 1600

cstiff 0.0

drag .0001

fstiff 0.0

inertia 5

num_gears 4

ratio 3.73

rstiff 10.0

torque_balance 1.0



table Front

anti_pitch .10

aspect 40

brake_force 0,800

bump 60,840

bump_camber -.20

bump_toe -.40

camber -1.5, -1.5

camber_grip .09

camber_peak 5

camber_stiff .05

caster 16.0

compliance_camber .60

compliance_steer .09

damage_impulse 20

diameter 20

frict_k1 1.46

frict_k2 1.25

frict_load1 800

frict_load2 2000

friction 10

long_frict 1.4

long_stiff 1.1

magic_b .714

magic_c 1.40

magic_d 1.0

magic_e -.20

mass 20

model fordalloy

moment 350

rate 200,600

rc_height 0

rebound 60,840

ref_width 305

removal_impulse 20

resistance .110

ride 5, 9

rubber_height 1.0

rubber_rate 400

solid_axle yes

stiff_c1 410

stiff_c2 633

stiff_load1 800

stiff_load2 2000

sway 0,800

tire_diameter 25

toe -4, 4

torque_steer 1.0

width 200



table Rear

anti_pitch .30

aspect 40

brake_force 0,000

bump 60,840

bump_camber -1.0

bump_toe .05

camber -10, -10

camber_grip .09

camber_peak 5

camber_stiff .05

caster 0.0

compliance_camber .01

compliance_steer .09

damage_impulse 1

diameter 20

frict_k1 1.46

frict_k2 1.25

frict_load1 800

frict_load2 2000

friction 10

long_frict 1.4

long_stiff 1.1

magic_b .714

magic_c 1.40

magic_d 1.0

magic_e -.20

mass 24

model fordalloy

moment 350

rate 200,600

rc_height 4

rebound 60,840

ref_width 305

removal_impulse 1

resistance .110

ride 5, 9

rubber_height 1.0

rubber_rate 400

solid_axle yes

stiff_c1 418.2

stiff_c2 645.7

stiff_load1 800

stiff_load2 2000

sway 0,50

tire_diameter 25

toe -.5, .5

torque_steer 0.2

width 200






any help much appreciated

cheers :thumbs_up:


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so there's nothing i can do?

a BMW E30 just doesn't look right with positive camber :unsure:


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